Google Flights Gets a Material Makeover: Here’s The New Look

Google Flights, the popular flight booking website from Google has now been revamped to fall in line with other Google services and apps. The website has been redesigned with the material UI – which has been Google’s signature look and feel across most of their services. (Check out the new website here)

Moreover, Google is also phasing out the in-search flight booking mechanism which was powered by QPX Express API, which means that users will have to head to the Google Flights website when they want to book a flight. Here’s a look at the old UI:

Old UI

When accessing the website, you will be taken to the old look of the website but a box on the right (only if you’re on Chrome) would prompt you to check out this new interface. While it is still in a beta mode, it does look pretty good. The fact that Google has it publicly accessible means that this is pretty much the final design which is likely to completely replace the old design in the next few weeks.

The older UI with its rectangular buttons and grey color scheme looks like it came straight out of the Windows XP era. However, the new UI for Google Flights is much more flashier and lively and comes with a modern design style. Here’s how the new UI looks like:

New Material UI for Google Flights

The material design style on Google Flights now brings consistency to the service when compared with other Google services. With this new design to the website, it becomes easier for users to book their tickets as the design is much simpler.

Even existing design elements such as popular destinations and the map look more attractive – thanks to the carded layout being brought here. This new look and feel of Google Flights is still in a beta phase and there’s quite some time before it rolls out officially and replaces the website. We also expect an app to arrive soon!


The post Google Flights Gets a Material Makeover: Here’s The New Look appeared first on Google Tricks Blog.

via Gtricks

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