jQuery Event ready() Method

Definition and Usage

The ready event occurs when the DOM (document object model) has been loaded, and the page

has been completely rendered (including images).

Because this event occurs after the document is ready, it is a good place to have all other jQuery

events and functions. Like in the example above.

The ready() method specifies what happens when a ready event occurs.

The ready() method can only be used on the current document, so no selector is required.

The three following syntaxes are allowed:

Syntax 1

$ ( d o c u m e n t ) . r e a d y ( f 􀁘 n c 􀁗 i o n )

Syntax 2

$ ( ) . r e a d y ( f 􀁘 n c 􀁗 i o n )

Syntax 3

$ ( f 􀁘 n c 􀁗 i o n )

Parameter Description

function Required. Specifies the function to run after the document has been loaded.

Tips and Notes

Tip: The ready() method should not be used together with <body onload="">.


Mr Wasim Akhtar


JavaScript Comments

Comments can be added to explain the JavaScript, or to make the code more readable.

Single line comments start with //.

The following example uses single line comments to explain the code:



Mr Wasim Akhtar

< 􀁖 c 􀁕 i p 􀁗 􀁗 􀁜 p e = " 􀁗 e 􀁛 􀁗 / j a 􀁙 a 􀁖 c 􀁕 i p 􀁗 " >

/ / W 􀁕 i 􀁗 e a h e a d i n g

d o c 􀁘 m e n 􀁗 . 􀁚 􀁕 i 􀁗 e ( " < h 1 > T h i 􀁖 i 􀁖 a h e a d i n g < / h 1 > " ) ;

/ / W 􀁕 i 􀁗 e 􀁗 􀁚 o p a 􀁕 a g 􀁕 a p h 􀁖 :

d o c 􀁘 m e n 􀁗 . 􀁚 􀁕 i 􀁗 e ( " < p > T h i 􀁖 i 􀁖 a p a 􀁕 a g 􀁕 a p h . < / p > " ) ;

d o c 􀁘 m e n 􀁗 . 􀁚 􀁕 i 􀁗 e ( " < p > T h i 􀁖 i 􀁖 a n o 􀁗 h e 􀁕 p a 􀁕 a g 􀁕 a p h . < / p > " ) ;

< / 􀁖 c 􀁕 i p 􀁗 >


BufferedWriter :


The BufferedWriter class is used to write text to a character-output stream, buffering characters so as to

provide for the efficient writing of single characters, arrays and strings.

The constructor of the FileWriter class takes the file name which has to be buffered by the

BufferedWriter stream. The write( ) method of BufferedWriter class is used to create the file into

specified directory.


Mr Wasim Akhtar


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  • Pause and resume file transfers. Pause copy process at any time to free up system resources and continue with a single click.
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GMail Drive creates a virtual filesystem around your Google Mail account, allowing you to use Gmail as a storage medium.

GMail Drive creates a virtual filesystem on top of your Google Gmail account and enables you to save and retrieve files stored on your Gmail account directly from inside Windows Explorer. GMail Drive literally adds a new drive to your computer under the My Computer folder, where you can create new folders, copy and drag'n'drop files to it.

Ever since Google started to offer users a Gmail e-mail account, which includes storage space of 6000 megabytes, you have had plenty of storage space but not a lot to fill it up with. With GMail Drive you can easily copy files to your Google Mail Account and retrieve them again.

When you create a new file using GMail Drive, it generates an e-mail and posts it to your account. The e-mail appears in your normal Inbox folder, and the file is attached as an e-mail attachment. GMail Drive periodically checks your mail account (using the Gmail search function) to see if new files have arrived and to rebuild the directory structures. But basically GMail Drive acts as any other hard-drive installed on your computer.

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For information about alpha and developer builds, check out the Chrome dev channel here.

Download Here

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Wasim! Akhtar wants to chat


Wasim! Akhtar wants to stay in better touch using some of Google's coolest new

If you already have Gmail or Google Talk, visit:
You'll need to click this link to be able to chat with Wasim! Akhtar.

To get Gmail - a free email account from Google with over 2,800 megabytes of
storage - and chat with Wasim! Akhtar, visit:

Gmail offers:
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- Powerful spam protection
- Built-in search for finding your messages and a helpful way of organizing
emails into "conversations"
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All this, and its yours for free. But wait, there's more! By opening a Gmail
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We're working hard to add new features and make improvements, so we might also
ask for your comments and suggestions periodically. We appreciate your help in
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The Google Team

To learn more about Gmail and Google Talk, visit:

(If clicking the URLs in this message does not work, copy and paste them into
the address bar of your browser).

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[Tips] Tweak and Customize Firefox Sidebar and Vertical Tabs Like a Pro

This article contains advanced methods and tips-n-tricks to tweak and customize the new redesigned sidebar and vertical tabs features availa...