Showing posts with label Java. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Java. Show all posts

Create Manifest File for Your Jar File

Open notepad and Save it as

And copy it and paste int your File change <Your Class name in Main function Exists> to your  main class name.<enter> is your keyboard Enter key.




Manifest-Version: 1.0

Created-By: 1.7.0-ea (Sun Microsystems Inc.)

Main-Class: <Your Class name in Main function Exists>










Manifest-Version: 1.0

Created-By: 1.7.0-ea (Sun Microsystems Inc.)

Main-Class: Login









Want to Creat Executable Jar file for your Application

Syntax :
                                jar cfm <FileName>.jar <ManifestFileName>.extension <filename.extension> <filename.extension> <filename.extension>……….

Here jar is command to create jar file.

<FileName>.jar is your jar file name.

<ManifestFileName>.extension is your ManifestFile Name.

<filename.extension> is whose filename to want to add in your jar file.

C:\jar cfm Login.jar Login.class SplaceScreen.class *.class

If you have any query about that then contact me at

Run cmd command from java


import java.util.*;

public class CmdVerJavaDemo{

BufferedReader x=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;

Runtime myrun;

Process output;

public static void main(String args[])throws IOException


(new CmdVerJavaDemo()).runCmdCommand("dir *.*");


public void runCmdCommand(String cmd)throws IOException


System.out.println("Your Cmd Command is "+cmd);


output=myrun.exec("cmd /c "+cmd);

String outStr="";

String fDate="";

String fName="";

x=new BufferedReader(new

for(int i=0;i<=100 && outStr!=null;i++)





System.out.println("File Data has null





StringTokenizer strToken=new

int countT=strToken.countTokens();









System.out.println("File Name :"+fName);

System.out.println("File Date :"+fDate);

output=myrun.exec("cmd /c md backup");

output=myrun.exec("cmd /c copy .\\*.* .\\backup");

output=myrun.exec("cmd /c md "+fDate);

fileName=new File(fName);


System.out.println("File Name :"+fName+" is Directory");



System.out.println("File Name :"+fName+" is File");

output=myrun.exec("cmd /c copy .\\"+fName+" .\\"+fDate);







What Is JavaFX

What Is JavaFX

JavaFX extends your web experience by delivering rich media and content across all the screens of your life. As users, you will be able to run JavaFX applications in a browser or drag and drop them onto the desktop. It's a seamless interface!
JavaFX is powered by Java: JavaFX extends the power of Java by allowing developers to use any Java library within JavaFX applications. This way developers can expand their capabilities in Java and make use of the revolutionary presentation technology that JavaFX provides to build engaging visual experiences.
Highlights of JavaFX:
    • Allows users to view JavaFX applications in a browser or break free of the browser by dragging and dropping the same application onto the desktop
    • Enables an efficient designer-to-developer workflow with Project Nile: designers can work in their tools of choice while collaborating with Web scripters who use the NetBeans IDE with JavaFX
    • Extends Java technology by enabling use of any Java library within a JavaFX application
    • Allows developers to integrate vector graphics, animation, audio, and video Web assets into a rich, interactive, immersive application
To learn more about JavaFX technology, visit or web sites for more information.

JavaFX extends your web experience by delivering rich media and content across all the screens of your life. As users, you will be able to run JavaFX applications in a browser or drag and drop them onto the desktop. It's a seamless interface!

JavaFX is powered by Java: JavaFX extends the power of Java by allowing developers to use any Java library within JavaFX applications. This way developers can expand their capabilities in Java and make use of the revolutionary presentation technology that JavaFX provides to build engaging visual experiences.

Highlights of JavaFX:

  • Allows users to view JavaFX applications in a browser or break free of the browser by dragging and dropping the same application onto the desktop
  • Enables an efficient designer-to-developer workflow with Project Nile: designers can work in their tools of choice while collaborating with Web scripters who use the NetBeans IDE with JavaFX
  • Extends Java technology by enabling use of any Java library within a JavaFX application
  • Allows developers to integrate vector graphics, animation, audio, and video Web assets into a rich, interactive, immersive application

To learn more about JavaFX technology, visit or web sites for more information.


Why Software Developers Choose Java

Why Software Developers Choose Java

Java has been tested, refined, extended, and proven by a dedicated community. And numbering more than 6.5 million developers, it's the largest and most active on the planet. With its versatilty, efficiency, and portability, Java has become invaluable to developers by enabling them to:

  • Write software on one platform and run it on virtually any other platform
  • Create programs to run within a Web browser and Web services
  • Develop server-side applications for online forums, stores, polls, HTML forms processing, and more
  • Combine applications or services using the Java language to create highly customized applications or services
  • Write powerful and efficient applications for mobile phones, remote processors, low-cost consumer products, and practically any other device with a digital heartbeat

How to Develop a Signed Applet

How to Develop a Signed Applet

Read/write the local machine file system using a signed applet
The information in this article helps in answering the following questions:
  • What are the tools needed to develop a signed applet?
  • How to make a test certificate using Microsoft Sign Tool?
  • How to read/write the local machine file system using a signed applet?
This article shows how to develop a signed applet using the Microsoft sign Tool.
Reading and writing file system through an applet is possible provided you have signed that applet using Microsoft Sign tool for Internet Explorer or Netscape sign tool for Netscape. The example that I showed here is just an example of how to create a test certificate. This is not recommended if you are going to publish your applet over the Web. In that case, you will have to get the certificate from Verisign or Thawte certificate for publishing. Unless the content in your applet is insecure, it may corrupt itself or corrupt other resources where it is playing.
Tools Required
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 3.0 or upgrade version
  • Microsoft Sign tool which encompasses the following EXEs and DLLs
    • makecert.exe
    • signcode.exe
    • setreg.exe
    • ChkTrust.exe
    • cert2spc.exe
    • cabarc.exe
    • javasign.dll
    • signer.dll
More Information
Part I: Java Applet Read/Write File System using Applet
Part I provides the source code for the read/write applet.
import java.applet.*;import*;import java.awt.*;import*;import java.lang.*;import java.applet.*;
public class WriteFile extends Applet
    String myFile =
    File f =
new File(myFile);
    DataOutputStream dos;
public void paint(Graphics g)
//create the output stream   
          dos =
new DataOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream
new FileOutputStream(myFile),128));
//write chars to that file       
"Cats can hypnotize you when you least expect it\n");
//flush stream to that file
"Successful attempt to write to " + myFile, 10, 10);
catch (SecurityException e)
"writeFile: caught security exception", 10, 10);
catch (IOException ioe)
"writeFile: caught i/o exception", 10, 10);

[Software Update] Google Chrome 134.0.6998.165/166 Stable Released, Here is What’s New and Fixed

UPDATE: Google Chrome 134.0.6998.165/166 stable version is available for download. Good news for Google Chrome users! Google Chrome team has...