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Avant Browser 2013 Build 22

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uTorrent 3.3 Build 29420

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This Week’s Top 5 Trending Videos

This week’s collection of the top 5 trending videos doesn’t feature a common theme, though two of them are related to the same subject. One thing is for sure though; all the videos are very enjoyable and a couple might even leave you laughing like anything. Fans of the TV series Game of Thrones would particularly enjoy the list below. So, without further ado, here are the top 5 videos trending on the internet this week.

This Week’s Top 5 Trending Videos

The Game of Thrones Theme: In the Toilet

One of the most popular shows on TV, Game of Thrones is returning to the screens in a week’s time. With anticipation at its highest, German artist DJ Flula has released a video in which he plays the main theme of the show using five horns. That’s not all though, Flula has recorded the video in one take and in a toilet. In fact, the caption of the video states 5 horns and 5 toilets. It’s an interesting take on the theme tune of a much-loved show. DJ Flula manages to show off his artistry with a touch of humor.

The Game of Thrones Theme A Capella

Ramin Djawadi’s theme for the show seems to have caught on big time as another video featuring it is trending. This one is an A Capella version recorded by a single person, like Flula’s piece. The only difference is that there is no music whatsoever. The singer uses his voice to play the tune and does a great job of it. Once again, the video is infused with humor making it a great watch.

Babe Ruth vs. Lance Armstrong

Now, this is one contest hardly anyone would have ever thought of. Perhaps the most famous baseball player of all time against a disgraced former cycling champion is a battle to behold, but what are they fighting about? This video is part of the Epic Rap Battles series of online videos in which the makers take on the roles of the former sportsmen and rap. Like all videos in the series so far, this one is also fun to watch.

2-Year Old Is a Bedtime Bandit

In a Paranormal Activity inspired video, you can see what can be described as paranormal, or rather abnormal activity. A two-year old kid is seen picking the lock of his sister’s bedroom and taking out a pillow toy. On the way back, he removes all traces of him ever having done it. Unfortunately for him, his parents had set up a camera in the hallway to capture exactly this act. This is a video which would leave you baffled and smiling at the same time.

Pack of Wolves Howls Together in Sanctuary

A video which again displays vocal talent, but in this case of a pack of wolves, is shot in a sanctuary for rescued wolves. You can see how the wolves congregate on the same spot and then start howling. This does hold some reference to Game of Thrones which ardent fans would recognize. On the whole, this video is enthralling and holds a universal appeal.

[Image via fanpop]

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How a Small Business Can Select the Right Linux OS for Desktops

With Microsoft being the leading desktop software for many generations, the introduction to Linux has been a little confusing for most businesses. Although many have tentatively peeked at Linux, more and more small businesses are deciding to adopt this new software for their desktops. However, before you head on down and pick out the first Linux model you see, here are a few ways through which small businesses can select the most suitable Linux OS that meets their needs:


Linux has various models or distributions as they are known and each one offers a distinct range of services that meet specific functions or services. The Linux Mint and the Linux Ubuntu are two of the most popular versions of Linux OS available. However, most OS’s are customizable and depending upon the need, they can either have industry specific apps or graphical interfaces. Nonetheless, keep one thing in mind. The more base apps in your Linux software package, the less time you’ll have to spend customizing it.

How a Small Business Can Select the Right Linux OS for Desktops

Business Niche

Some Linux OS’s are made with a particular industry in mind. For example: the Scientific Linux is produced by CERN and the Femi National Accelerator Laboratory. Another niche OS is the EduBuntu which is specifically designed to meet schools and classroom related programs. Owing to the diversity of the OS’s, you are sure to find one which meets your industry based demands.

Desktop Hardware

The hardware that you have at your disposal can greatly affect the choice of OS that you can choose from. If you have a less than cutting edge PC at your disposal, then you should select lightweight distros like the Xubuntu, the Puppy Linux, the Damn Small Linux, and the Bodhi etc. This ensures that your hardware does not hinder your choice of software. However, if you have the latest hardware, then more hi-tech versions like Ubuntu Linux which have touch screen features incorporated in them are the way to go.

User Skill Set

Your skills at Linux can also determine the version that you wish to get. If you and your employees have never used Linux before, and are newly switching over from Windows, then taking things slow and easy with the Linux Mint, the Ubuntu, Linux Lite, Zorin OS etc. OS’s like the Slackware and Gentoo are better suited for more advanced users of Linux.

Business Needs

Consider what kind of role software plays in your business organization if you have a business that heavily relies on the software, such as Microsoft Office. Luckily, Linux OS’s provide amazing open source equivalents of this software in their apps section. Although these are generally available in most Linux app stores, it’s good to be on the safe side and check the list of offerings on the pack.

However, before you commit, it’s good to remain on the safe side and take your selected OS for a test drive with the help of the Live USB or the Live CD. This can help you work with Linux and figure out which OS suits you best without suffering from making the wrong pick.

[Image via stacklinux]

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Linux Malware Used in Korean Cyber Attacks

Cyber attacks are getting more and more popular with each passing year. Since the advent of the internet, the digitalization of many aspects relating to various fields of the economy and business has become common. However, what was not common was the launch of specially targeted cyber attacks that could wreak havoc on their systems robbing people of their services and the inflicted company of any means of defense.

Linux Malware Used in Korea Cyber Attacks

Similarly, the recent cyber attack on South Korea left everyone stunned and pointing fingers in every direction. On Wednesday, March 21st, 2013, South Korea had to suffer through disruption and disturbances caused through a cyber attack that left four banks and three television stations unable to function properly.

The cyber attack was scrutinized by security vendors who found a certain malware called Jakra. The large range and scope of destruction of the malware surprised many security professionals when they found that the malware was capable of inflicting damage through various different measures. One of the modes it utilized was by manipulating Linux machines believed to be within a Windows threat.

The presence of the Linux malware was extremely interesting to some and was indicative of an extremely advanced attack. With cyber attacks causing people to deploy more and stricter security measures, cyber attacks are also developing to work their way through most defenses. This was evident since the Jakra contained a shell script (BASH) which attempts to erase Linux, HP-UX and other similar partitions of the Unix Systems.

Security professionals like Symantec were puzzled and commented that it was not common for them to see such a malware that could manipulate multiple operating systems. Further data has also revealed that the malware was designed expressly to deflect and break through or shutdown South Korean antivirus products made by Ahnlab and Hauri.

The malware was also analyzed and found to be able to write over the master boost records. During the cyber attack, various random components in the file systems were overwritten causing many files to be irrevocably damaged and unrecoverable even if an effort is made in order to enable the recovery of the computer’s MRB.

However, the vast codes, their range of attack and the specific functions allotted that enabled the cyber attack to happen has piqued the interest of many security measure providers and companies like McAfees, Avast and Symantec which are studying the cyber attack minutely to glean some other aspect of interest.

[Image via howtogeek]

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Autoruns 11.50

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Free Download Manager 3.9.2 build 1303

Free Download Manager? It is a powerful, easy-to-use and absolutely free download accelerator and manager. Moreover, FDM is 100% safe, open-source software distributed under GPL license.

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McAfee Labs Stinger

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Does Microsoft Have Multiple Personality Disorder?

Being able to meet customer satisfaction through customer support is one of the main reasons through which a company can garner success in the form of a loyal customer body. However, when said customers are being treated shoddily, it is more than likely that they will walk out the door with their revenue. Angering customers is such a rookie mistake for businesses that it comes as mildly surprising when more and more consumers are angered by Microsoft’s deficient customer support.

Does Microsoft Have Multiple Personality Disorder?

One Company, Various Products

More head scratching is the fact that the claims of bad customer support are not the result of the overall experience with Microsoft but is limited to certain products. For example: Some people can claim that they received amazing customer support for other products such as the Microsoft Office 365 where they were guided smoothly through the setup procedure and all other queries were dealt with as promptly as possible.

However, customers of Microsoft’s Windows 8 cannot claim to have enjoyed similar services. There have been complaints about the long procedure of getting the computer analyzed and then the occurrence of an error without any detailing of how to proceed further. Calls to the customer support helpline resulted in clients being referred to one person after another yet no one offering a suitable solution or knowing what to do.

Old Evidence

Nonetheless, disgruntled consumers can take heart in the fact that they are not being neglected in this manner for the first time. Microsoft has pulled a similar dupe on the consumer market with the launch of Xbox and its Kinect interface which was not consistently compatible with the Xbox as opposed to its marketing. Unfortunately, Kinect is not the only product that has been deficient in this way. The Zune, the Kin and the Surface are older Microsoft products which bombed out in the market due to the fact that Microsoft just lost interest.

Peeking Behind the Scenes

It is understood that with so many products and so many upgrades, new launches, soft launches etc going on, there are various wings or departments that look after these products. However, there seems to be a certain amount of lack of coordination between these departments which is becoming more and more evident. The varying points of view and the search to find a common ground often means a product is launched whose developmental points are not fine tuned or understood properly by either of the parties involved. This special mix of compromises, meeting deadlines and poor customer support often causes people to eye Microsoft apprehensively.

The Verdict

Although people have a right to be apprehensive, there is no guaranteeing that you will be taken for a ride every time you ask Microsoft to help you out. Sometimes, the stars might align and you will be able to get the proper help you require. Unfortunately, the unreliability of such a situation happening is often the reason why Microsoft comes off as having a Multiple Personality Disorder. Given the fact that they’ve received this diagnosis fairly recently owing to studying their history, let’s hope Microsoft finally takes notice and doesn’t skip on its meds anymore.

[Image via profoundideation]

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