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Project Loon Sends Google Internet Balloons Around The World
According to Google’s official blog, the Internet giant has come to an arrangement with three of the biggest mobile operators in Indonesia, to bring Google’s balloon powered Internet to the next stage of development. The move will hopefully bring the web within reach of 100 million Indonesians who currently have either limited, or no access at all to the web.
Inaccessible Terrain
Indonesia is perhaps the perfect environment for Google to put Project Loon through its paces. The Archipelago that makes up the nation has over 17,000 mountain and jungle covered individual islands. Large areas of Indonesia are also difficult to access due to poor transportation and infrastructure links. This makes it difficult to erect mobile phone towers that can communicate with each other. It also makes running fiber optic cable a difficult and expensive proposition.
Enter Project Loon:
Google unveiled it’s super pressure internet balloons back in 2013 when it tested the concept by launching over 20 of small balloons in New Zealand. While the original speed was limited to 3G speed, new kit and technological advances have been made that Google expects to offer speeds of around 10 megabits a second.
“Mike Cassidy, vice-president of Project Loon, told the BBC:
“In the early days, the balloons would last five or seven or 10 days. Now we have had balloons that have lasted as long as 187 days [and it] used to take 14 people an hour or two to launch a balloon, now with an automated crane we can launch a balloon every 15 minutes with two or three people.”
Using a balloon based system to convey Internet traffic isn’t without its own set of problems. The balloons don’t stay up on the air forever. Strong winds can blow them out of position. Air temperature is however, one of the major obstacles the technology had to overcome.
Part of the key needs for Project Loon is that the balloons have to stay at a relative altitude at all times. This is to ensure a line of sight connection with other Loon Internet balloons. While this was issue to begin with, Google says it has now remedied the issue.
The biggest advantage Project Loon has over satellite based Internet system is the comparative cheapness compared to satellites.
All around the world
One of Project Loon’s key aims is to build a continuous ring of balloons around the Earth by 2016. Mike Cassidy estimates that for this to happen they will need 300 balloons.
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New Software Mandates Put Children’s Identities At Risk
When the Lake Havasu Unified School District (Colorado) school board met recently to address the uproar over large-scale data collection of its students in grades K through 12, a statement from the board president reached heights of ignorance that aren’t often associated with privacy and data concerns. But that didn’t stop the board from voting nearly unanimously to implement a plan to use Synergy software to collect highly sensitive information on students in its district.
When asked why parents had voiced concerns over this software gathering and storing the full details of their children’s personal and academic lives, board president Jo Navaretta actually said (wait for it) that it reminded her of the paranoid and senseless panic in the 1960s over Social Security numbers.
Apparently Ms. Navaretta has never heard of the Office of Personnel Management data breach that resulted in the loss of 21.5 million people’s Social Security numbers being stolen, along with almost 5 million people’s fingerprints. Or the theft of a laptop that resulted in more than 200,000 soldiers having their Social Security numbers stolen. Maybe she’s heard of the case in which a stolen Veterans Administration laptop resulted in the loss of 26 million veterans’ Social Security numbers?
Yes… these parents are simply paranoid.
The board maintains that they might as well start gathering up all the personal information they can on underaged children because it’s part of a statewide mandate that will almost certainly include the adoption of the Synergy software. And after all, these are only kids… no one would want their identities, right?
Except, the FTC estimates of the more than one million new victims of identity theft in any given year, as many as 500,000 of them are believed to be minors. A more recent study showed the children were more likely to be victims of identity theft than their own parents, largely because their credit ratings are a blank slate and most people don’t bother to check up on children’s credit scores.
So does this mean that Synergy’s data collection and storage software is bad? Of course not, assuming effective protocols are in place and due diligence has been done. But clearly the blasé attitude expressed by the board, the air of “oh well, we have to implement it, what’s the big deal?” means they’re probably not responsible enough to oversee its implementation and to keep their network updated and secure in order to assure parents that their children’s identities are safe.
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Avira Takes Freemium.Com To Court
MUNICH, Germany (October 29, 2015)
Avira, the world renowned antivirus and anti-malware tech giant, is taking to court for allegedly “…confusing users into installing unwanted programs that can compromise users’ privacy or weaken their computer’s security.”
In a move widely being reported as the first of its kind, Avira CEO, Travis Witteveen said in a statement that it was the right time to take the anti-malware fight straight to the publishers of adware directly.
The move by Avira is the latest in a series of actions the antivirus giant has taken in recent months. As well as this new legal assault Avira have also forged relationships with other anti-malware companies, such as Lavasoft. stands accused of knowingly abusing and violating “consumers legal right to privacy and [also] using invalid contracts.”
The core thrust of Avira’s argument centres on’s wrapper, or software installation tool.
Avira have classed it as a ‘PUA,’ or Potentially Unwanted Application. Freemium’s PUA wrapper, it has been alleged, uses “social engineering tricks to make the user install other potentially unwanted applications, “and does so without the user being aware.”
Witteveen referred to Freemium’s software as hiding ‘crapware’ citing this example: “We’ve documented where a user wanting to download a single app could end up with four additional programs, two browser extensions, and a desktop link to a gaming site.”
Avira has long been at the forefront in identifying PUA’s. They think it is up to the anti-malware industry to stop the unfair business practices, which are allegedly being carried out by websites such as
As part of Avira’s case against Freemium, the company also alleges that’s user agreements veer from the unenforceable, to the right for Freemium to give virtually unlimited rights to use and sell users detail with impunity.
German Law
The fact that Avira have launched the case in Germany should come as little surprise to tech readers. Germany is famously is a global leader in privacy legislation for individuals, and any court order given against Freemium will force to it either clean up its act, or change the way it operates in other EU countries.
The Problem with Potentially Unwanted Applications
PUA’s are a real issue for consumers worldwide. Avira has analyzed more than 225 million PUA warnings in the last 7 months alone. More than 63 million warnings were for software either identical or very closely related the software wrapper.
“This lawsuit is just the latest step,” Mr Witteveen concluded. “We will continue to work at many levels to stop the flood of nuisance applications.”
At the time of publishing, had not issued a statement of their own in response to the allegations.
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US Senate Passes Controversial CISA “Surveillance Bill.”
The day before the EU Parliament chose not to enshrine Net Neutrality into European legislation, the US Senate struck their own blow to internet freedom by voting through the controversial Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act, or CISA, for short.
That the vote has passed the Senate is even more surprising when the vast array of opposition from tech companies and activists is taken into account. Even Apple, who seldom, if ever, stick their head above the metaphorical parapet, came out punching in a statement to the Washington Post before the vote.
“The trust of our customers means everything to us and we don’t believe security should come at the expense of their privacy.”
In league with Apple, were other industry heavyweights such as Google, and Twitter, who used the medium of a tweet to stake out their position on the matter:
“Security+privacy are both priorities for us and therefore we can’t support #CISA as written.”
Edward Snowden, the NSA whistleblower also weighed in on the decision as well calling the CISA vote:
“the zombie #CISA surveillance bill.”
And as we reported here the other day, when even the government agency, the Department of Homeland Security, responsible for administering the practical sides of the CISA bill when it becomes law, didn’t think it was a good idea, the question has been asked why such a controversial bill would even make it to the Senate floor in the first place.
But that said, not everyone is against the CISA bill. IBM came out in favor of the bill earlier in the year claiming CISA would help defend against cyber espionage and hackers.
One of the main issues by CISA opponents is whether the DHS can be trusted themselves to look after the data taken from companies compelled to hand over information. Even with the bill’s proponent to highlight the fact that all personally identifiable information should be stripped from the data, before being handed over, but CISA’s detractors claim that individuals could still be identified.
Senator Wyden, who passionately denounced the bill on the floor of the Senate, before the vote, has tabled an amendment calling for a more thorough set of rules for anonymizing people before any data is passed on or shared.
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Go Ahead, Jailbreak Your Car
In the US, matters of digital copyright legislation are overseen by the Library of Congress. And since the signing of the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) way back in 1998 that covers these matters, not much has changed despite massive shifts in technology and consumer tech use since then.
Now, the LOC has finally granted some exemptions to the regulations surrounding consumer and after-market use of software and hardware. In a campaign that has taken the Electronic Frontier Foundation literally years, consumers are now free from prosecution if they unlock their own mobile devices, software and games that meet certain criteria, and more.
One of the bigger wins in this instance is the allowance to tinker with the software that powers modern cars. This was a hotly contested issue for some time as automakers didn’t want mechanics or consumers seeing what was really under the hood when it came to their proprietary software. Perhaps more than the lessening of restrictions on devices and games, this single regulation change stands to have the broadest impact on both consumer safety and environmental protection. For the first time, the EFF can soundly claim that fiascoes like the Volkswagen software scandal could potentially be prevented, because independent inspectors will no longer be barred from rooting out the code.
Some of the lesser contested changes include allowing consumers to jailbreak their own phones, something that has been in the works for some time. Advocates have long argued that barring the public from taking their out-of-contract smartphones to a different carrier strips them of consumer choice, but this new exemption goes even further towards allowing consumers to use any app store and content provider they choose. Gamers will appreciate the exemption that allows them to legally jailbreak software that has been shuttered by the developer, which is especially important for games that have lost their online-playability at the developers’ hands.
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This article contains advanced methods and tips-n-tricks to tweak and customize the new redesigned sidebar and vertical tabs features availa...
UPDATE: Direct download links added for the latest Mozilla Firefox 131.0.2, 115.16.1 ESR and 128.3.1 ESR offline installers. NOTE: The downl...
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