Uber Tests Driver Behavior Tracking Software

If you’ve ever had the pleasure of riding in a taxi through metropolitan rush hour traffic, then Uber’s new driver tracking software may give you cause to smile…or at least breathe a sigh of relief. The ride-hailing service has faced harsh criticism–and has even had cities block the service due to safety concerns–over the years for everything from invasion of privacy to physical assaults by drivers, but one of the most common complaints about using the service is about driving behavior.


A new feature of Uber’s app may change all that. Launched in a testing phase today, the app that all Uber drivers rely on to pick up new fares and track their physical locations via GPS will now monitor things like slamming on the brakes, speeding, and even whether or not the driver was holding his phone while in motion. The same gyroscopic technology that lets smartphone users play a motion-based game on their phones will report back to headquarters about these issues and more.

Even more interesting is what Uber will do with that information. For now, there are no penalties or rewards based on the data, but Uber drivers will receive emailed warnings about dangerous behaviors. At the same time, Uber passengers will receive instant messages, asking them if the sensor information is correct, as in, “Is your driver using his phone right now?”

The testing phase has been rolled out in a few major cities, on about half the Uber drivers’ phones in those cities. The company will use the data and other feedback to decide what changes to make and whether or not it’s effective to implement this on a larger scale. One much-anticipated outcome would be for this to serve as proof to concerned city councils and transportation departments that Uber can be trusted to run a safe program, given that its contracted drivers aren’t actually employees and aren’t held to labor restrictions. This announcement comes on the heels of Uber’s television commercial campaign, touting the benefits of “easy money” to be made as a driver.

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EU Referendum Petition Hijacked By Bots

An online petition that went viral over the weekend calling for a second referendum in the UK to decide definitively if the country should leave the European Union, has been abused by internet trolls using automated ‘bots’ to add tens of thousands of false signatures to the poll.


The House of Commons Parliamentary Petitions committee has issued a statement saying that it is currently investigating the petition for numerous reports of fraudulent activity.

The website released the statement after it was forced to remove 77,000 signatures entered from numerous locations both from within and outside the UK – including North Korea, the Vatican City and, of all places, Antarctica.

Unsurprisingly perhaps, the bulk of the erroneous signatories that have proven to be false may have been motivated by posts on the notorious 4Chan message board, with users utilising the fact that the UK government website has no security safeguards or verification process other than an honesty checkbox.

A number of commenters claimed have used scripts to run automatic completion programmes to add numbers to the petition.

Helen Jones, chair of the petitions committee, said in a statement:

“The Government Digital Service is taking action to investigate and, where necessary, remove fraudulent signatures… People adding fraudulent signatures to this petition should know that they undermine the cause they pretend to support,”

Last Thursday, the 23 June, the UK voted 52% to 48% to leave the European Union in a move that has caused political ramifications at home and financial meltdown across markets the world over.

Prime Minister David Cameron, has announced he will resign, and Scotland, who voted to remain within the EU are already discussing if and when they will have another referendum on independence from the rest of the UK.

Thousands of signatures have been removed from the petition so far using a number of automated and manual techniques to try ensure people signing the Remain petition can be checked and validated, said a spokesman for the UK government.

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