
http://ift.tt/1NWbXyQ EagleGet is a universal download accelerator that supports HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, MMS and RTSP protocols. The application can also download video files from most popular online video websites. Helpfully, the developers have also created an extension for Google Chrome! Key Features Include: Accelerate downloads by using multi-threaded technology. D...

via FileHippo.com http://ift.tt/1beCQzU [[ We are also giving web service. Email:wasim.akh2@gmail.com]]

[SHAREit Tip] Disable Transfer Experience Improvement Program to Improve Privacy

http://ift.tt/eA8V8J "SHAREit" is one of the most popular and widely used apps for Google Android mobile phones. Although its also available for other platforms such as iOS (iPhone/iPad), Windows Phone, Windows OS and Mac OS but its mostly used by Android users. SHAREit app is basically used for sharing files, photos, music, videos, apps and other […]

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OutlookAttachView 2.94

http://ift.tt/16N4Atm OutlookAttachView is a small and lightweight utility, which scans all of your messages that are stored in Outlook and then provides you with a list of all the attached files that it locates. Key Features Include: With OutlookAttachView you can select one or more attachments and then save all of them into a desired folder. You can delete unwa...

via FileHippo.com http://ift.tt/16N4Atv [[ We are also giving web service. Email:wasim.akh2@gmail.com]]

Wise Registry Cleaner 9.23.596

http://ift.tt/1PTJqMQ Wise Registry Cleaner is a system utility that can scan the Windows Registry and locate any incorrect or obsolete information. After Wise Registry Cleaner analyzes your system for any problems, you can then individually view each item found and bring up a detailed description of the issue. If you want, you can also configure the application ...

via FileHippo.com http://ift.tt/1PTJr3a [[ We are also giving web service. Email:wasim.akh2@gmail.com]]

Download New Redesigned Yahoo! Messenger Desktop App for Windows

http://ift.tt/eA8V8J Do you remember the good ol' days when almost everyone used to chat on Yahoo! Messenger IM client. Some people also used Windows Live Messenger (WLM) but I know many people who loved Yahoo! Messenger chat client. Many of my Indian friends used to chat on Yahoo! Messenger for hours everyday. I was also a […]

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Microsoft Cuts 2,850 Staff As Windows Phone Runs Out Of Charge

So it probably came as no surprise that when Microsoft announced they were leaving the smart phone business earlier this year, that there would be job losses.

What has come as a surprise however is that the company has revealed that number of staff facing the axe is more than double the number everyone had been led to expect…

The grim news for some employees only came to light thanks to  a filing that Microsoft had to file with the US Securities and Exchange Commission in the US


“In addition to the elimination of 1,850 positions that were announced in May 2016, approximately 2,850 roles globally will be reduced during the year as an extension of the earlier plan, and these actions are expected to be completed by the end of fiscal year 2017.”

The new cuts, which were disclosed in the company’s annual report on Thursday, come on top of the 1,850 lay-offs announced in May as the company retreated even further from the phone business.

In total, Microsoft laid off 7,400 employees in its last fiscal year, which ended on June 30.

Part of the job losses reflects the Washington based tech giant’s strategic pivot toward more software and loud based services.

“The mobile-first, cloud-first world is transforming the way individuals and organizations use and interact with technology. Mobility is not focused on any one device; it is centered on the mobility of experiences that, in turn, are orchestrated by the cloud.”

Essentially it seems that rather than trying to compete with hardware in a market place where Android has 84% of the smart phone market, and Apple 15%, instead, Microsoft have decided to focus on getting users to use their apps and software on these devices rather than on their own custom hardware.

In May when the company decided to bin Windows phones, their total segment capture was less than 2 percent of the global smart phone market, and despite their latest phone offerings hitting the sweet spot between price and quality, their share of the market was falling.

Microsoft has effectively now ended all its investment of all of the Nokia mobile phone business that it acquired back in 2014 for $7.2 billion.

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via FileHippo News http://ift.tt/2ajN6tc

Explore Rio from every angle

With its beautiful beaches and breathtaking landscape, Rio de Janeiro is a city that appears on every traveler's bucket list. Now, thanks to the wonders of technology, you can now explore the "Marvellous City" and its rich cultural heritage even if you can't make the trip. We partnered with eight of Rio's top cultural institutions to create an interactive online collection of some of the city’s most famous art exhibits and landmarks on Google Arts & Culture. Bem-vindos ao Rio!

Arts, monuments and more
The collection includes 360° panoramas with Street View technology, some 3,000 images from photo archives and art exhibits, virtual reality tours with Google Cardboard and videos showcasing a new generation of Cariocas making their mark in the city's cultural landscape. From iconic monuments and spectacular views, to the history of Guanabara Bay and the majestic Theatro Municipal, these online exhibits capture Rio from every angle.

Take an interactive tour of Rio's best-known monument—the Christ the Redeemer statue perched atop Corcovado mountain—or explore its storied musical history through album covers designed by Elifas Andreato.

Bronze statue of Carlos Drummond de Andrade

Exploring Elifas' album covers through time

You can also go back in time by taking a peek at one of the richest collections of archival photographs of Rio, or tag along on a guided tour of the works of Rio-based artist and author Ziraldo, whose comics and children's books have marked the lives of generations of Brazilians.

Take a virtual reality tour with Cardboard

Mapping the whole city
A huge part of Rio’s history and culture resides in the hillside favelas that dot the landscape. In fact, one in five Rio residents live in favelas, but only 0.001 percent of the city's favelas appear on the map. That means 1.4 million people have no addresses to list on job applications or bank accounts, and aren’t able to access many economic opportunities, essential services, even basic rights as citizens. So we teamed up with local NGO Grupo Cultural AfroReggae to map the favelas. Two years later, streets and 10,000+ local businesses in 26 favelas now appear on Google Maps, thanks to "Tá no Mapa," our "On the Map" project.

The Rocinha favela before and after our mapping project

This new online collection opens its virtual doors today at g.co/riodejaneiro on Google Arts & Culture. It is available on the web on mobile, tablet and desktop, and on the Google Arts & Culture app on iOS and Android devices.

With the world’s eyes on Rio, we’re excited to give you a glimpse of all the splendor and creativity the city has to offer!


via The Official Google Blog http://ift.tt/2a9MfZ8

The Clock’s Ticking On A Free Windows 10 Upgrade

If you’re one of the many people who shunned the new Windows 10 operating system when the early negatives came out, there’s good news and bad news. The good news is you weren’t one of the ones who experienced disappointing results, but the bad news is that you’re missing out on a golden opportunity to upgrade to newly improved features for free.

windows 10 anniversary

But there’s still hope. The countdown has begun, and you have less than twenty-four hours to take the plunge and grab your free upgrade. After that, you’ll have to shell out around $120 to make the transition to the new OS. If you hurry and upgrade by July 29th, you’ll also be eligible for the new release on August 2nd.

But if you’re firmly on the fence about it, here are some things you need to know. Upgrading isn’t as simple as just clicking on one of those annoying little popups from Microsoft, kindly reminding you to join the club. You need to back up any and all important files, documents, photos, or other stored content that could get eaten in the switch. Also, be aware that the upgrade requires 3GB of space, and that your account will be charged if you still pay for internet use in data increments instead of having an unlimited plan.

If you are interested in biting the bullet and going with 10, here’s Microsoft’s own website devoted to helping you with an easy transition. There are demos videos on there, as well as instructions and ever-present “get started” buttons. If you’d rather read a few more reviews of the operating system, here’s a good selection, but remember that the clock is ticking. Miss the deadline, and it will cost you big in order to move to 10.

The post The Clock’s Ticking On A Free Windows 10 Upgrade appeared first on FileHippo News.

via FileHippo News http://ift.tt/2a4smHu

Moore’s Law Soon To Be Given Last Rites

Moore’s Law, one of the most prescient observations made about the increasing power of computer processors that has become accepted theory and practice for almost 50 years, may soon be no more.

Intel Haswell Chip Image

Intel has made great advances with the latest Haswell processor

This is the news, that barring some sort of technological breakthrough, the practical limits on improvement of copper on silicon technology (microchips) may have already reached the practical limit of what can be achieved.

According to Moore’s Law, originally published in a 1965 research paper, by none other than Intel co-founder, Gordon Moore, the number of transistors capable of being placed onto an integrated circuit board doubles every two years, and consequently it was postulated that processing power also doubles.

Although something of a hypothetical back in the sixties, the theory was soon proven to be true, sort of, or was at least close enough to the truth that now iconic piece of thinking became universally known as Moore’s law.

Experts have now predicted however that it will be nigh on impossible to shrink transistors any further by the year 2021. That is at least from an economically viable perspective. While it theoretically possible to make transistors smaller and smaller, after a certain point the costs involved become exponentially prohibitive, and also begins to involve quantum mechanics.

Moore’s law worked around the idea that the reason behind integrated circuits were and would become more powerful every 2 years or so, was because there was a demand for ever more powerful electronics. However, getting around the problems that come with working around quantum physics would probably bankrupt any company that tried to do it.

An end to the future?

No. Probably.

Because as we’ve already seen, there are always possibilities and new ways of thinking. We’ve already gotten used to the idea dual, quad, and even 20 core processors in computers, where technology and economic limits of single processors has been bypassed by getting more done with several side by side.

The next step will probably see the extension into 3D, but unlike 3D TVs, this will probably work.  Current generation processors are essentially built on a 2D plane.  The next generation may see transistors being stacked on top of each other, to break through the barrier of the end of Moore’s law.

But as always, it will be time that tells.



The post Moore’s Law Soon To Be Given Last Rites appeared first on FileHippo News.

via FileHippo News http://ift.tt/2a4sxSS

Actual Transparent Window 8.9

http://ift.tt/1Md9RvP Actual Transparent Window is a desktop enhancement tool, which renders open windows transparent either with the help of a dedicated button on the title-bar or by using a keyboard shortcut. You can set any level of transparency you like for any window you choose. You can even set the application to automatically change the transparency...

via FileHippo.com http://ift.tt/1FWnX3l [[ We are also giving web service. Email:wasim.akh2@gmail.com]]

SourceTree 1.9.6

http://ift.tt/2aeDnD0 SourceTree is a nice alternative to the git command line. It is a fast and easy way to work with Git and Mercurial, especially if you are using Git Flow and looking for free software. Managing code workflow in SourceTree is intuitive, and it can facilitate most git tasks in a logical manner. Key Features include: SSH Authentication. F...

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http://ift.tt/1KABeQt Slimjet is a fast and powerful web browser that is based on the Blink engine and is built on top of the Chromium open source project, so if you use Google chrome as your browser of choice then you will already be familiar with Slimjet. Slimjet integrates numerous powerful and convenient features to assist you in maximizing your online ...

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KOPlayer 1.3.1046

http://ift.tt/2ah6fPc KOPlayer is a solid, free Android emulator that brings a quality Android playing experience to the Windows platform. In comparison to traditional Android emulators, KOPlayer uses cutting edge kernel technology on x86 architecture, which brings with it superb advantages in performance, stability, and compatibility. With this increase in perform...

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[Software Update] Mozilla Firefox 136.0.3 Stable Released, Here is What’s New and Fixed

UPDATE: Release of Mozilla Firefox 136.0.3 stable version to public. Good news for Mozilla Firefox users! Mozilla has released Firefox 136.0...