9 Android Phone Features That You Can’t Get on iPhone

We see lots of people around us boasting about having iPhone that they’d probably have purchased at the cost of two android cellphones or even more. One can spend lavishly on their own personality along with a good phone with good looks if they don’t bother themselves buying an iPhone at the expense of their huge savings, or sometimes their periodic salary. And I’m sure right now you are queerly looking at this article.

But the reason for me being a bit sarcastic is to tell those people that having an android phone is bliss. You know why? Because I myself have been the user of both of these operating systems: And to my surprise, I’ve found out some elemental features that you can enjoy if you have an android phone instead of an iPhone. I’m gonna enumerate just a few of them which have been persuasive enough for me to write on the subject.

1. Multiple users at the same time

You can’t share your iPhone with someone else for their personal usage. Only one person has all the rights to use the device due to its one-user dimension. There is only one user account that you can create with all internal storage available for the device, be it 16 GB or 1 TB, it doesn’t matter. But devices that are being run by the android system with their customization allow you to have many user accounts with their different settings and apps at the same time. So no issue if you and your spouse use the same phone, or you have different apps installed for your office-time, and different ones when you are home.

Related: Best Way to Clone Android Apps to Manage Multiple Accounts

2. Split the screen of your phone

Many times we want our phones just to work like us. I mean two people in one skin; one who is here physically; while the other who is somewhere else emotionally. Consider yourself using WhatsApp, and chatting with four to five people simultaneously; at the same time, you want to scroll up and down on your Facebook newsfeed as well. iPhone doesn’t have this option, but yes if you have an android phone with its large screen, it’s possible for you to split it, and get a go-ahead for your ease!

Split Screen on Android

3. Storage issues

iPhone only gives you internal storage that is there already built-in. You can’t do anything for its expansion if you have data beyond the capacity of your phone. However, most Android phones come with built-in support for SD cards to expand storage space to your need. Using a 256 GB SD card with an Android phone is a normal thing, and it can go as high as 2TB!

4. File transfer using Bluetooth

Sitting in a company, and someone has just played a song that you immediately want in your own device. Imagine that your Wi-Fi is either not working or not available, what will you do. IPhone’s Airdrop won’t support you here because it’s just for iOS users, you know. You would just wish that had you been an android user, you could have had it instantaneously.

Android bluetooth file transfer

5. The difference in Home Screens

Using the iPhone’s home screen does make you feel a bit organized, but it’s no wonder that you can have more options with your home screen if you are an Android phone user. You can just modify the order of your apps, choose a different image as wallpaper, add settings sub-items as shortcuts, and create folders to reshape the mess of apps on the home screen of your phone. But you can’t actually use widgets except for the notification screen if you have an iPhone user. And then, unlike the android phone, there is no apps drawer available for you in the iPhone.

Android and iPhone Home screens

6. Closing all apps with one tap

iPhone users know that to close any app, they have to open the App Switcher and close them one-by-one which becomes very tiring especially if you are busy somewhere, or when you’ve lots of other stuff to manage. In your android device, you can just do away with all the apps opened with a single tap.

Close all apps on Android

7. Instant Apps

Google has recently introduced this new feature in Android devices called Instant Apps. The feature allows you to use any app without its downloading and installation, and if you don’t like the app, you can just come back, start using your phone normally, no need to uninstall. On the other hand in your iPhone, you can’t really experience such a thing without getting yourself into trouble by installing and testing the app entirely yourself.

Android Instant Apps

8. Default Apps

You have to adhere to what is already there they’ve got for their users. Yes, I’m talking once again about iOS. You can’t change default apps’ settings on your iPhone, though on Android it’s fully customizable. For instance, I like to use Chrome to be set as my default browser, so do I want every link to be opened by it. But whenever anything opens there in my iPhone, it opens with Safari which I actually hate. Same is the case with my keyboard settings, messaging app, phone app, digital assistant and many other things.

9. Battery power and charging capacity

Just ask the android user, and they would tell you how much this fact relieves the tension that they are in piece with their phone’s battery. As compared to the iPhone, the battery of an android cell-phone works way better. You may spend a day out with 50% of your android cellphone’s charging, but believe me, 100% of your iPhone won’t literally suffice, especially if you are having the older version of it. And if you happen to take pictures throughout the day with your iPhone, then make sure to have power-bank along with you so that you don’t get into trouble. Don’t ask your friend if he/she has the Android one, because they’ve already got their problem solved!

Ending thoughts

Whether Android is better or iPhone, it’s a never-ending topic. Android has its fair share of advantages and so does the iPhone. In the end, it all boils down to the preferences of the users and what they need from there smartphone. Above are just some good features of Android that iPhone still needs to catch up on, and if you particularly like them, then Android phone might be a better choice than iPhone for you.

What appeals to you the most, Android or iPhone? Do share with us in the comments below.

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[Tip] Enable Redesigned “New Tab Page Customization Menu” in Google Chrome

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J When you open a new tab in Google Chrome web browser, you get a "Customize" button at the bottom-right corner of...

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5 Best Android Gestures Apps to Control Your Phone with Gestures

Swiping up and down and pressing tap or double-tap to control our android phones completely is not merely what we can just imagine, it’s something that we can shockingly do as well. Surprisingly, our gestures too can become the regulator of our phones if it’s needed. Any android phone with its updated version would be enough for you to go ahead. Simply download any of the following apps from the Google Play Store, and have a look at how you can really do that!

Wave Control

Being in a position when we feel it awkward to touch our phone is what all of us experience frequently. For example, we’re having our mealtime and we have to attend an important call, or we’re driving, and we want our favorite songs to play on repeat; we feel bad for not being able to touch the screen. You will not believe it, but doing that is actually possible. You can control your music and video playbacks and calls with waves of your hands over your phone by Wave Control. No touching is required at all, and this is what will make you download the app on every phone you’ll be using from now on!

wave control

Fluid Navigation Gestures

With the use of Fluid Navigation Gestures, you can control your phone with just two main gestures: quick swipe, and swipe and hold. Busy somewhere, or don’t feel like using the phone but still is necessary, use the app to access back, home screen, recently opened apps, open notifications, open power dialogue, open quick settings, launch any app or shortcut, and much more that you want at the moment!

Fluid navigation gestures

EVA Facial Mouse

You can use a pointer on the screen of your phone via your face to directly access most elements of the user interface. The movement of your face will decide what do you want to access. Android constrictions have been between the developers of the app and the operating system itself, otherwise I’m pretty sure what is not accessible by using the app at present might have been innovated and featured for its users around the globe by now. Users of the app are specified some compatible apps along with a basic keyboard, which has to be activated by hand after the installation.

Eva Facial Mouse

Fingerprint Gestures

To use the app, the first thing you need to ensure is a fingerprint sensor on your device. The second requirement of the app is for you to have Android 6.0+ if you are having any device other than Samsung, while as for Samsung, your device will be easily compatible even if you are using Android version 5.0+. The best thing about the app is that it enables the fingerprint actions of Google Pixel on your device. You can do several things by single tapping or double-tapping and swiping up or down on the fingerprint sensor of your device.

Fingerprint gestures

One Hand Operation

Created by Samsung Electronics, the app allows you to control all the functions of your phone just with your thumb. Thin gesture handles can be added to the left and right sides of the screen that will assist you in executing defined tasks. By default, the back button is set for the handle, something we often use wherever we are. Other options you can set as gestures include home, menu keys, quick tools, screen brightness, recent app, forward web browser and many other options that you tend to do in a hurry without any confusion.

One hand Operation

After experimenting all these apps myself, I am recommending you to choose any of these apps, and believe me you will be pleased to see the productivity while navigating your phone. Don’t forget to leave your feedback below in the comments section.

The post 5 Best Android Gestures Apps to Control Your Phone with Gestures appeared first on Gtricks.

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[Fix] “Something Went Wrong, Try Again” Error in Twitter’s New UI

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J Ever since Twitter released the new redesigned UI design to public, I'm facing a very annoying problem while using my Twitter...

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Basic Authentication in Spring WebClient

In this short post we will see how to setup Basic Authentication in Spring WebClient while invoking external APIs.


WebClient is a non-blocking HTTP client with fluent functional style API. It is part of Spring Webflux module that was introduced in Spring 5. WebClient replaces the RestTemplate to invoke external APIs with non-blocking.

WebClient provides different ways of injecting HTTP headers, query params etc while making external call. In this example we will check how to specify Basic Authentication in Webclient.

Basic Authentication in WebClient

Until Spring 5.1, basic authentication was setup using a custom ExchangeFilterFunction. This way of setting up Basic auth was only available while creating WebClient since it relies on WebClient filters.

private WebClient client = WebClient.builder()
                .basicAuthentication(username, token))

Alternatively if we want to provide the Basic auth while calling the API, we have to set the Authorization header manually which is not great!

            .header("Authorization", "Basic " + Base64Utils
                    .encodeToString((username + ":" + token).getBytes(UTF_8)))

Thankfully, Spring provided some helper methods to make this easy and consistent in Spring 5.1.

Basic Authentication in Spring 5.1 and above

The above way of setting Basic authentication using custom ExchangeFilterFunction is deprecated in Spring 5.1. A new method setBasicAuth is introduced in HttpHeaders class that can be used to set basic authentication.

Below we set use defaultHeaders in WebClient builder to setup Basic auth while creating WebClient instance:

private WebClient client = WebClient.builder()
            .defaultHeaders(header -> header.setBasicAuth(userName, password))

Alternately the basic auth can also be setup while calling any API:

Mono<String> response = client.get()
                    .headers(headers -> headers.setBasicAuth(userName, password))

Two variants of setBasicAuth methods are available in HttpHeaders.

void    setBasicAuth(String username, String password)
        //Set the value of the Authorization header to Basic Authentication based on the given username and password.

void    setBasicAuth(String username, String password, Charset charset)
        //Set the value of the Authorization header to Basic Authentication based on the given username and password.

Bonus tip – Setting Bearer Token in WebClient

Similar to Basic Auth, we can also setup the Bearer token in WebClient using new method setBearerAuth in HttpHeaders class:

void    setBearerAuth(String token)
        //Set the value of the Authorization header to the given Bearer token.

The process would be exactly similar to setting up the Basic Auth.


The setBasicAuth method in HttpHeaders class makes it easy setting up basic authentication in WebClient Spring WebFlux. The Basic Auth can be setup while building the WebClient or alternatively during invoking APIs using get(), post() etc.

via ViralPatel.net https://ift.tt/2GzfAyG

[Fix] Firefox Sync Not Working for All Preferences (Options)

https://ift.tt/eA8V8J Firefox Sync is a very useful feature of Mozilla Firefox web browser. It allows users to sync their bookmarks (favorites), add-ons,...

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Google’s New Shopping Platform is Now Live in the USA

As Google started observing itself being threatened by Amazon’s product searching ability with its wide scope everywhere, it has taken pains of launching its own and new shopping platform for its users in competition with its emerging rival recently to wipe their efforts of gaining more adverts off. Signed in users can access the platform that has just gone live. Most of the products come from the retailers Google has aligned itself with.

As announced earlier in May at Google Marketing, the new Google Shopping platform has gone live just in the United States so far. Although the engine has been in practice with its test of experiencing in different markets of the world including France, but it has not started functioning anywhere outside the US yet, reports suggest. However, this very exercise rather suggests that sooner or later the users would probably start getting benefits of it in their own regions if the company with its new feature goes live everywhere to benefit itself.

They have adopted the strategy of hinting users with different personalized products or items according to their earlier web search for their instant attraction. The users can purchase products through the Google site, a third-party retailer’s site, or in-store; according to the original statement by the giant.

As announced previously, the tech giant is not intent on initiating its own warehouses or shipping, that means the company will not be selling products directly. Despite the indirect purchase, it will offer things with its guarantee, however. Moreover, the users will also be able to claim a refund or return of the item if the product they had purchased is not accurate or timely.

The surge of the event is supposedly the outcome of Google’s vulnerability over the apparent loss of the different adverts of various companies along with their ad budgets, as due to Amazon’s fame, they are taking their ad budgets there, leaving Google to ponder on introducing new stratagems so that they can get it back. The move is thought to be persuasive enough for their retrieval to the tech giant.

Earlier, when in May 2019 the company had announced the remaking of its shopping experience, it was struggling again to gain product searches from the Amazon. In addition to it, the likes on Instagram were also another emerging danger to its marketing as they were fresh E-commerce exertions.

It is thought that the company has taken a huge risk of competing with Amazon, which is certainly an obvious platform for shopaholics around the globe for purchasing products ranging from home appliances to clothes, books, and to several items of regular or irregular use. It then, becomes suggestive of the fact that it will take some time for this feature to being penetrable among customers of different products, but the reason of Google being the most famous and fitting search engine is also an alarm for Amazon, hence implying that there is no failure in the risk of introducing such a platform for its users who are far-flung on the globe.

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Getting Started with GraphQL and Spring Boot

[Review] Which DTH Service Provides Maximum HD Channels in India?

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[Bug] 2 “General” Tabs in Recycle Bin Properties in All Windows Versions

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20 Android Apps For the Blind and Visually Impaired

It is a general phenomenon unfortunately that it’s our sight that decides the course of actions in our daily life. Honestly speaking, I can’t assume to be a user of a phone without my eyesight.

For people with visual impairments to overcome usual lacks that they face, there had to be the assistance of someone (sighted) earlier, while you were to maintain your normality. Depending on someone, I know, hurts all of us from inside. However, where technology has claimed the responsibility of making our lives easier and simpler in every single task that we perform regularly, to my own surprise too, managing things for you is not any exception at all.

The inception of screen readers with Symbian phones by Nokia had changed your lives years ago, when for the first time, you started writing text messages by yourself, maintaining your confidentiality. With Talkback in the android operating system and Voiceover in IOS, you treated upon the earth which was full of wonders and surprises.

Using apps like WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and all other social media platforms along with different websites was not that much problematic. Seeing this, different app developers started developing apps, supporting your screen readers to make life comfortable and amazing for you. There are hundreds of them, but to facilitate you in the best way possible, I am listing down ten of the most useful.


This is one of the top-tier apps to enable you while moving around. With TapTapSee by CloudSight Inc, you can avail the freedom of recognizing objects around you. Talkback of your phone, however, must be turned on while using the app. Just point your phone towards the object to take the snap, and it will speak the specifications of the objects with the help of your talkback after having identified them through your camera. It can also identify already saved photos in your camera roll, while you also have the option of sharing the identification via text messages, emails, or social media.


Be My Eyes

Known for its generosity across the globe, the app has its users spread around to facilitate and to be facilitated. You have to install the app and create the account before start using it. All alone in a restaurant, or have hired a room somewhere; can’t decide if you are wearing matching clothes, or you aren’t able to read any bill or Wi-Fi password; the app will help you with its sighted volunteers available 24-7 for your service.

Be My Eyes

Just connect the call, and a sighted volunteer will be available to assist you on a video call. He/she will answer all of your queries through the rear camera of your phone.

MCT Money Reader

As the name suggests, the app helps you identify the currency note you are holding in your hands. You don’t have to have the internet connection available necessary while using the app surprisingly. Just press double-tap with your talkback to open it, point the currency note towards the phone, and it will tell you how much dollars, euros or rupees you have at the moment within one second under normal conditions.

MCT Money Reader

T01he app also has the ability to facilitate you in different languages according to your own choice. If you are an occupant of the dark surroundings, or if you are using it at night; the app will take the help of the flashlight of your phone by design.

Accessible Weather

Designed by researchers at the Sonification Lab at Georgia Institute of Technology, the app helps you determine the weather conditions and forecasts through its magnificent interface accessible with your talkback. Through the app, you can have an accurate idea about the weather, whichever the part of the world you are living in.

Accessible Weather

Eye-d for Visually Impaired

Eye Devices aims at improving the quality of life for the visually challenged people by making them independent through its extraordinary features. With this app, you can navigate easily by identifying your surroundings and your current location by tapping on the “Where Am I” option.

Eye-d for Visually Impaired

It also helps you see the nearby object by its See Object mode. Moreover, if you happen to have any text, bill, newspaper, novel, or any other book read suggested by your friends or university teachers, it has a mode called Read Text. You can use it to read by making it face and take the picture of anything in front of you.


Magnify by Appd Lab is of much help if you are a person with low vision. You may use it anywhere, be it a movie theater, or any restaurant, by enlarging the text on the screen of your phone. Your phone with its use becomes a magnifying glass with the flashlight on to read tiny prints. Not just for visually impaired, the app also works for those who have to put glasses on while reading anything.



Introduction of screen readers on smartphones and Computers have somehow declined the use of braille reading and writing for visually challenged people. Students, however, are made to learn to use it in their earlier educational years, so that they can easily practice it if there is any need. The app aims to transcribe or emboss any text to braille, and a braille text can also be converted back into standard text form by the app.


Color Blind Pal

The app has been designed specifically for people who are color blind, and for those who want to know how it’s actually like to be color blind. However, you can also use it if you are visually challenged, or have low-vision. Use it exactly to know what color are you wearing, or does the color match with your friend’s, or for various other purposes that you come across in your daily life. Just point your phone towards anything, and it will tell you the color of it through its huge database of colors and color filters.

Color Blind Pal

Visor – Low Vision Magnifier

The app assists you with its smart features and navigation if you have a low-vision. By its usage, your phone works like a handheld magnifier, as it increases the font or size of the text, a picture of which you will be taken by it. It zooms everything that you want to read and increases the size of the object or the thing for you that you want to see plainly in your daily life.

Visor-Low Vision Magnifier

Blind-Droid Alarm

The app is an alarm clock application, fully accessible for visually impaired people with their screen readers as it has been designed by Blind-Droid Apps, a project that creates apps, especially for visually impaired people. Set alarm in accordance with your schedule, and you won’t miss out any happening of the day; be it an important meeting, or you have to wake up for your school/office. You can choose the appropriate alarm mode for your convenience with desired alarm signals. If you are forgetful about charging the battery of your phone, the app with its insisting power would keep reminding you of charging it as well.

Blind Droid Alarm

10 More Apps for the Blind and Visually Impaired

The above 10 are definitely the best I could find on the Google Play Store. However, if any of those apps didn’t work out for you — say due to unsupported Android version — then below are 10 more apps for the blind and visually impaired that serve a similar purpose:1

RightHear – Blind and Visually Impaired Assistant

Lazarillo GPS for Blind

GetThere GPS nav for blind


Seeing Assistant Home Lite


A Blind Legend

Ending thoughts

With my own experience, I’ve tried chronicling all the best apps that you can use to enhance your life. In the time when digitization has taken over everything, you too must take benefit out of things to enjoy the life that you’ve been given with. Use all of these to make things easier for you, and don’t forget to share your feedback below in the comments section.

The post 20 Android Apps For the Blind and Visually Impaired appeared first on Gtricks.

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