::::Convert Arrays to Set in Java::::

<![[Java Collection API is one of the most useful APIs used in any Java application. In my day to day Java coding routine, I have to deal with these APIs quite often. However sometime while working with Collection API, lot of developers end up writing unnecessary and mostly inefficient code. For example, to convert an [...]'

<a href='http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/viralpatelnet/~3/Tb0aZZoHu9I/convert-array-to-set-java-arraylist.html'>View More</a>

::::STOP SOPA JQuery Plugin::::

<![[Right now, Internet is experiencing the biggest protest since its inception. We have seen people protesting against Companies, Government, Dictators etc. Also Internet has become their voices in form of Twitter &#038; Facebook. But today we saw something completely new. Major websites such as Wikipedia and Google are openly demonstrating their protest against new legislation [...]'

<a href='http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/viralpatelnet/~3/mqE7NvUTFAg/stopsopa-jquery-plugin.html'>View More</a>

::::How To Create QR Codes in Java & Servlet::::

<![[Nowadays, Quick Response (QR) Codes are becoming more and more useful as they have gone mainstream, thanks to the smart phones. Right from the bus shelter, product packaging, home improvement store, automobile, a lot of internet websites are integrating QR Codes on their pages to let people quickly reach them. With increase in number of [...]'

<a href='http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/viralpatelnet/~3/8V10TiKI_Bc/create-qr-codes-java-servlet-qr-code-java.html'>View More</a>

::::Facebook Style Scroll Fixed Header in JQuery::::

<![[While doing some UI changes of a website, we had to implement a FIX header which remains fix on top of screen while scrolling. Facebook has a similar header which remains on top of content. Now for this, there are number of jQuery plugins available out there! But in our case we weren&#8217;t allowed to [...]'

<a href='http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/viralpatelnet/~3/cOY94fGq6xE/scroll-fix-header-jquery-facebook.html'>View More</a>

::::Create ZIP Files in JavaScript::::

<![[Zip is a very useful file type if I must say most used. It is the most used file format for data compression and archiving. There are number utilities available to create/generate Zip file. Also most of the programming languages comes up with API supporting to generate Zip files. I have written a couple of [...]'

<a href='http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/viralpatelnet/~3/soWjnAFW7Qw/create-zip-file-javascript.html'>View More</a>

::::Play Framework Modules: Divide and Conquer::::

<![[It&#8217;s usually the case that you start developing an application and go on fulfilling requirements. When your application grows bigger you start to realize the convenience of separating it into different components. Moreover, when you develop your second or third application, your begin to recognize certain features that could be reused across different applications. These [...]'

<a href='http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/viralpatelnet/~3/MOqfgJqUWIY/play-framework-modules.html'>View More</a>

::::Hibernate Inheritance: Table Per Concrete Class (Annotation & XML mapping)::::

<![[Welcome to Hibernate Tutorial Series. In previous tutorials we saw how to implement Inheritance in Hibernate: One Table per Subclass. Today we will see how to implement Hibernate Inheritance: One Table per Concrete Class scheme. You may want to look at previous tutorials. Here is the complete list for you. Introduction to Inheritance in Hibernate [...]'

<a href='http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/viralpatelnet/~3/gidRbLvPaQQ/hibernate-inheritance-table-per-concrete-class-annotation-xml-mapping.html'>View More</a>

[Changelog] What’s New in Microsoft Edge 130 and Later Versions

UPDATE: Addition of Microsoft Edge 132.0 version. In this exclusive changelog article, we are providing information about all versions of Mi...