Self-transforming Transformer Robot by Takara Tomy

Transformers fans should really get their hands on this awesome toy. The self-transforming Transformer robot is an impressive gadget from Japanese toy manufacturer Takara Tomy and has just gone into production.

Takara Tomy first revealed the self-transforming robot at the Tokyo Toy Show 2013. The Transformer bot was displayed together with a Zoids line robotic lion. Both gadgets were controlled via an iPhone.

Self-transforming Transformer Robot by Takara Tomy

As its name indicates, the self-transforming robot is able to transform from its car shape into humanoid shape by itself. This is achieved with the help of over a dozen servo motors. The process is not very fast, because the servo motors are too small to pack enough power to support a speedier transformation.

The robot is not yet able to walk either, but manufacturers expect to develop stronger servo motors that will be able to support walking movements in the future.

The Zoids lion displayed at the Toy Show was able to walk on its four limbs, as it uses the same technology as Tomy’s robotic dog, the i-SODOG.

Both gadgets will be marketed under the Transformers and Zoids brands, but Takara Tomy has not yet offered any details as to when they may be officially released for sale and what their retail prices might be.

One thing is for certain, though: the transforming robots will NOT sell for the staggering amount of $24,000 a piece. This is how much one-man-wonder Kenji Ishida, the first to launch a self-transforming robot car line, made from selling only one robot. And he made about ten.

self-transforming robot

It is yet unclear whether Ishida will collaborate with Tomy on the new line. According to Gizmag, the Japanese inventor expressed his desire to be involved in the project, saying that he believes he can improve the look of the self-transforming robot.

Takara Tomy has had a long history of incorporating state-of-the-art tech in its toys. It was them that manufactured the first Transformer robot toys back in the 1980s. Known as Microman and Diaclone, these were really amazing toys, so it is easy to imagine what the self-transforming bots will be like.

Are you excited about the self-transforming robot? Check out this video and let us know in the comments below.

[Images via Technabob & Gizmodo]

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12 missing features we'd still love to see in Windows 8.1

Microsoft Release Preview Of Windows 8.1

Microsoft Corp released a test version of Windows 8.1 on Wednesday. Many computer users were left confused and unsure of the new tile-based interface that was launched with Windows 8. The interface, which works best with touch-screen devices, left fans of the traditional desktop PC longing for the old-style “start” button.

Windows 8.1

So Microsoft have listened to the feedback and have brought the “start” button back as well as other features, which they hope will win back support for the operating system.

Microsoft Chief Executive Steve Balmer opened the company’s annual developer conference and said “Since we announced and shipped Windows 8, suffice it to say, we pushed boldly and yet what we found was we got a lot of feedback from users of those millions of desktop applications.”

To sum up the feedback they received he said, “If I was to put it in coffee terms, ‘Why don’t you go and refine the blend here?’ Let’s remix the desktop and your modern application experience. Let’s balance them better.”

Microsoft have made it easier to find and access applications and improved the search function. Ballmer has also promised a “rapid release cycle”, so new new versions of Windows will no longer be every three years.

The Response

The response from most of the developers present at the conference was largely positive, which is good news for Microsoft because they have been lagging behind other companies such as Apple and Google.

The struggle has been for them to persuade developers to create apps for Windows 8 because the vast majority of people use devices that run on either Apple’s iOS or Google’s Android systems.

Microsoft said on Wedneday that Facebook have agreed to design an app especially for Windows. It is hoped that this will attract more people to use Window-based devices.

“I feel like Microsoft can actually seriously compete in the mobile ecosystem now,” said Manav Mishra, director of engineering at the Barnes & Noble Inc unit that makes apps for its Nook e-reader. “Windows 8.1 finishes the journey Windows 8 started and I think it evens the playing field for Microsoft quite a bit, which wasn’t the case before.”

Microsoft still has a way to go though in attracting more users. Ballmer said on Wednesday that the Windows Store has nearly 100,000 apps but compare that with Apple who have almost 1 million and Android who are just behind them, and you see why most developers prefer to design apps for the more popular iPhones, iPads and Android devices.

It will be interesting to see the response to Windows 8.1, will it finally win people over? Or will those using desktop PCs just stick to Windows 7?

[Image via]


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