Report: First quarter smartphone shipments up 28 percent, Samsung still on top

Samsung ships twice as many smartphones as Apple, and everyone else is fighting for scraps.

via PCWorld

VMware looks to AirWatch to simplify management and centralize client storage

Windows 8 gains natural-language Smart Search, with hints that Cortana could follow

OnePlus firms up the release details of its One uber-phone

The $300 high-end phone should be fairly easy to get in June, OnePlus says.

via PCWorld

Google stops scanning Gmail messages for ads in Apps for Education

Online private car rental services driving to gain ground in Europe

Report: LG's G Watch will sell in France for 199 euro this June

That converts to about $275, keeping one of the world's most anticipated smartwatches in pricey territory—unless LG adjusts its "barrier to entry" for the U.S. market.

via PCWorld

[Tip] Force Windows 10/11 to Stick With Old Feature Update Version

If you are using Windows 10 or Windows 11 operating system in your computer and you want to force Windows to stay locked on the existing ins...