Apple is now 5th largest PC maker in the world

Cutting-edge V-NAND SSDs could get cheaper with Samsung's new TLC tech

HTC Desire 610 review: A budget phone without a purpose

Foxconn's CEO blames iPhone 6 Plus 'Bendgate' on rivals

Ryse: Son of Rome (PC) review: Former Xbox One exclusive tests your system and your patience

With Zuckerberg in India, promotes apps and sites for women, farmers

Android Influencer: Christophe Daligault on FireChat and the 'new Internet'

The brains behind FireChat talks about how hard he's trying "not to f*** this up."

via PCWorld

[Software Update] Vivaldi 7.1 Minor Update (1) Released, Here is What’s New and Fixed

UPDATE: Release of Minor Update (1) for Vivaldi 7.1 stable version to public. Good news for Vivaldi browser users! Vivaldi team has released...