Telegram is a messaging application that is focused on speed. It is fast, simple to use and free. Telegram is based on the MTProto protocol.With Telegram, you have the option to create group chats with up to 200 people. You can share videos up to 1GB is size, you can end multiple photos from the web, and you can also forward any media you receive ...
via [[ We are also giving web service.]]
Tech News is a blog created by Wasim Akhtar to deliver Technical news with the latest and greatest in the world of technology. We provide content in the form of articles, videos, and product reviews.
YouTube A to Z: #HappyBirthdayYouTube
Every adventure starts somewhere, and YouTube’s began on Saturday, April 23, 2005, when "Me at the Zoo" became the first video uploaded to a new site no one had ever heard of. Captured at California's San Diego Zoo, the clip is a 19-second description of what exactly makes elephants so cool. Its brief runtime and casual setup suggest little of the online video craziness that would follow over the subsequent decade.
But it turns out “Me at the Zoo” proved to be a simple distillation of the premise of the new platform, where anyone could just turn on a camera and broadcast themselves with ease. Who could have predicted that, in that same environment, new genres, new forms of expression, and new paths to stardom would evolve? That engaging and unique personalities borne of this place could be more influential than Hollywood's biggest names? Or that more than a billion people from all corners of the globe would come together in that space to experience what the world creates, broadcasts, and shares?
Yeah. We were surprised, too.
For our 10th birthday this month, we've gone from A to Z celebrating the adorable, empowering, awesome, weird and wonderful moments that represent the many sides of YouTube. But, of course, if we're really going to capture 10 years of YouTube, we're going to need to do it in … a video:
Thanks for a wild and inspiring 10 years. Now, you've got 300 hours of video to capture and share in the next minute. So get back to it!
**Bonus Points: How well do you know YouTube, A to Z? Play the YouTube trivia game to find out at
Posted by the YouTube Team
via The Official Google Blog
But it turns out “Me at the Zoo” proved to be a simple distillation of the premise of the new platform, where anyone could just turn on a camera and broadcast themselves with ease. Who could have predicted that, in that same environment, new genres, new forms of expression, and new paths to stardom would evolve? That engaging and unique personalities borne of this place could be more influential than Hollywood's biggest names? Or that more than a billion people from all corners of the globe would come together in that space to experience what the world creates, broadcasts, and shares?
Yeah. We were surprised, too.
For our 10th birthday this month, we've gone from A to Z celebrating the adorable, empowering, awesome, weird and wonderful moments that represent the many sides of YouTube. But, of course, if we're really going to capture 10 years of YouTube, we're going to need to do it in … a video:
Thanks for a wild and inspiring 10 years. Now, you've got 300 hours of video to capture and share in the next minute. So get back to it!
**Bonus Points: How well do you know YouTube, A to Z? Play the YouTube trivia game to find out at
Posted by the YouTube Team
via The Official Google Blog
Microsoft Excel Viewer 12.0.6219.1000 If you need to open an Excel document but you don't have Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Office installed on your system, then Microsoft Excel Viewer is the application you need.
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via [[ We are also giving web service.]]
Spotflux Spotflux is a great way to protect and enhance your internet connection as it performs millions of cloud-based real-time calculations and encrypts and compresses your internet traffic.
via [[ We are also giving web service.]]
via [[ We are also giving web service.]]
Wireshark 1.99.6 (32-bit) Beta Wireshark is the world's foremost network protocol analyzer, and is the de facto standard across many industries and educational institutions.
via [[ We are also giving web service.]]
via [[ We are also giving web service.]]
NoMachine 4.6.3 NoMachine is a free remote desktop application that has stacks of powerful features. With
via [[ We are also giving web service.]]
via [[ We are also giving web service.]]
Dropbox 3.6.4 Dropbox is the easiest way to store, sync and share files online.
via [[ We are also giving web service.]]
via [[ We are also giving web service.]]
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