Telegram 1.0.5 Telegram is a messaging application that is focused on speed. It is fast, simple to use and free. Telegram is based on the MTProto protocol. With Telegram, you have the option to create group chats with up to 200 people. You can share videos up to 1GB is size, you can send multiple photos from the web, and you can also forward any media you receive...

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DiskDigger DiskDigger can recover* deleted files from various types of media that your computer is able to read, whether that be hard disks, USB flash drives, memory cards or optical media such as CDs, DVDs, and floppy disks. DiskDigger can recover lost files from your media storage device no matter how you managed to lose them. You may have accidentally d...

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PhotoPad Image Editor 3.00 PhotoPad Image Editor is a picture editing utility that combines some powerful tools with an easy to use interface. It allows you to easily edit, crop, rotate, resize and flip your digital photos and other images. KEY FEATURES INCLUDE: Crop, rotate, resize and flip pictures. Touch up photos to remove red-eye and blemishes. Apply photo effe...

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MediaInfo 0.7.92 MediaInfo provides you with a quick access to the inner values of your audio and video files. Whether you want to glance at the set-up of tracks included in a file or you want to know all the precise details about the codecs used, MediaInfo will offer the suitable view. You can choose between a graphical user interface to quickly select the appr...

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Zortam Mp3 Media Studio 21.70 Zortam Mp3 Media Studio is an all-in-one Mp3 application suite. The application has several modules such us Zortam Mp3 Auto Tagger, Mp3 Organizer, ID3 Tag Editor, Mp3 Player, Mp3 Normalizer, CD Ripper and Mp3 to Wav converter. Key Features Include: With Zortam Mp3 Media Studio you can batch auto tag your Mp3 files using Zortam's database. The...

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Sweet Home 3D 5.4 Sweet Home 3D is a free interior design application that can help you design and plan your house, office, workspace, garage, studio or almost any other building you can think of. There are some really good features to Sweet Home 3D, such as the ability to place furniture within a 2D plan and view it in a 3D preview. Key features: Draw s...

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Download Windows 11 Insider Preview Build Offline ISO Files

UPDATE: Offline ISO files are available for Windows 11 Insider Preview build 27774 (Canary Channel), 26100.1150 (Dev Channel), 22621 (Beta C...