The Internet Archive rekindles early video game consoles with emulation

No need to dig through that dusty closet and find your Atari 2600. Play Pacman, Space Invaders, Donkey Kong and more, all from the comfort of your browser.

via PCWorld

Target confirms customer PINs were taken in breach, but says data is safe

Judge rules NSA's phone data collection program is legal, tosses ACLU suit

Chromebooks' success punches Microsoft in the gut

Attackers could match phone numbers to Snapchat accounts, researchers say

Speed up your web browsing with Vimium's keyboard shortcuts

French authorities requested 6,145 phone and data taps in 2012

Microsoft 365 (Office) Insider Preview Build 17715.20000 (Version 2406) Released, Here is What’s New and Fixed

UPDATE: Microsoft 365 Insider (previously known as Office Insider) Preview build 17715.20000 (version 2406) is available for download and in...