Download from Get the standard edition (Java SE), not the enterprise edition (Java EE). Be sure to get the JDK (which has a compiler), not just the JRE (which is for running preexisting applications). I use JDK 1.6.0_22, but any Java 6 version will work. Servlet 3.0 containers (of which Tomcat 7 is one) require Java 6, and will not work with Java 5. Once you have downloaded the installer, run it and accept all default settings. There is no need to set any environment variables, but if you already had an earlier version of Java installed and you had set the PATH variable (pointing at the bin subfolder) or the JAVA_HOME variable (pointing at the main installation folder), it is a good idea to update them to the new version.
Also, please note that if you use 1.6.0_21, you also need to fix the Eclipse PermGen space error or Eclipse will run out of memory and crash. That is the only Java version where you have this problem.

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