Easy Video Joiner

Easy Video Joiner can help you join multiple AVI, MPEG (MPG), RM (Real Media) or WMV/ASF (Window Media) files into one large movie file. You can add an unlimited number of video files as you like to the list and easily rearrange their order if needed. With just a few mouse clicks, you can enjoy your movie clips without interruption

Key Features

1. Can join AVI files(*.avi, *.wav), MPEG-4 and DivX are supported;

2. Can join MPEG files(*.mpeg, *.mpg, *.m2p, *.m1v, *.m2v, *.mp3, *.mpga), MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 are supported;

3. Can join Real Media files(*.rm, *.ram);

4. Can join Windows Media files(*.wmv, *.asf, *.wma);

5. Not only join video files, but also join most audio files with popular format(*.mp3, *.mpga, *.rm, *.wma, *.wav);

6. Very easy to use and very fast to work.

download link

--  Wasim Akhtar

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