::::Trai proposes high 2G auction base price::::

<div class=&quot;custm_img_blk&quot;><img src=&quot;http://www.techgig.com/files/photo_1335231773_temp.png&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; align=&quot;left&quot; /></div><span style=&quot;text-align: left&quot;>Trai</span><span style=&quot;text-align: left&quot;>&nbsp;on Monday proposed a sharply-higher-than expected base price for an auction of 2G radio spectrum, after a court order to cancel all telecoms permits awarded in a scandal-tainted 2008 sale and redistribute them through open bidding.&nbsp;</span><br /><br /><span style=&quot;text-align: left&quot;>The regulator proposed a base price of 36.22 billion rupees ($695 million) for every megahertz of&nbsp;</span><span style=&quot;text-align: left&quot;>spectrum</span><span style=&quot;text-align: left&quot;>&nbsp;in the 1,800 mega hertz band, where radio airwaves will be made available after the cancellation of the&nbsp;</span><span style=&quot;text-align: left&quot;>licences</span><span style=&quot;text-align: left&quot;>.&nbsp;</span><br /><br /><span style=&quot;text-align: left&quot;>This is a steep increase from about $320 million each that carriers paid for at least 4.4 mega hertz of all-India spectrum in the earlier grant process, a price which a state auditor said was &quot;unbelievably low&quot;.&nbsp;</span><br /><br /><span style=&quot;text-align: left&quot;>The&nbsp;</span><span style=&quot;text-align: left&quot;>Telecom Regulatory Authority of India</span><span style=&quot;text-align: left&quot;>&nbsp;(Trai) also proposed that the auction should be open to all eligible carriers holding spectrum below a prescribed cap.&nbsp;</span><br /><br /><span style=&quot;text-align: left&quot;>The regulator's recommendations are not binding on the government, which has the final say on the auction rules. ($1 = 52.0950 Indian rupees)</span>

<a href='http://techgig.com/tech-news/editors-pick/Trai-proposes-high-2G-auction-base-price-11929'>View More</a>

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