::::Sony launches Xperia U, Xperia P, Xperia Sola in India::::

<div class=&quot;custm_img_blk&quot;><img src=&quot;http://www.techgig.com/files/photo_1337886123_temp.jpg&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; align=&quot;left&quot; /></div><span><div id=&quot;storydiv&quot;><div class=&quot;Normal&quot; style=&quot;margin: 0px; padding: 0px&quot;>Sony&nbsp;Mobile Communications has officially launched three new&nbsp;Xperia smartphones&nbsp;in the country: Xperia U and P, and Xperia Sola. The smartphones were initially unveiled at the Xperia S launch last month.&nbsp;<br /><br />Sony Xperia U has a 3.5 inch scratch-resistant TFT touchscreen with a resolution of 854 x 480 pixels and is powered by a 1 GHz STE U8500 dual-core processor. The smartphone runs onGoogle Android 2.3 operating system&nbsp;(upgrade to&nbsp;Android Ice Cream Sandwich&nbsp;promised). There's a 5 megapixel camera with auto focus, 16x digital zoom and LED flash. The phone has 8 GB internal memory and 512 MB RAM. The smartphone is priced at Rs 17, 399.&nbsp;<br /><br />Sony Xperia P is powered by a 1 GHz U8500 dual-core processor. It sports a 4-inch scratch-resistant TFT touchscreen with a resolution of 960x540 pixels. It runs on Google Android 2.3 OS (upgrade to&nbsp;Android 4.0&nbsp;or Ice Cream Sandwich promised). There's an 8 megapixel camera with auto focus, 8x digital zoom, LED flash. The phone offers internal phone storage of 16GB, and 1 GB RAM. The Sony Xperia P is priced at Rs 26,799.&nbsp;<br /><br />Sony Xperia Sola&nbsp;is powered by a 1 GHz dual-core processor. The smartphone has a 3.7 inch scratch-resistant TFT touchscreen The phone's 5 megapixel camera has auto focus and LED flash. There's 8 GB internal storage with microSD memory card slot expandable up to 32GB. Sony Xperia Sola is priced at Rs 20,449.</div></div></span>

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