A Chinese firm is seeking $80,000 and an apology from Apple.
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Tech News is a blog created by Wasim Akhtar to deliver Technical news with the latest and greatest in the world of technology. We provide content in the form of articles, videos, and product reviews.
[Update] Windows 8 Upgrade Paths for Windows XP, Vista and 7
UPDATE: Microsoft has officially announced upgrade paths of Windows 8. Windows XP, Vista and 7 users will be able to upgrade to Windows 8 for just $39.99. Windows 8 Pro users will be able to add Windows Media Center for free using "Add features" option. Also a packaged DVD version of the upgrade to Windows [...] Read rest of this article at AskVG.com
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Scientists develop spray-on battery
Scientists in the United States have developed a paint that can store and deliver electrical power just like a battery. Traditional lithium-ion batteries power most portable electronics. They are already pretty compact but limited to rectangular or cylindrical blocks. Researchers at Rice University in Houston, Texas, have come up with a technique to break down each element of the traditional battery and incorporate it into a liquid that can be spray-painted in layers on virtually any surface. "This means traditional packaging for batteries has given way to a much more flexible approach that allows all kinds of new design and integration possibilities for storage devices," said Pulickel Ajayan, who leads the team on the project. The rechargeable battery is made from spray-painted layers, with each representing the components of a traditional battery: two current collectors, a cathode, an anode and a polymer separator in the middle. The paint layers were airbrushed onto ceramics, glass and stainless steel, and on diverse shapes such as the curved surface of a ceramic mug, to test how well they bond. One limitation of the technology is in the use of difficult-to-handle liquid electrolytes and the need for a dry and oxygen-free environment when making the new device. The researchers are looking for components that would allow construction in the open air for a more efficient production process and greater commercial viability. Neelam Singh, who worked on the project, believes the technology could be integrated with solar cells to give any surface a stand-alone energy capture and storage capability. The researchers tested the device using nine bathroom tiles coated with the paint and connected to each other. When they were charged, the batteries powered a set of light-emitting diodes for six hours, providing a steady 2.4 volts. The results of the study were published on Thursday in the journal Nature Scientific Reports.
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MakeMyTrip appoints Sanket Atal as Chief Technology Officer
Nasdaq-listed Indian online travel company MakeMyTrip has today announced the appointment of Sanket Atal as the new Chief Technology Officer to head the technology development and support teams in the travel company. Atal was previously Senior Vice President & General Manager for the India Technology Center of CA Technologies in Hyderabad. The MakeMyTrip Group achieved sales of Rs. 4,800 crore in the financial year ending March 2012. Deep Kalra, CEO and Founder, MakeMyTrip said, "We are extremely pleased to have Sanket on board. His broad-based experience and expertise is an asset as we strengthen our focus on technology and Innovation to drive the next phase of our evolution. He brings with him a global management style and a clear understanding of enterprise and consumer business to hold him in good stead in this critical role." Atal added, "I am looking forward to my association with MakeMyTrip. Technology is the natural enabler in our business to fuel innovation and achieve excellence in customer experience. I am very excited to have this opportunity to lead this vertical, and the experience I have amassed so far in the software industry will support my quest for innovation."
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Cloud computing for the people? It’s called SaaS.
Cloud-based servers simple enough to be at the beck and call of every Joe Schmo off the street are a compelling vision, but presently not a realistic one. At this point, in fact, one could argue that the holy grail of the consumer cloud has already been realized. In the business world, it's called software as a service, but the rest of the world just knows it as "the cloud." In a blog post on Thursday, Anil Dash laid out a vision that pretty much boils down to this quote: "[W]e need a consumer cloud offering. An app store for EC2 or a marketplace for Rackspace. The same one-click stores that offer us easy apps on our own local devices should let us purchase consumer-friendly apps that run on our own individual cloud servers." It reads well, but until cloud computing prices drop far enough that individual servers cost next to nothing, the vision seems infeasible. That's why multitenant cloud services, what Dash calls "centralized services," are proving so popular. Although Dash dismisses the idea of centralized services as being primarily the realm of profit-hungry platform companies such as Google and Facebook, and archaic compared with the type of edge innovation that mobile apps enable, that's not entirely the case. The truth is that there's a whole slew of entrepreneurs building consumer-friendly services atop cloud platforms — like almost every popular web and mobile app you can think of, including Instagram, Draw Something , Tumblr, Wordnik, Foursquare, you name it. Yes, it's true there isn't yet a cloud service for every possible need a consumer could have, but new ones are popping up every day. Some of them are actually targeting the compute-intensive workloads Dash thinks aren't profitable enough for large platform providers to build but that might require an entire virtual server. I'm thinking of Zencoder (and the host of other video-rendering services), Animoto and Aviary, but there are plenty of other examples floating about. It's all about cost and architecture For a variety of reasons economic and architectural, a centralized model is just so much more efficient than having every version of an app running on its own server. A big one is that most apps don't need the power of an entire server, which is why multitenancy works so well. There's also the issue of OS patches and other administrative tasks that are a lot easier with centralized control and not so easy when apps are running on their own servers god-knows-where. These are among the same reason businesses love SaaS, by the way. And then there's the cost; applications that rely on consumers spinning up their own servers are not going to be cheap. If an app were running 24 hours a day on a standard Amazon Machine Image (a requirement if you don't want to wait minutes for a new server to power on every time you open the app), it would cost just less than $60 a month for compute alone, not to mention charges for storage, database calls, etc. I can't imagine a freemium model that can support than kind of cost. Multitenant SaaS providers can keep prices low and still turn a profit by taking into account peaks and valleys in usage, but I don't see how that's possible in a single-tenant model. Amazon Web Services actually has an AWS Marketplace, but it consists primarily of business applications — and for good reason. While tens to hundreds of dollars a month is a relatively good deal for business software, it's a terrible deal for consumers. That's why multitenant, or centralized, cloud architectures work so well. It's also why many mobile applications have a foot in the cloud to provide a distributed datastore, but offload computing where possible to our increasingly powerful mobile phones and laptops. Such architectures also provide the added benefit of letting apps run offline but sync with the cloud backend when devices are back online. Built right (that can be easier said than done, I know) a centralized cloud service can stay online during an outage that would knock individual servers offline and take consumers' instances with them. Don't get me wrong, I completely see where Dash is coming from in wanting, essentially, a world in which consumers can buy cloud apps that mirror and perhaps outdo their PC apps in terms of features and computing power. I just don't see it happening given the myriad advantages cloud services have as a business model. Anyone can write and host their own application in the cloud — the advent of platform as a service makes that easier than ever before — but if they build something the rest of the world might want to use, the economics of a single-tenant architecture just aren't there yet.
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Is the iPad 2 cannibalizing the new iPad’s profits?
In about four weeks, Apple will announce its fiscal 2012 Q3 earnings. Its accountants are busy tallying the numbers, including the number of iPads sold and revenue from the iPad product line. These two numbers hold the key for the longevity of the iPad 2. Are the days numbered for the $399 iPad 2? When Apple announced the new iPads in March, it dropped the cost of the lowest-priced iPad 2 (the 16GB Wifi only version) by $100 and continued to sell it side by side with the third-generation iPad. This is not in the usual mold of clearing out previous generation products at a reduced price. Analysts speculated that Apple kept the iPad 2 around to counter the threat from cheaper tablets, specifically Kindle Fire. Despite being a year old, the iPad 2 is packed with power and features that other tablets do not come close to matching. Offering it at $399 helped bring in new customers who didn't consider buying it at $499 and snag some who would have bought a Kindle Fire. It is a win-win for Apple — almost. The $399 price point is also attractive to those who otherwise would have bought the new iPad at higher price points. This is what economists call second degree price discrimination. When offered multiple options at different prices, customers pick the one that gives them the most value (consumer surplus). In the absence of the $399 iPad 2, customers would have picked the pricier new iPad. But when offered side by side, some see higher consumer surplus from the iPad 2 than the new iPad. That is exactly why Apple kept just the 16GB Wifi model of the iPad 2 and not the entire product line. For every customer who chooses to buy the iPad 2 instead of the new iPad, Apple loses $100-plus in pure profit (the cost difference between the models are marginal). If that total loss turns out to be more than the profit from selling the iPad 2 to new customers, Apple will quickly pull the plug on the iPad 2. We will not get a breakdown from Apple on the number of iPad 2s and new iPads sold. But we can figure out these numbers by doing simple math on Apple's earnings statement. Last quarter, when it had the $399 iPad 2 for only a month, Apple sold about 2.1 million $399 iPad 2 units. That was 18 percent of the total number of iPads sold, which did not increase much from the previous quarter. This translates to just 10 percent of total iPad revenue. The higher the number of iPad 2 units sold, the lower its contribution to revenue. This is the first full quarter when iPad 2 and the new iPad are sold side by side. Apple would prefer to keep the iPad 2 proportion at 18 percent or lower. If that number goes up, it signals significant erosion of Apple's iPad profits by its own product. The worst case scenario is that Apple sells three times as many iPad 2s as the previous quarter without a net increase in total number of iPads sold. When the earnings report comes in next month, pay close attention to the iPad numbers. If you have been waiting to buy one, you might want to grab one now before they're gone.
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ICANN Cancels Digital Archery Program, Has No Immediate Alternative
The Digital Archery contest, devised by ICANN to determine which gTLD applications would be handled first, was canceled on Thursday.
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Free Game Friday: Cats, Zombies and a Speedrun Through Retro Gaming
This week's roundup has everything the internet loves including felines, the undead and free games.
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Six Ways to Make Mobile Networks Perform Better
To achieve higher download and upload speeds, vendors and operators are planning to use a number of different technologies over the coming years in both HSPA and...
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Google Glasses Link Virtual, Real Worlds
Glasses reportedly will ship to consumers about a year after the prototype Explorer Edition makes its way to developers.
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Chrome for iOS: Not So Fast, Cool Features
Chrome for iOS has some nifty new tools for syncing across devices, but delivers slower-than-Safari speeds.
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Use Google Now with Caution, Security Experts Say
One security analyst suggests choosing a BlackBerry for work and an Android device for personal use.
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App Spotlight: MaxEmail Fax Turns Your iPhone into a Fax Machine
Unlike many iOS fax apps, this one can pull documents from your Dropbox, Google Docs, and iDisk accounts. Even better, it lets you fax photographed documents on the fly.
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Google TV Armed With More Entertainment Options
Google at its I/O conference is emphasizing its growing number of music, movies, and TV shows available for Android tablets and smartphones.
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ERP Vendors Syspro, Unit4 Launch App Stores
The app store model popularized by Apple is gaining further adoption in the world of ERP (enterprise-resource-planning) software, with new stores announced this...
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EU IT Security Would Benefit From a Stronger Cyberinsurance Market, Study Says
The European Union is lacking a well-developed cyberinsurance market that could push companies to better protect their information systems and data, the European...
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Nixie Tube Chess Set Makes for a Visually Stunning Game
Checkmate! Make your game of chess more interesting with a few Nixie tubes and some clever circuitry.
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Wall Street Beat: Software, Progress in Euro Zone Plan Help Boost Tech
Tech stocks are ending the first half of the year on an upbeat note with news that enterprise spending on software lately has been relatively strong.
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Rice University Develops Spray-on Battery Prototype
Researchers at Rice University in Houston have developed a prototype spray-on battery that could allow engineers to rethink the way portable electronics are...
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Job Ad Indicates Apple Using Oracle, IBM Servers in North Carolina Data Center
Apple is running servers from IBM and Oracle with flavors of the Unix operating system at its Malden, North Carolina, data center.
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Paint-On Lithium-Ion Batteries Put Your Walls to Good Use
Researchers at Rice University have developed a lithium-ion battery that can be painted on virtually any surface.
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Seven Practical Steps to Help You Run Your On-Premise Cloud Like a Business
Long regarded as "just" technology providers, IT organizations now are routinely called on to leverage infrastructure advances and virtualization in order to drive efficiencies, improve performance and transform business functions throughout the enterprise.
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Five Tips to Keep Apps From Failing
No business today that depends on online customers and processes to keep the lights on can afford an application meltdown.
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Five Tips to Keep Apps From Failing
No business today that depends on online customers and processes to keep the lights on can afford an application meltdown.
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Has Google Done Enough to Keep Android Phones Up-to-date?
Jelly Bean? Most Android devices are still running Gingerbread! Android fragmentation reaches new levels.
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Has Google Done Enough to Keep Android Phones Up-to-date?
Jelly Bean? Most Android devices are still running Gingerbread! Android fragmentation reaches new levels.
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Report: Apple Wins Injunction Against Galaxy Nexus
A California court has granted Apple an injunction against Samsung over sales of its Galaxy Nexus smartphones in the U.S.
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Report: Apple Wins Injunction Against Galaxy Nexus
A California court has granted Apple an injunction against Samsung over sales of its Galaxy Nexus smartphones in the U.S.
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Mobile Privacy Standards to Be Discussed at Government Meetings
Industry stakeholders, rights groups, and Internet marketers will discuss privacy issues involving consumer data on mobile devices.
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Mobile Privacy Standards to Be Discussed at Government Meetings
Industry stakeholders, rights groups, and Internet marketers will discuss privacy issues involving consumer data on mobile devices.
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Robotics Starter Kit Helps You Build Your First Bot, Just Needs Your Code (And Funding)
Need a bit of help coming to grips with the hardware element of your robotics endeavor? Let this Kickstarter project help you!
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How to Finger Fakes on Twitter
Is that hottie really just a bottie? Here are six ways to tell the difference between real and fake accounts and spot a Twitter bot.
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Facebook Timeline Change Said to Affect Emails, Contacts
The latest gripe with Facebook to light up the blogosphere apparently affects people with mobile devices or other software that synchronizes their address book with their Facebook contacts.
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[Google Chrome Version Update] Chrome 20 Stable Released, Also Available for iPhone and iPad
NOTE: This topic is updated whenever a new version of Google Chrome is released. So keep checking this topic regularly to get instant updates. UPDATE: Google Chrome has also been released for iPhone and iPad. Its based on Chrome 19.0.1084.52 version. Chrome for iOS can be used in iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. It requires [...] Read rest of this article at AskVG.com
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TightVNC 2.5.2
TightVNC is a free remote control software package derived from the popular VNC software. With TightVNC, you can see the desktop of a remote machine and control it with your local mouse and keyboard, just like you would do it sitting in the front of ...
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Process Explorer 15.21
Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded.
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Autoruns 11.32
Autoruns shows you what programs are configured to run during system bootup or login, and shows you the entries in the order Windows processes them. These programs include ones in your startup folder, Run, RunOnce, and other Registry keys. You can co...
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Avast! Free Antivirus 7.0.1451
avast! Free Antivirus represents the best free antivirus protection currently available on the market. This edition is FREE OF CHARGE for non-commercial & home use. Its features include:
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Firefox 14.0 Beta 10
The Web is all about innovation, and Firefox sets the pace with dozens of new features to deliver a faster, more secure and customizable Web browsing experience for all.
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Google Chrome 20.0.1132.47
Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.
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Freemake Video Converter
Freemake offers free program for video converting - developed as alternative to popular paid software. "Free, easy and of high quality" are the fundamental principles of Freemake.
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BitTorrent 7.6.1 Build 27529
BitTorrent is a torrent client for sharing data via the BitTorrent protocol. The software enables users to share, search, download and upload application, music, video, document, picture and other files. BitTorrent supports download of multiple files...
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Kindle for PC 1.10.0 Build 40252
Kindle for PC is a free application that lets you read Kindle books on your PC.
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10 Essential Plugins for WordPress Novices
WordPress's extensibility, courtesy of its large plugin library, is one of the primary causes for its rapid spread as the platform of choice for web development across the internet – so much so that a whopping 15% of the top 1 million websites use WordPress as their CMS, with a total of 74.3M sites currently being powered by the platform. In fact, an entire ecosystem has developed around WordPress plugins,...
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Weekly Web Design and Development Inspiration – N.145
This is our weekly selection of our favorite web designs from the past week. Thanks to everybody for their recommendations and please feel free to comment and let us know what you think. Our Weekly Design Inspiration has been sponsored by DesignShock. Check them out for free weekly design bundles, including logo templates, icons, characters, WordPress themes, HTML & CSS templates, GUI sets and much, much more. Display Creative Metropol...
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How WordPress Changed My Career
Back when I started my career as a web designer (circa 1996), the main idea of having a website was to, well, have one. In those days, most businesses weren't doing much more than putting together a hierarchy (an often poorly designed one, at that) of text and images. The idea of a content management system, or CMS, was completely foreign to most people – myself included. Back then, a...
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Is your data safe with Google?
I'm not going to say much here as believe it or not I don't like starting firestorms. But it begs the question, do you feel safe hosting your data with Google? This includes your search data, your email, Google docs, etc. Google has been in bed with the Government for a long time, they've been hacked by China, and now they're getting in bed with the NSA. Read the article below, then let us know in the comments. Do you feel safe hosting your data with Google and tell us why you feel one way or another. I just ask you please don't be crude in your comments. :-) http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/02/03/AR2010020304057_pf.html Update: Google's new service 'Buzz' is now also ripe is privacy issues. See some below articles just for starters; Google Responds to Buzz Privacy Issues. Again Google alters Buzz after privacy complaints Google Apologizes for Buzz Privacy Issues Thoughts anyone? <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz&partnerID=167&key=segment" /> <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-8bUhLiluj0fAw.gif?labels=pub.29715.rss.TechBiz.9425,cat.TechBiz.rss" /> Google - National Security Agency - Search - Search Engines - China
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Windows Phone 7 Series = Zune Phones
Yep, Microsoft has finally announced the Zune Phones. Notice that's plural, Zune Phones. That means each handset maker is going to be able to make their own dream phone. Also, they'll have a centralized marketplace like the Apple store, except I can run any app I want that I got from anywhere, unlike the iPhone and others. Now me, my requirements are slide out keyboard (on-screen keyboards have yet to work well enough for me) and an OLED screen. Basically take the HTC Touch Pro 2 and 7 series it. Want to see more, check it out! http://channel9.msdn.com/posts/LauraFoy/First-Look-Windows-Phone-7-Series-Hands-on-Demo/ Enjoy! <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz&partnerID=167&key=segment" /> <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-8bUhLiluj0fAw.gif?labels=pub.29715.rss.TechBiz.9425,cat.TechBiz.rss" /> iPhone - Microsoft - Apple - HTC Corporation - Zune
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Why is Windows Server 2008 R2 being overlooked? Part 1 – Why you should look at it
I have been asked by many server admins over the last year about Server 2008 R2, and every time the question essentially is, "So, is there any reason to run R2?" They ask this question assuming to already know the answer of "of course not" and are shocked when I tell them the answer is ABSOLUTELY. Now, this is just my opinion, but I believe that 2008 R2 is as big a leap from 2008, as 2008 was from 2003. Now, I'm sure I'll hear some detractors on this, but here is why I believe this to be true in all the ways that matter. So why is R2 so great? Well, ask yourself this. Do you think Windows 7 is far better than Windows Vista? If you answered yes, then ask yourself why? Got it? Well, the exact same reasons why you love Windows 7 over Vista are the exact same reasons you will love R2 over 2008. The resource utilization is vastly superior in R2 to 2008. In my real world experience, I have a good 33% more efficiency in an R2 server over a 2008 one. (That's not an actual benchmarked stat, that is my observation of servers in production.) Server 2008/Vista and Windows 7/2008 R2 are the same code base and kernel. In fact, the client OS's are now based on the Server OS's rather than the other way around. (This happened when they scrapped Longhorn 4000 series builds and based the new code on Server 2003 rather than XP code base.) Now, there are many new features/improvements over 2008 in R2, but I'm just going to address a few and provide you links to learn about the rest; Hyper-V R2 – The new Hyper-V has many new features including live migration features, greater than 32GB RAM support/ >4 proc (host), etc. Plus, it's free. To learn more, go here - http://www.microsoft.com/hyper-v-server/en/us/default.aspx Direct Access – This is the most advanced feature added to Windows Server since well, maybe Active Directory itself. Now, while I lay claim to some credit of getting this feature into the OS (can't talk about it :-) ) I about had a heart attack when it actually made it to the product. What is Direct Access? Are you familiar with RPC over HTTPS, now called 'Outlook Anywhere', which is where your Outlook connects securely to Exchange without a VPN and all traffic just goes over port 443? Well then, Direct Access is the same concept, except we're talking ALL DOMAIN TRAFFIC. That means you can domain manage laptops in remote offices or at users home the EXACT SAME WAY as you would if they were on your local LAN. That means they talk to the domain before the user even logs in, applying computer and user group policies (including software deployments) access to local file and print shares, etc. You are literally looking at domain controlled computers over the WAN with no VPN's, MPLS, etc. Users don't have to change a thing, when the laptop is at work and when they are home, everything just WORKS! A couple of notes; First, this requires all client computers be Windows 7+. It uses some new protocols that Microsoft has implemented. A quick layman's description, RPC inside of IPSEC inside of SSL. I've had the documentation detailing exactly how the security layer of all this works and given it to a DOD security contractor to review. I was told it was the most secure commercial implementation he had ever seen, and thought it may even be impervious to 'man in the middle' attacks. Again, this was only his opinion, but I trust his opinion. In summary I cannot stress this enough. LEARN ABOUT DIRECT ACCESS. Get started with an over-view here - http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=D8EB248B-8BF7-4798-A1D1-04D37F2E013C&displaylang=en IIS 7.5 – Don't be scared, this isn't the leap of IIS 7 from IIS 6. Far from it, just keep the same concepts of Windows 7 over Vista in mind here. It's IIS 7 streamlined and more efficient. Enough said. To learn more about why Server 2008 R2 is so awesome, and why you should switch, see the links below. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc731400.aspx http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/r2-compare-features.aspx http://blogs.zdnet.com/perlow/?p=10743 In part 2 I'll go into some reasons WHY you might not be able to fully go R2 yet… <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz&partnerID=167&key=segment" /> <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-8bUhLiluj0fAw.gif?labels=pub.29715.rss.TechBiz.9425,cat.TechBiz.rss" /> Windows Vista - Microsoft - Operating system - Windows XP - Windows Server 2008
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Why is Windows Server 2008 R2 being overlooked? Part 2 – Why aren’t people moving to it?
Like most situations, there are legitimate reasons why some organizations/admins aren't moving to R2, and there are many bogus reasons. Legitimate reasons; Core application compatibility issues. Unfortunately there are some core Microsoft applications that aren't supported with R2 in the mix. This is very, very unfortunate and Microsoft is shooting themselves in the foot on this one. The product teams need to get themselves a little more in-sync with the OS teams on this. Many of the core apps are just listed as 'unsupported' which essentially means simply that the product team hasn't certified their product for the new OS. That doesn't mean it won't work, just they haven't tested it yet to make sure it does. The simple fact of Microsoft saying 'unsupported' means no corporation will move to the new OS. This alone really hurts adoption of R2. Below are some product examples; Microsoft Exchange 2003/2007 – Microsoft Exchange 2010 is fully supported on R2, 2007 and 2003 are not. Honestly, that's not a big deal as no one is going to migrate their OS for Exchange without migrating the app to the next version as well. The tricky part was that you couldn't have R2 domain controllers with Exchange involved. That's the problem. Things have changed in this regard. See the links below to see the evolution of this issue; http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2009/09/21/452567.aspx – We are not supporting R2 http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2009/11/04/453026.aspx – We will support R2 http://msexchangeteam.com/archive/2009/11/30/453327.aspx - Releasing the fix OCS 2007/ 2007 R2 – Office Communications Server 2007 and 2007 R2 are also un-supported on Server 2008 R2. Again, the same scenario as Exchange, you aren't going to migrate the underlying OS of already existing production servers but the domain controller issue also exists with OCS. The other issue is that OCS is another Microsoft product that is sorely overlooked and as more and more Enterprises are learning of it's awesomeness (yes, that's a new word for today) they would like to build the product on the latest OS release to prevent upgrades in the future. Unfortunately they cannot do this. (This is in regards to an issue with .Net framework versions if I recall correctly.) I was actually going to help a customer add in their first 2008 R2 domain controller when we found out about the OCS issue with R2 DC's. Needless to say the customer was very disappointed we couldn't add an R2 DC. This issue is going away in Q1 of this year - http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/supported-applications.aspx So, while this was a major stumbling block for 2008 R2 adoption, Microsoft is quickly rectifying the situation. For a full list of supported applications for Server 2008 R2 and when the apps will be supported, check this link here - http://www.microsoft.com/windowsserver2008/en/us/supported-applications.aspx Core applications are already in place. This one is fairly self evident. If you already have Exchange 2007 or OCS 2007 or Sharepoint 2007 in place, you aren't going to migrate these core applications to a new server/OS until the next version is released. This is just fiscally responsible and realistic. For any new applications or expansion of current applications many admins will want to use R2 (again for the purpose of preventing having to do upgrades in the future) and if the application allows them to, they will. (See the above issue.) Honestly, these are the only legitimate reasons I can think of for NOT moving to 2008 R2. If you know of any others, please let me know in the comments and I'll update the article. Bogus reasons; Windows Server 2008 R2 is a 'minor' release. Again, this is where Microsoft is shooting themselves in the foot. The thought behind the server teams doing a 'major' and 'minor' release schedule was they thought admins were afraid of 'major' OS releases and therefore would be more likely to adopt 'minor' releases interim. I have to say I completely disagree with this assessment and here is why; Admins know ANY CHANGE equals RISK. This doesn't mean just the changes in the OS, but changing your production environment in any way equates some risk. Large production environments are very complex systems and one change in one arena can affect other areas of the environment you would have never expected. (For example, adding an R2 DC and suddenly OCS or Exchange starts having issues, something you wouldn't expect to occur.) Not to mention there is the bureaucracy and red tape that you have to go through in a large IT organization to make a change to the production environment. That means if Server 2008 is billed as a 'minor' release, admins are going to pass on it because as a 'minor' release it won't be worth the hassle and risk. I'll just wait until the next major release, make it worth my while. An additional note on this topic, I personally find billing R2 as a 'minor' release is also insulting to the product itself and all the hard work that went into it. Personally I would have loved to see Server 2008 R2 sold as 'Windows Server 7', and the branding alone would have spurred adoption due to the great market acceptance of Windows 7. (Obviously the Windows Phone division realized this.) General laziness. Yep, we all know it. There are many admins out there that just plain don't like learning anything new, and don't like change. It's just a job to them, and anything that causes them more work they hate. These admins are easy to spot, they are the ones that complain Microsoft releasing another product is just about 'making more money without really doing anything other than slapping a new name on an old product with a couple of tweaks.' Yeah, we know who you are. (By the way, DUH, of course they want to make money. It's called Capitalism!) Ignorance. Most admins have no idea why they SHOULD move to R2. Again, this is a failing on Microsoft for not getting the word out. I have never heard Direct Access mentioned by anyone at Microsoft or seen it really talked about in the Tech Press. There have been a few mentions but come on people, this is a POWERFUL and REVOLUTIONARY FEATURE!! Microsoft should be screaming this from the roof tops! Every time I tell an admin about it they stare at me in disbelief. Half the time they think I'm lying, then they wonder why they've never heard of it before. I agree with them, why haven't they heard it before??? My advice to Microsoft is once again, work with the product teams to get your word out! Every admin has their one product they are the experts on and pride themselves on that. If every product team got the word out, you would see a huge improvement in the uptake of Server 2008 R2. We need to wait until at least the first service pack. This is one of the lamest, stupidest excuses I always hear. Maybe, MAYBE this was true back in the Windows NT days but welcome to the 21st century people. Server 2003 in BETA was the most stable OS I had ever used and proved itself immediately in production. It's time to stop being cowards and start being men. Finally there's one reason that fits in both the legitimate and bogus reasons categories. Testing before deploying. Many organizations don't have the time or the resources to deploy a full lab of their production environment to make sure that a new OS isn't going to wreak havoc. This is a legitimate concern, but Microsoft has taken steps to make this easier. By providing free already configured .VHD's of new products/OS's, Microsoft is making it easy for admins to play with the new releases without having to install anything, and Microsoft is going to continue to find ways to make this process even easier and more accessible to even the smallest of IT shops. So, in conclusion if you haven't learned about 2008 R2, it's time you started doing your research. Windows Server 2008 R2 is NOT a 'minor' release and should be treated with the same respect and resources that a major server OS release would. Trust me on this, and you'll be thanking me later. <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz&partnerID=167&key=segment" /> <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-8bUhLiluj0fAw.gif?labels=pub.29715.rss.TechBiz.9425,cat.TechBiz.rss" /> Microsoft - Windows Server 2008 - Operating system - Microsoft Exchange Server - Windows Server 2008 R2
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Matt Landis – Hosted OCS Comparisons
Matt Landis over at the 'Matt Landis Windows PBX Report' blog has a nice feature comparison of different hosted OCS providers. Check it out! http://windowspbx.blogspot.com/2010/03/hosted-microsoft-office-communicaiton.html <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz&partnerID=167&key=segment" /> <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-8bUhLiluj0fAw.gif?labels=pub.29715.rss.TechBiz.9425,cat.TechBiz.rss" /> Microsoft Windows - Microsoft - Office Suites - Microsoft Office - Monopolies and Oligopolies
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The new ‘Search War’
Read the below NY Times article. Essentially the point of the article is that competition breeds innovation and a better production from all companies involved. I love it. We know where complacency gets us. It gets us Windows Mobile, Yahoo.com, etc. Competition is always a good thing and it's great to see true competition on the search market again. http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/02/technology/02google.html?_r=1&partner=rss&emc=rss <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz&partnerID=167&key=segment" /> <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-8bUhLiluj0fAw.gif?labels=pub.29715.rss.TechBiz.9425,cat.TechBiz.rss" /> New York Times - Google - Windows Mobile - Yahoo! - Search
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The Google graveyard…
http://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2010/08/11/google-graveyard-infographic All companies have a list of failed products but I thought this was a great way of presenting it. If you have a link to any other companies graveyards (such as MS, Apple, Yahoo, etc) please post in the comments and we'll throw it up as well! <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz&partnerID=167&key=segment" /> <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-8bUhLiluj0fAw.gif?labels=pub.29715.rss.TechBiz.9425,cat.TechBiz.rss" /> Google - Yahoo - Apple - Search - Search Engines
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Windows Phone 7 has RTM’d!
The Windows Phone 7 team has announced their product has been released to manufacturing. That means it's complete. Read the details here; Windows Team Blog And if you haven't checked out the awesomeness that is Windows Phone 7, check out the website here – http://www.windowsphone7.com Can't wait to get one! <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz&partnerID=167&key=segment" /> <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-8bUhLiluj0fAw.gif?labels=pub.29715.rss.TechBiz.9425,cat.TechBiz.rss" /> Microsoft Windows - Windows Phone 7 - Software release life cycle - Windows Mobile - Operating system
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Windows Phone 7 Officially Launches–Updated!
Windows Phone 7 officially launched today at a press event in NYC this morning. You can check out more here – http://www.windowsphone7.com By the way, if you have any doubts about the platform or it's responsiveness, you should really watch this video here - http://www.microsoft.com:80/presspass/presskits/windowsphone/videoGallery.aspx?contentID=wp7_unveil03&WT.z_convert=Share Seriously, watch the video. The responsiveness of the device is just flat out amazing. No lag whatsoever. If you've been a Windows Mobile user, this is a VERY, VERY good thing to see. I currently have a HTC Touch Pro 2 and the delay is soooo irritating. It's even faster than my ZuneHD. Wait until you see the Bing Maps responsiveness, or the Bing Search (using Voice) feature. So keep an open mind, ignore the BS you've heard and take a look for yourself. I personally can't wait to get my hands on one but unfortunately I'll be waiting until next year since I am a very loyal Sprint customer. Update – Microsoft has already promised a 1.1 update in 'early 2011' that will add the missing copy/cut/paste features among other unannounced things. This is fantastic. Read more here - http://www.reghardware.com/2010/10/11/microsoft_windows_phone_7_update/ <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz&partnerID=167&key=segment" /> <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-8bUhLiluj0fAw.gif?labels=pub.29715.rss.TechBiz.9425,cat.TechBiz.rss" />
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Another ‘elitist’ trying to downplay Windows Phone 7 before it even launches…
Elitists are like lemmings (which is hilarious because they pride themselves on not being lemmings) and once one of them has gained attention from something they all have to do it. The only problem is that they have to hide their lemming status by coming up with a new tact to disparage Windows Phone 7. The latest comes from Adrian Kingsley-Hughes from ZDNet with his pathetic post called; 5 reasons NOT to be a Windows Phone 7 early adopter And what are your brilliant reasons?; 'First generation anything is ropey.' Ropey? Apparently this is an informal British word. Apparently it means inferior or inadequate. Interesting. I would just have to ask Mr. Kingsley-Hughes, did you say the same thing when the iPhone and Android devices first came out? Since, according to your statement, ALL first generation devices are 'ropey.' Hmmm I think your hypocrisy is showing… 'Wait for the app store to mature' – Again, was the iPhone apps store and Android apps store 'mature' at launch? (Isn't launch and mature an oxymoron?) Do you really think the main drive for early adopters is the apps store? If that was the case, we would never be early adopters. Early adopters don't wait for 'mature' otherwise they wouldn't be defined as early adopters now would they? Seriously, the apps store? hahahahaha 'Wait for the herd to thin down' – This argument is that there are TOO MANY handset makers and may of them will decide to stop selling handsets and therefore we should wait. Hmmm again I'm pretty sure that there are 'far too many' Android handset makers yet I haven't seen you make this argument there. Again sir your hypocrisy is showing. 'WP7 could still flop' – Now this is an interesting concept since it HASN'T EVEN LAUNCHED YET. Did you say the same about the iPhone or Android? Oh wait, you wouldn't want to offend your masters. I'm surprised that you were able to draw yourself away from your Apple and Google idol worship to write this post. 'There's still the question of Microsoft's commitment to the platform' – Seriously? You really want to try this card? This card that countless tech 'journalists' have used with Microsoft in the past on Office (against Word Perfect), Xbox (against PS2), etc? Even if Windows Phone 7 stayed at 5% market share Microsoft will release a Windows Phone 8, of that there is no doubt. And the lame 'cut/copy/paste' argument again? I guess you ran out of your own sucky ideas so you had to use the corpse of this thoroughly beaten horse. Guess what, your other platform didn't either at launch, but MS is rectifying this within 1 quarter. How long did it take your beloved Apple to rectify this situation? So Mr. Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, might I recommend that you come up with a far more logical approach next time you want to look down your nose at something for the sake of looking down your nose at something? Truly, I'm embarrassed for you. <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz&partnerID=167&key=segment" /> <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-8bUhLiluj0fAw.gif?labels=pub.29715.rss.TechBiz.9425,cat.TechBiz.rss" />
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Microsoft officially launches Lync today!
I personally have been looking forward to this day for a very long time, and I will be posting a LOT of great content and reviews on this PBX killing software here shortly. In the mean time, check out Mary Jo Foley's post over at ZDNet about the launch. http://www.zdnet.com/blog/microsoft/microsoft-touts-next-generation-voip-as-its-unified-communications-secret-sauce/8010 Yes, that's me being quoted. If you would like to learn more about Prometheus Networks hosted Enterprise Voice solution, check out the site here – http://gopronetworks.com Expect more content soon! <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz&partnerID=167&key=segment" /> <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-8bUhLiluj0fAw.gif?labels=pub.29715.rss.TechBiz.9425,cat.TechBiz.rss" />
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Digital Vidya to expand its workshops across SE Asia, Middle East, Europe, North America
Digital Vidya, which provides social media marketing training across India and Singapore to CXOs, sales and marketing professionals to leverage digital marketing for their organizations, has planned to offer its trainings in formats beyond classroom workshops to newer geographies across South East Asia, Middle East, Europe and North America. The company is close to organizing its 100th workshop in the country in July 2012. Speaking about the learnings gathered from Digital Vidya's 99 odd workshops, CEO Pradeep Chopra has said, "We've observed a significant shift in terms of both understanding and interest about Social Media among our participants over last 99 workshops. In our earlier workshops, we needed to spend a good amount of time educating the participants about basics of Social Media such as 'What is a Facebook Page?', 'How to Tweet'?." According to Chopra, earlier, they rarely used to get time to share insights about advanced topics on Social Media such as leveraging Facebook Applications for Fan Growth and Engagement. "Thanks to the shift in their understanding about Social Media, we are able to spend valuable time with our participants in helping them understand and leverage Facebook Ads for Lead Generation. 'How to measure ROI of Social Media?' is the most common question everyone is trying to get an answer for today," added Chopra. In addition, 'whether they should outsource Social Media or not?', 'which tools to use to measure performance of a Social Media campaign?', 'how to use Social Media for B2B?', 'how to integrate Social Media into overall Marketing strategy?' are other common concerns shared by our workshops participants. Speaking of the profile of its participants, Chopra informed that the 2000+ participants of the workshops would primarily fall under two categories: Marketers and Business Owners. Marketers would include CMOs or Head of Marketing, Head of Sales or Business Development, Sales and Marketing Managers, PR & Communication Teams, Media Planners and Buyers, CRM Professionals, Product Managers, Digital Marketing (SEO, SEM, SMM) professionals. "We've thoroughly enjoyed our journey of 99 workshops since Jan 2010. Going forward, we are looking at strengthening our association with our existing workshop participants by providing them further support through advanced workshops. We are also looking at offering our trainings in formats beyond classroom workshops to newer geographies across South East Asia, Middle East, Europe and North America," Pradeep Chopra said about his plans for Digital Vidya
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Google I/O Keynote Day 2: Faster Chromebooks, Google Drive for iPhone and iPad
New, faster Google Chromebooks coming to Best Buy and other stores. Also: Google Drive for iOS arrives today.
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Secunia PSI 3.0 Can Silently Deploy Security Patches for Windows Software
Danish vulnerability intelligence and research firm Secunia has launched version 3.0 of its Personal Software Inspector (PSI) patch management program, which can...
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App Player Lets You Run Android Apps on a Mac, Weirdest Pairing Ever?
BlueStacks is teaming up with a number of developers to bring Android Apps to the Mac, so you can have the best of both worlds.
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Nexus 7 Tablet vs. Kindle Fire vs. the Rest: Spec Smackdown (Chart)
Let's look at how the specs of the Nexus 7 compare with the Kindle Fire, Nook Tablet and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0).
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Bluestacks Brings Android Apps to Mac with its App Player Emulator
There are 17 apps and games available for App Player on OS X, and most of them run without any issues.
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Red Hat Acquiring FuseSource
Boosting its line of open-source middleware, Red Hatis in the process of acquiring open-source integration software vendor FuseSource from its parent company...
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Virgin Mobile Starts Selling Prepaid iPhones
Prepaid plans range from $35 a month for 300 talk minutes and unlimited text and data to $55 a month for unlimited voice, text and data.
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Salesforce.com Hit With Outage
Salesforce.com experienced system problems in a number of regions on Thursday, starting at 3:34 a.m. PDT, according to an online status page.
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Qualcomm Looks to Safeguard Patents With Reorganization
Qualcomm on Thursday said it had restructured its business operations, adding a new unit to handle the chip business as the company tries to protect its...
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Google I/O: Chrome Browser Improvements; Chrome and Google Drive for iOS; New Chromebooks
Google rolled out a series of improvements to some of its core web products on Day Two of its giant developer conference in San Francisco.
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Samsung Appeals Apple Injunction Against Galaxy Tab
Lawyers for Samsung Electronics have petitioned a U.S. court to suspend a preliminary injunction that has blocked its Galaxy Tab 10.1 tablet computer from sale...
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Google Launches IaaS Compute Engine
Expanding its portfolio of cloud computing services, Google is launching an IaaS (infrastructure-as-a-service) package, called Google Compute Engine (GCE).
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Nexus Q Living Room Battle: Google vs. Apple TV vs. the Rest (Chart)
How does the Nexus Q compare against the current living room superstars such as Apple TV? Here is a feature rundown.
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10 Questions for Hortonworks CTO Eric Baldeschwieler
Name: Eric Baldeschwieler
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How NASA Helped Open-Source Cloud Computing Take Off
The government agency famous for Tang and memory foam has also fostered the development of open-source could computing.
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The Long Death of Fat Clients
Web development and open standards have triumphed, while the JavaFX framework is merely a last gasp.
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Weekly Design News – Resources, Tutorials and Freebies (N.138)
This is our weekly column were we share our favorite design related articles, resources and cool tidbits from the past week. Enjoy :) If you would like to receive our daily updates and keep up to date with the latest and greatest articles and resources from the design community, you can follow us on Twitter, on Facebook or by subscribing to our RSS feed. Our Weekly Design News has been...
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We have 5 Tokokoo bundles (13 WordPress themes) to giveaway – Comment to enter
This weeks giveaway comes from Tokokoo. Five lucky readers will win a bundle of 13 premium e-commerce WordPress Themes (with a Standard Theme license) all courtesy of the guys from Tokokoo. Scroll down to see what themes are included in the bundle. All you will have to do for a chance of winning one of these bundles is leave a comment below telling us which is your favorite theme from...
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Useful Tips To Get New Web Design Clients
Many freelancers begin their careers without a formal marketing plan for their web design business. The truth is that sales and marketing is a crucial part of all businesses, and that is why your clients hire you. Today's business owners know a great website is an important part of their marketing toolkit, and since this is your career you should have an awesome website yourself. While a great site is...
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Beautiful Candid Photography – An expression of what it is to be human
We are social beings, but often find ourselves isolated. While it's in our nature to gather together, getting close to anyone takes effort and skill. No where is this more true than in the world of photography. A candid picture that really captures what an honest moment is like can be shockingly hard to take. All the same, we have found 30 images that do exactly that. They take a...
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Website Navigation Trends for Various Layouts
There are always some key aspects in designing a website which you have to give full attention. Site navigation is one of these important features which is found in every single layout design. Nav links generally lead to the most important pages in your website and help visitors get around quicker. You'll often find these above-the-fold where the page cuts off at the bottom of your web browser. Considering some...
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SuperAntiSpyware 5.5.1006
SUPERAntiSpyware Professional features our highly advanced Real-Time Protection to ensure protection from installation or re-installation of potential threats as you surf the Internet. Used in conjunction with our First Chance Prevention and Registr...
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Core FTP LE 2.2 (Build 1751)
Core FTP LE - free Windows software that includes the client FTP features you need. Features like SFTP (SSH), SSL, TLS, IDN, browser integration, site to site transfers, FTP transfer resume, drag and drop support, file viewing & editing, firewall su...
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RealPlayer has always enabled you to play RealAudio (*.ra) and RealMedia (*.ram) files.
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LA based Science Inc acquires India based web startup Pinpuff
Science Inc, a Los Angeles-based incubator has acquired India-based Pinpuff, which measures and tracks the influence of Pinterest users and awards them with perks for undisclosed amount. The acquisition will help Science portfolio companies, such as Wittlebee, Dollar Shave Club and Uncovet, acquire more users from Pinterest. Founded in 2011 by Gaurav Sharma, PinPuff measures the influence of Pinterest users using metrics such as likes, follows, comments, and shares. It tracks users pins and the amount of traffic it generates to come up with not only a score for users, but also a dollar amount for what users pins are worth. Pinterest is a pinboard-style social photo sharing website that allows users to create and manage theme-based image collections such as events, interests, hobbies, and more. Science Inc plans to use Pinpuff technology to identify influencers on sites similar to Pinterest, such as Fancy and Svpply. The Pinpuff technology will be used to help brand customers working with another Science company called Hello Society, which works with brands and their social strategy. According to the Mike Jones, CEO, Science, the visual inspiration board is the second highest referral network for sales within Science's other companies, which include a party venue marketplace called EventUp.
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Fino buys Nokia‘s mobile payment business in India
Financial inclusion facilitating firm Fino has acquired Nokia Mobile Payment Services in India, to foray into prepaid mobile payment space. With this acquisition, the brand name has been changed to Takatak Money and the new entity being formed to offer the service is called Alpha Payment Services India Private Limited.Nokia was planning to exit its financial services in India to move out of non-core areas. The acquisition will give an opportunity for Fino, which has a network of banking correspondents spread across the country, to enter the mobile payments business, which is said to be a $350 billion opportunity by 2015. "We were limited only to the banking and financial services space till now wherein we helped operate bank accounts, sold insurance and facilitated remittances, this deal gives us an entry into the expenditure side," Manish Khera, Chief Executive, Fino has said.
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Satyamev Jayate yielded donations of Rs 30 lakh through text messages
Nearly seven weeks after the show went on air, Aamir Khan Productions' TV reality show Satyamev Jayate has revealed that it has received donations around Rs 25 to Rs 30 lakh through text messages. According to a MoneyLife report, the show has received Rs 1.9 crore through Axis Bank which means "Rs 3 crore plus" of donations after adding "Rs 85 lakh donated by Reliance". The report further suggests that advertisers have been paying Rs 8 to Rs 10 lakh for a 10 second spot on the show and Bharti Airtel, the presenting sponsor, is understood to have paid Rs 17 to Rs 20 crore while associate sponsors (Skoda, Coca Cola, Axis Bank, etc.) have paid around Rs 7 crore each. Star India officials have updated the website to say that the show had yielded—630,298,439 connections, 8,839,494 responses, 2,778,984 community members and Rs 30,160,678 in donations. However, there was still no clarity about how much came through online transactions.
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Accel Partners India launches AccelJobs.in featuring jobs from its portfolio companies
Venture capitalist firm Accel Partners India has launched AccelJobs.in featuring jobs from its portfolio companies. Accel has more than 40 companies in its portfolio across areas as diverse as internet, mobile, cloud/SaaS, healthcare and education. Acceljobs.in will also link up with social networking websites and start-up forums to address job seekers. In India, Accel has invested in Babyoye, Cnergyis, enStage, Deeksha(Ace), Exclusively.in, Flipkart, Forus, Mobstac, FreshDesk, HealthcareMagic, Kaatizone, Letsbuy, MuSigma, Myntra, Perfint, QwikCilver, Sconce, Vinculum and Virident etc. "I often meet mid- to senior-level executives who are looking to join exciting start-ups but don't have a direct way of connecting with the start-up ecosystem. Likewise, a number of start-ups are looking to bring on high-quality talent to take them to the next level. Acceljobs.in is aimed at addressing this gap," said Subrata Mitra from Accel Partners.
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Google Unveils $199 Nexus 7 Tablet, New Android Software and More
Google's day-one keynote from the 2012 I/O developer conference has officially wrapped up. We'll have plenty of analysis directly from the show, but here's a quick look at what's been announced so far. Nexus 7 Tablet Google officially unveiled the $199 Nexus 7 tablet, built by Asus. Its feature list is as follows: Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) operating system 7-inch, 1280×800-resolution touchscreen Quad-core Tegra 3 chipset with a 12-core graphics processor 8GB of storage (16GB version available for $249) Front-facing camera Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC Nine hours of HD video playback Weighs 0.75 pounds Google says the Nexus 7 tablet is "optimized for Google Play" – meaning it's geared toward consuming music, movies, games, books, magazines and more. The feature-set and price tag will certainly put a whole lot of pressure on similarly-priced (but less powerful) 7-inch tablets like Amazon's Kindle Fire and Barnes & Noble's Nook Tablet. It'll be interesting to see if it's able to lure away would-be iPad owners as well. The Nexus 7 tablet can be pre-ordered now and will ship in mid-July. More info here. Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) Google previewed some features of its next-generation Android operating system, such as: Intelligently-resizing home screen widgets that play nicely with home screen icons Offline voice typing – no need to have a data connection anymore Actionable notifications that expand and collapse with two-finger gestures Siri-like natural voice search with spoken answers Google Now, which uses your search history, calendar and location to figure out what you might need. It'll show you nearby public transit, stores and how long it'll take you to get to the location of the next appointment in your calendar, for example. Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) will be rolling out to Galaxy Nexus devices and Motorola's Xoom tablet in mid-July. You can read more about the new platform here. Nexus Q And finally, Google also rolled out the Nexus Q, a $300 orb-shaped "social streaming media player" measuring 4.6 inches in diameter. It can be hooked up to your TV to stream YouTube videos as well as music, movies and TV shows from the Google Play store – all of which is controlled from your phone or tablet and your friends' phones and tablets (hence the "social" part). It also features a built-in 25-watt amp for directly powering a pair of speakers, should you want to use it solely for music.
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Google I/O Conference: Five Questions I’d Like to See Answered
Google kicks off its annual Google I/O developers conference in San Francisco today. While the event is ostensibly a place for app developers to get educated about Android, Chrome and related Google products, it's also a venue for big news. Google's will likely announce its first Nexus tablet, along with the next major version of Android, code named Jelly Bean, and you can expect a few other surprises as well. I'll be at the conference along with Harry McCracken (we'll be liveblogging the two keynotes), and though I'm looking forward to the big announcements, I'm also hoping to hear answers to the following questions: How would a 7-inch Nexus tablet help the Android app ecosystem? Android tablets are notoriously short on proper tablet apps–a point that Apple loves to flaunt when talking about the iPad. But a 7-inch tablet from Google might not help, even if it's priced low enough to be a best-seller. Blown-up smartphone apps aren't ideal on a 7-inch screen, but they're good enough, so developers still won't have much of a reason to optimize their Android apps for tablets. Is Google giving up on iPad-size tablets and simply trying to own the smaller tablet market, or is there an angle I'm missing? What happened to the Android Update Alliance? At last year's conference, Google announced the Android Update Alliance, comprised of several major phone makers and wireless carriers. The logistics were up in the air, but Google promised that members would provide the latest Android software on their smartphones for at least 18 months after launch. As PCMag painfully documentedlast December, the effort is essentially dead, or at least, no one's said a peep about it since the last Google I/O. And the Android update problem remains; only about 7% of devices are running Android 4.0 or higher. Google owes consumers and developers an explanation, but a real solution to the fragmentation problem would be even better. What happened to Android@Home? Much like the Android Update Alliance, Android@Home was announced at last year's conference, and then forgotten about. It was supposed to be Google's entrance into home automation, providing a framework for smart homes powered by Android accessories. There have been rumors of a Google streaming music system, but that would just be one piece of the puzzle. Mainstream home automation is one of those tech revolutions that's never quite here, so I'm curious to know if Android@Home is another botched effort, or one that's still just getting started. Where is Google TV going? Google TV has already failed once. The original vision for the product, to combine Internet and cable TV through the power of search, fell flat when most TV providers refused to jump on board, and television networks actively blocked the platform from their websites. Now, a new generation of devices is on the way, and reviews are middlingto negative so far. I don't know whether Google will announce any major updates to Google TV at this year's conference, but I'd like to know how the company expects to turn the ship around. What is Google's vision for the product, and what will it accomplish that other connected devices don't? Is a touch-friendly Chrome OS still in the cards? Google has dropped a few hints about Chrome OS for tablets over the years, including some early UI concepts and an admission to CNET that touch optimizations are in development. Chrome OS is now more refined than ever, but Google is still committed to "doubling down" on Android tablets. Is tablet support the next step for Chrome OS, or is it still on the backburner?
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Eclipse resolve “resource is out of sync with the filesystem” permanently
If you are a regular Eclipse user than you might have got this error many times. The error simply says, "you've made changes in files in your workspace from outside eclipse". The simplest solution would be to select the project and press F5 (Right click -> Refresh). This will re-sync any external changes to the [...]
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How to Apply and Safely Use Custom User Interface (Shell or Explorer) in Windows?
If you are a long-time reader of this blog, you might be knowing that we love Windows customization. We have shared so many customization stuff in past for Windows and other software. We also post articles about UI modifications such as customizing dialog boxes, text strings, menus, images, etc. You can find such kind of [...] Read rest of this article at AskVG.com
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Internet Explorer 10: MIA from Windows 7
Microsoft is maintaining its year-long silence on a release timetable and features for its new browser on its current OS.
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IBM, Lab Join Hands to Boost US Competitiveness
IBM is joining hands with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to develop new technology, products and processes critical to the U.S. infrastructure in an...
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[Tips] Tweak and Customize Firefox Sidebar and Vertical Tabs Like a Pro
This article contains advanced methods and tips-n-tricks to tweak and customize the new redesigned sidebar and vertical tabs features availa...
UPDATE: Direct download links added for the latest Mozilla Firefox 131.0.2, 115.16.1 ESR and 128.3.1 ESR offline installers. NOTE: The downl...
Newer versions of Windows 11 come with a new security feature called “Windows Protected Print Mode (WPP)“. This article will help you in act...