Elitists are like lemmings (which is hilarious because they pride themselves on not being lemmings) and once one of them has gained attention from something they all have to do it. The only problem is that they have to hide their lemming status by coming up with a new tact to disparage Windows Phone 7. The latest comes from Adrian Kingsley-Hughes from ZDNet with his pathetic post called; 5 reasons NOT to be a Windows Phone 7 early adopter And what are your brilliant reasons?; 'First generation anything is ropey.' Ropey? Apparently this is an informal British word. Apparently it means inferior or inadequate. Interesting. I would just have to ask Mr. Kingsley-Hughes, did you say the same thing when the iPhone and Android devices first came out? Since, according to your statement, ALL first generation devices are 'ropey.' Hmmm I think your hypocrisy is showing… 'Wait for the app store to mature' – Again, was the iPhone apps store and Android apps store 'mature' at launch? (Isn't launch and mature an oxymoron?) Do you really think the main drive for early adopters is the apps store? If that was the case, we would never be early adopters. Early adopters don't wait for 'mature' otherwise they wouldn't be defined as early adopters now would they? Seriously, the apps store? hahahahaha 'Wait for the herd to thin down' – This argument is that there are TOO MANY handset makers and may of them will decide to stop selling handsets and therefore we should wait. Hmmm again I'm pretty sure that there are 'far too many' Android handset makers yet I haven't seen you make this argument there. Again sir your hypocrisy is showing. 'WP7 could still flop' – Now this is an interesting concept since it HASN'T EVEN LAUNCHED YET. Did you say the same about the iPhone or Android? Oh wait, you wouldn't want to offend your masters. I'm surprised that you were able to draw yourself away from your Apple and Google idol worship to write this post. 'There's still the question of Microsoft's commitment to the platform' – Seriously? You really want to try this card? This card that countless tech 'journalists' have used with Microsoft in the past on Office (against Word Perfect), Xbox (against PS2), etc? Even if Windows Phone 7 stayed at 5% market share Microsoft will release a Windows Phone 8, of that there is no doubt. And the lame 'cut/copy/paste' argument again? I guess you ran out of your own sucky ideas so you had to use the corpse of this thoroughly beaten horse. Guess what, your other platform didn't either at launch, but MS is rectifying this within 1 quarter. How long did it take your beloved Apple to rectify this situation? So Mr. Adrian Kingsley-Hughes, might I recommend that you come up with a far more logical approach next time you want to look down your nose at something for the sake of looking down your nose at something? Truly, I'm embarrassed for you. <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz&partnerID=167&key=segment" /> <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-8bUhLiluj0fAw.gif?labels=pub.29715.rss.TechBiz.9425,cat.TechBiz.rss" />
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