Poor Google… Gmail can’t compete in corporate America, so we should all change our expectations?

http://www.liveside.net/main/archive/2010/08/13/microsoft-ready-to-land-big-ca-email-contract-google-cries-foul.aspx Apparently the state of California's email contract is up and Google didn't even submit a bid. Why? Because their product doesn't come close to meeting the requirements listed by the state. Google's response? Change the requirements. "In a series of written requests to the state, Google asked that 142 of the states contract requirements be changed or removed. Many of those conditions involved functions that Googles e-mail program isnt designed to perform." Wow… The arrogance is astounding. I have never once heard of a company demanding a client change their requirements so that their product will be applicable. Then, when the client doesn't do it, they do a huge PR campaign against them? This is a new low, even for Google. I've been watching them flounder as they claim high adoption in corporate America (when in reality their adoption, especially with GMail has been going down as corporations have gone back to Exchange and Notes.) I especially love that they haven't even been able to come through yet on their LAPD account and are now throwing this hissy fit. Google, I realize you are in bed with the current Federal Administration and think everyone should just bow to your whim but thankfully even California isn't going to play your game. It's called a free market Google. How about you try COMPETING instead of expecting everyone to change for you, just as Microsoft has done with Bing. Even if you hate Microsoft you have to give them props for continuing to try try again at Search until they got it right, rather than running to the government and saying "make them lower themselves to our standard." The free market is a beautiful thing, at least what's left of it. <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://segment-pixel.invitemedia.com/pixel?code=TechBiz&amp;partnerID=167&amp;key=segment" /> <img alt="" height="0" width="0" border="0" style="display:none" src="http://pixel.quantserve.com/pixel/p-8bUhLiluj0fAw.gif?labels=pub.29715.rss.TechBiz.9425,cat.TechBiz.rss" /> Google - Microsoft - California - Bing - Search

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