Custom domains simplified

(Cross posted on the Blogger +page) Adding a custom domain to your blog is a great way to increase your brand identity. Setting one up, however, can sometimes be a frustrating experience, especially if you aren't quite sure of the difference between an A-NAME and C-NAME record or where to find them. The good news is that the folks at Go Daddy created a handy tool that simplifies the process and makes it possible to redirect your blogspot domain to a custom Go Daddy domain with the click of a button. If you already own a Go Daddy domain and would like to connect it with your Blogger blog, head to the Go Daddy tool, log in to your Go Daddy account, enter your preferred domain or subdomain (for instance or, click Confirm, and voila, your DNS records are updated. Once your DNS records are set correctly, log in to Blogger, click "Add a custom domain" in the Publishing section of the Settings page, follow the short instructions, and your custom domain will be set up and redirecting in 24 hours or less. If you purchased a domain from another provider, don't worry, we've got a step-by-step guide that will walk you through the setup process. And finally, if you would like your blog to redirect to a custom domain, you can purchase one and get it set up without complicated configuration right from the Blogger dashboard in the Publishing section of the Settings page. Posted by Brett Wiltshire, Product Operations

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