Translate, and two more new gadgets for your dynamic blogs

If you're like many Blogger users, you write in one language, but may have readers from around the world. Not all of them speak your language. Today, we've made it easier to bring content from your blog to everyone, with the release of a new Google Translate gadget. With the Google Translate gadget, visitors to your blog can select their preferred language from the drop-down menu, and using Google's free translation service , it will display your posts in any of the 50+ languages Google Translate supports. In addition to the new Translate gadget, we are also introducing a pair of gadgets that allow you to highlight things around the web you care about. For example, with the Blog List gadget, you can highlight blogs you enjoy. With the Text List gadget, you can display a list of your favorite books, movies, or whatever you like - helping your readers get to know you better. To add these gadgets to your blog, click "Add a Gadget" from the "Layout" tab, and select them from the list of gadgets under "Basics". You'll see three new gadgets for your dynamic blog, including "Blog List", "Text List" and "Google Translate".

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