Google’s April Fool Jokes

Every year on April Fools Day, Google’s divisions come up with their own version of jokes and most of them can range from being weird to being wonderful. Let’s take a look at this year’s attempt by Google.

Pokemon Challenge by Google Maps

Google has introduced a Pokemon Challenge in its latest Google Maps that requires that user to navigate on Google maps and to discover and capture Pokemon creatures to fill up Pokedex. Start playing with the latest version of Google Maps. For starters, search for Google on the maps and you would see a mystical creature there right at Googleplex. Here is how it shows up on my Nexus 4 device:

Gmail Pokemon

Google Maps Pokemon Challenge

Nest Total Temperature Control

Over a month ago, Google had acquired Nest Labs and they too participated in the April Fools’ day jokes. Nest teams up with Virgin America and develops a feature called “Total Temperature Control.” Every seat on Virgin’s jets gets its own Nest device to let passengers set their own temperature preferences as they fly.

Gmail Shelfies

The Gmail team came up with SHareable sELFIES to mark the tenth anniversary of Gmail (which is true as it started on April 1, 2004). This feature lets you set your photo as your Gmail theme and then share it with others. You can subscribe to “Top trending Shelfies” and Gmail with set that theme for you. It is a nice little feature to have in your email settings and can make emails seem less boring. Here is the one I see in my inbox:

Gmail Shelfies

Gmail Shelfies

Google Magic Hand

Google Japan has come up with the Magic Hand, an innovative input method for smartphones. This does the work of “touching” the smartphone devices on your behalf. Honestly, it seems more difficult to control this magic hand than to actually use the smartphone. But, nonetheless, it is innovative. Take a look:


Google’s other acquisition, Waze, which usually tells one about traffic and road blocks, came up with a hilarious video called Wazedates. It has beta testers finding the love of their lives while signing up to WazeDates and thus recommending them to everyone. WazeDates alerts drivers of other likely singles on the road nearby. You can search for drivers based on age, sex, orientation, and so on. This video is a must watch.

Text to Emoji

Emojis are pictographs used to indicate words or phrases and Google Chrome has come up with replacing certain words with Emojis. This feature is optional and one can select it by checking “Translate to Emoji” option in the menu. This will show up if the device’s date is April 1.

Auto Awesome Photobombs

The Google+ team came up with the idea of introducing celebrities to photobomb your pictures. Just get a photo with friends and leave some room for the celebrity photobomb. Very different, but personally I don’t like this one.

Google Auto Awesome Photobomb

Google Auto Awesome Photobomb

To sum it, Google is one of the only tech firms to take April Fools’ Day very seriously and like every year it leaves us with playful innovations. Personally, I like the Nest Labs and Virgin America prank and I so wish it could come true one day. This page will be updated as different Google divisions come up with their pranks.

Keep Googling, keep learning!

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