Airbnb To Combat Inherent Discrimination Among Renters

Online accommodation site, Airbnb, has published an in depth report about the racial discrimination and prejudice that some paying guests experience at the hands of renters.



As a result, the website is set to  introduce new policies that will aim to prevent Airbnb renters from discriminating against paying guests for reasons of race, gender, or for taking lower priced pubic transport…

Airbnb has been dogged by criticism that it has takes next to no action against prejudiced renters. The company though, has now decided to change its ways and is rolling out new on-site laws in an attempt to combat racism and discrimination.

 “Airbnb was founded to bring people together. Fighting discrimination is fundamental to the company’s mission, and I am confident that our work as advocates in concert with the company itself will help create a community that welcomes everyone.”

The new policy will Begin in November this year, and everyone who uses Airbnb around the world will be asked to affirmatively agree to uphold the following commitment before they book a listing or share their space on the Airbnb platform.

“We believe that no matter who you are, where you are from, or where you travel, you should be able to belong in the Airbnb community. By joining this community, you commit to treat all fellow members of this community, regardless of race, religion, national origin, disability, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation or age, with respect, and without judgment or bias.”

One of the biggest policy changes will be Airbnb’s push to allow more bookings that don’t require pre-approval and punish those who appear to reject guests improperly.

 “If a host rejects a guest by stating that their space is not available, Airbnb will automatically block the calendar for subsequent reservation requests for that same trip.”

In a widely welcomed move by commentators, the company also recognised that it is itself, like many of its California tech contemporaries, woefully un-diverse. The company has vowed to ensure “that the percentage of employees from under-represented populations in the U.S. increases to 11 percent by the end of 2017.”

The full report and its recommendations can be read here.  

via FileHippo News

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