The PC is Over

MG Siegler writes: The PC is over. It will linger, but increasingly as a relic. I now dread using my computer. I want to use a tablet most of the time. And increasingly, I can. I want to use a smartphone all the rest of the time. And I do. The value in the desktop web is increasingly an illusion. Given the rate at which these mobile devices are improving, a plunge is rapidly approaching. Don't build an app based on your website. Build the app that acts as if websites never existed in the first place. Build the app for the person who has never used a desktop computer. Because they're coming. Soon. Realize that MG Siegler is a journalist, and a TechCrunch air-quotes journalist at that, so hes well versed in hyperbole. You might say hes a billion times better at hyperbole than the average blogger. In his own way, he is a creator, I suppose: he creates hype. But hes not entirely wrong here. Ive noticed the same pattern in my own computing habits. As I wrote in The Last PC Laptop, its becoming more and more difficult to justify any situation where a traditional laptop is your best choice – even a modern, svelte, fancypants laptop. Desktops, on the other hand, are perfectly justifiable. That is, if you want three monitors, eight blazingly fast CPU cores, 64 GB of memory, and fire-breathing multi-GPU configurations. If you need absurd, obscene amounts of power, a desktop computer is the way to go. And its probably cheaper than you think, because desktops are all built from the same interchangeable pool of parts. Its also a lot more fun than laptops, because willingness to tinker combined with lust for ostentatious power is the essence of hot rodding. And it is freakin awesome. But even as an inveterate PC hot-rodder, Ive noticed that in the last few years Ive started to lose interest in the upgrade treadmill of ever faster CPUs with more cores, more sophisticated GPUs, more bandwidth, more gigabytes of RAM. Other than solid state drives, which gave us a badly needed order of magnitude improvement in disk speeds, when was the last time you felt you needed to upgrade a powerful desktop or laptop computer? If I dropped a SSD in it, do you honestly think you could tell the difference in real world non-gaming desktop usage between a high end 2009 personal computer and one from today? Because Im not sure I could. Imagine the despair of a hot-rodder who regularly sees the streets awash in boring Chrysler K-Cars and Plymouth minivans with more ponies under the hood than a sweet custom rig he built just two years ago. I think were way past the point of satisfying the computing performance needs of the typical user. Id say we hit that around the time dual CPU cores became mainstream, perhaps 2008 or so. What do you do when you have all the computing performance anyone could ever possibly need, except for the freakish one-percenters, the video editors and programmers? Once you have "enough" computing power, for whatever value of "enough" we can agree to disagree on, the future of computing is, and always has been, to make the computers smaller and cheaper. This is not some new trend that MG Siegler revealed unto the world from his journalistic fortress of solitude. Weve already seen this before in the transition from mainframes that fit in a building, to minicomputers that fit in a room, to microcomputers that fit on your desk. Now were ready for the next stage: computers that dont just fit in your lap, they fit in your hand. The name of the game is no longer to make computers more powerful, but to radically reduce their size and power consumption without compromising the performance too much. I mentioned how boring the performance scene has gotten for laptops and desktops. Its so boring that I cant be bothered to dig up representative benchmarks. Lets just assume that, outside of SSDs, there have been at best cost-of-living inflation type improvements in desktop and laptop benchmarks since 2008. Now contrast that with the hyperbolic performance improvement in the iPhone since 2008: In case the graph didnt make it clear, in the last four years of iPhone, weve seen a factor of 20 improvement in Browsermark and a factor of four improvement in GeekBench. In the smartphone world, performance is – in the worst case – almost doubling every year. Ironically enough, these results were printed in PC magazine. Id like to draw your attention to two little letters in the title of said magazine. The first one is Pee, and the second one is Cee. Thats right, PC Magazine is now in the business of printing the kind of smartphone performance benchmarks that are enough to make any hotrodder drool. What does that have to do with PCs? Well, it has everything to do with PCs, actually. I have an iPhone 5, and I can personally attest that it is crazy faster than the old iPhone 4 I upgraded from. Once you add in 4G, LTE, and 5 GHz WiFi support, its so fast that – except for the obvious size limitations of a smaller screen – I find myself not caring that much if I get the "mobile" version of websites any more. Even before the speed, I noticed the dramatically improved display. AnandTech says that if the iPhone 5 display was a desktop monitor, it would be the best one they had ever tested. Our phones are now so damn fast and capable as personal computers that Im starting to wonder why I dont just use the thing I always have in my pocket as my "laptop", plugging it into a keyboard and display as necessary. So maybe MG Siegler is right. The PC is over … at least in the form that we knew it. We no longer need giant honking laptop and desktop form factors for computers any more than we need entire rooms and floors of a building to house mainframes and minicomputers. 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What do you need to do today? Other than read this blog entry, I mean. Have you ever noticed that a huge percentage of Lifehacker-like productivity porn site content is a breathless description of the details of Yet Another To-Do Application? There are dozens upon dozens of the things to choose from, on any platform you can name. At this point its getting a little ridiculous; per Lifehackers Law, youd need a to-do app just to keep track of all the freaking to-do apps. Ive tried to maintain to-do lists at various points in my life. And Ive always failed. Utterly and completely. Even turning it into a game, like the cleverly constructed Epic Win app, didnt work for me. Eventually I realized that the problem wasnt me. All my to-do lists started out as innocuous tools to assist me in my life, but slowly transformed, each and every time, into thankless, soul-draining exercises in reductionism. My to-do list was killing me. Adam Wozniak nails it: Lists give the illusion of progress. Lists give the illusion of accomplishment. Lists make you feel guilty for not achieving these things. Lists make you feel guilty for continually delaying certain items. Lists make you feel guilty for not doing things you dont want to be doing anyway. Lists make you prioritize the wrong things. Lists are inefficient. (Think of what you could be doing with all the time you spend maintaining your lists!) Lists suck the enjoyment out of activities, making most things feel like an obligation. Lists dont actually make you more organized long term. Lists can close you off to spontaneity and exploration of things you didnt plan for. (Lets face it, its impossible to really plan some things in life.) For the things in my life that actually mattered, Ive never needed any to-do list to tell me to do them. If I did, then thatd be awfully strong evidence that I have some serious life problems to face before considering the rather trivial matter of which to-do lifehack fits my personality best. As for the things that didnt matter in my life, well, those just tended to pile up endlessly in the old to-do list. And the collective psychic weight of all these minor undone tasks were caught up in my ever-growing to-do katamari ball, where they continually weighed on me, day after day. Yes, theres that everpresent giant to-do list, hanging right there over your head like a guillotine, growing sharper and heavier every day. Like a crazy hoarder I mistake the root cause of my growing mountain of incomplete work. The hoarder thinks he has a storage problem when he really has a throwing things away problem. I say I am time poor as if the problem is that poor me is given only 24 hours in a day. Its more accurate to say… what exactly? It seems crazy for a crazy person to use his own crazy reasoning to diagnose his own crazy condition. Maybe I too easily add new projects to my list, or I am too reluctant to exit from unsuccessful projects. Perhaps I am too reluctant to let a task go, to ship what Ive done. Theyre never perfect, never good enough. And I know Im not alone in making the easy claim that I am time poor. So many people claim to be time poor, when really we are poor at prioritizing, or poor at decisiveness, or dont know how to say no (…to other people, to our own ideas). If only I had a hidden store of time, or if only I had magical organisation tools, or if only I could improve my productive throughput, then, only then would I be able to get things done, to consolidate the growing backlogs and todo lists into one clear line of work, and plough through it like an arctic ice breaker carving its way through a sheet of ice. But are you using the right guillotine? Maybe itd work better if you tried this newer, shinier guillotine? Id like to offer you some advice: Theres only one, and exactly one, item anyone should ever need on their to-do list. Everything else is superfluous. You shouldnt have a to-do list in the first place. Declare to-do bankruptcy right now. Throw out your to-do list. Its hurting you. Yes, seriously. Maybe it is a little scary, but the right choices are always a little scary, so do it anyway. No, I wasnt kidding. Isnt Hall and Oates awesome? I know, rhetorical question. But still. Look, this is becoming counterproductive. Wait a second, did I just make a list? Heres my challenge. If you cant wake up every day and, using your 100% original equipment God-given organic brain, come up with the three most important things you need to do that day – then you should seriously work on fixing that. I dont mean install another app, or read more productivity blogs and books. You have to figure out whats important to you and what motivates you; ask yourself why that stuff isnt gnawing at you enough to make you get it done. Fix that. Tools will come and go, but your brain and your gut will be here with you for the rest of your life. Learn to trust them. And if you cant, do whatever it takes to train them until you can trust them. If it matters, if it really matters, youll remember to do it. And if you dont, well, maybe youll get to it one of these days. Or not. And thats cool too. [advertisement] How are you showing off your awesome? Create a Stack Overflow Careers profile and show off all of your hard work from Stack Overflow, Github, and virtually every other coding site. Who knows, you might even get recruited for a great new position!

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Building Servers for Fun and Prof... OK, Maybe Just for Fun

In 1998 I briefly worked for FiringSquad, a gaming website founded by Doom and Quake champion Thresh aka Dennis Fong and his brother Kyle. I can trace my long-standing interest in chairs and keyboards to some of the early, groundbreaking articles they wrote. Dennis and Kyle were great guys to work with, and wed occasionally chat on the phone about geeky hardware hotrodding stuff, like the one time they got so embroiled in PC build one-upmanship that they were actually building rack-mount PCs … for their home. So I suppose it is inevitable that Id eventually get around to writing an article about building rack-mount PCs. But not the kind that go in your home. No, thatd be as nuts as the now-discontinued Windows Home Server product. Servers belong in their native habitat, the datacenter. Which can be kind of amazing places in their own right. The above photo is from Facebooks Open Compute Project, which is about building extremely energy efficient datacenters. And that starts with minimalistic, no-frills 1U server designs, where 1U is the smallest amount of space divisible in a server rack. I doubt many companies are big enough to even consider building their own datacenter, but if Facebook is building their own custom servers out of commodity x86 parts, couldnt we do it too? In a world of inexpensive, rentable virtual machines, like Amazon EC2, Google Compute Engine, and Azure Cloud, does it really make sense to build your own server and colocate it in a datacenter? Its kind of tough to tell exactly how much an Amazon EC2 instance will cost you since it varies a lot by usage. But if I use the Amazon Web Services simple monthly calculator and select the Web Application "common customer sample", that provides a figure of $1,414 per month, or $17k/year. If you want to run a typical web app on EC2, thats what you should expect to pay. So lets use that as a baseline. The instance types included in the Web Application customer sample are 2 4 small (for the front end), and 1 2 large (for the database). Here are the current specs on the large instance: 7.5 GB memory 2 virtual cores with 2 EC2 Compute Units each 850 GB instance storage 64-bit platform I/O Performance: High You might be wondering what the heck a EC2 Compute Unit is; its Amazons way of normalizing CPU performance. By their definition, what we get in the large instance is akin to an old 2008 era dual core 2.4 GHz Xeon CPU. Yes, you can pay more and get faster instances, but switching instances from the small to the high-CPU and from the large to the high-MEM more than doubles the bill to $3,302 per month or $40k/year. Assuming you subscribe to the theory of scaling out versus scaling up, building a bunch of decent bang-for-the-buck commodity servers is what youre supposed to be doing. I avoided directly building servers when we were scaling up Stack Overflow, electing to buy pre-assembled hardware from Lenovo instead. But this time, I decided the state of hardware has advanced sufficiently since 2009 that Im comfortable cutting out the middleman in 2012 and building the servers myself, from scratch. Thats why I just built four servers exactly like this: Intel Xeon E3-1280 V2 Ivy Bridge 3.6 Ghz / 4.0 Ghz turbo quad-core ($640) SuperMicro X9SCM-F-O ($190) 32 GB DDR3-1600 ($292) SuperMicro SC111LT-330CB 1U rackmount chassis ($200) Two Samsung 830 512GB hard drives in a RAID-1 mirror ($540 × 2) (If you are using this as a shopping list, you will also need 4-pin power extensions for the case, and the SuperMicro 1u passive heatsink. The killer feature of SuperMicro motherboards that makes them all server-y in the first place is the built in hardware KVM-over-IP. Thats right, unless the server is literally unplugged, you can remote in and install an operating system, tweak the BIOS, power it on and off, and so on. It works. I use it daily.) Based on the above specs, this server has comparable memory to the High-Memory Double Extra Large Instance, comparable CPU power to the High-CPU Extra Large Instance, and comparable disk performance to the High I/O Quadruple Extra Large Instance. This is a very, very high end server by EC2 standards. It would be prohibitively expensive to run this hardware in the Amazon cloud. But how much will it cost us to build? Just $2,452. Adding 10% for taxes, shipping, etc lets call it $2,750 per server. One brand new top-of-the-line server costs about as much as two months of EC2 web application hosting. Of course, that figure doesnt include the cost in time to build and rack the server, the cost of colocating the server, and the ongoing cost of managing and maintaining the server. But I humbly submit that the one-time cost of paying for three of these servers, plus the cost of colocation, plus a bunch of extra money on top to cover provisioning and maintenance and support, will still be significantly less than $17,000 for a single year of EC2 web application hosting. Every year after the first year will be gravy, until the servers are obsolete – which even conservatively has to be at least three years. Perhaps most importantly, these servers will offer vastly better performance than you could get from EC2 to run your web application, at least not without paying astronomical amounts of money for the privilege. (If you are concerned about power consumption, dont be. I just measured the power use of the server using my trusty Kill-a-Watt device: 31 watts (0.28 amps) at idle, 87 watts (0.75 amps) under never-gonna-happen artificial 100% CPU load. The three front fans in the SuperMicro case are plugged into the motherboard and only spin up at boot and under extreme load. Its shockingly quiet in typical use for a 1U server.) I realize that to some extent were comparing apples and oranges. Either you have a perverse desire to mess around with hardware, or youre more than willing to pay exorbitant amounts of money to have someone else worry about all that stuff (and, to be fair, give you levels of flexibility, bandwidth, and availability that would be impossible to achieve even if you colocate servers at multiple facilities). $51,000 over three years is enough to pay for a lot of colocation and very high end hardware. But maybe the truly precious resource at your organization is peoples time, not money, and that $51k is barely a rounding error in your budget. Anyway, I want to make it clear that building and colocating your own servers isnt (always) crazy, it isnt scary, heck, it isnt even particularly hard. In some situations it can make sense to build and rack your own servers, provided … you want absolute top of the line server performance without paying thousands of dollars per month for the privilege you are willing to invest the time in building, racking, and configuring your servers you have the capital to invest up front you desire total control over the hardware you arent worried about the flexibility of quickly provisioning new servers to handle unanticipated load you dont need the redundancy, geographical backup, and flexibility that comes with cloud virtualization Why do I choose to build and colocate servers? Primarily to achieve maximum performance. Thats the one thing you consistently just do not get from cloud hosting solutions unless you are willing to pay a massive premium, per month, forever: raw, unbridled performance. Im happy to spend money on nice dedicated hardware because I know that hardware is cheap, and programmers are expensive. But to be totally honest with you, mostly I build servers because its fun. [advertisement] Stack Overflow Careers matches the best developers (you!) with the best employers. You can search our job listings or create a profile and even let employers find you.

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Judging Websites

I was invited to judge the Rails Rumble last year, but was too busy to participate. When they extended the offer again this year, I happily accepted. The Rails Rumble is a distributed programming competition where teams of one to four people, from all over the world, have 48 hours to build an innovative web application, with Ruby on Rails or another Rack-based Ruby web framework. After the 48 hours are up, a panel of expert judges will pick the top ten winners. I received an email notifying me that judging begins today, so I cracked my knuckles, sat down in front of my three monitors (all the better to judge with!) and … saw that there were around 340 entries. Thats when I started to get a little freaked out about the math. Perhaps we can throw 5% of the entrants out as obviously incomplete or unfinished. That leaves 323 entries to judge. Personally, Im not comfortable saying I judged a competition unless I actually look at each one of the entries, so at an absolute minimum I have to click through to each webapp. Once I do, I couldnt imagine properly evaluating the webapp without spending at least 30 seconds looking at the homepage. Lets be generous and say I need 10 seconds to orient myself and account for page load times, and 30 seconds to look at each entry. That totals three and a half hours of my, yknow, infinitely valuable time. In which I could be finding a cure for cancer, or clicking on LOLcats. I still felt guilty about only allocating half a minute per entry; is it fair to the contestants if I make my decision based on 30 seconds of scanning their landing page and maybe a few desultory clicks? But then I had an epiphany: yes, deciding in 30 seconds is totally completely unfair, but thats also exactly how it works in the real world. Users are going to click through to your web site, look at it for maybe 30 seconds, and either decide that its worthy, or reach for the almighty back button on their browser and bug out. Thirty seconds might even be a bit generous. In one Canadian study, users made up their mind about websites in under a second. Researchers led by Dr. Gitte Lindgaard at Carleton University in Ontario wanted to find out how fast people formed first impressions. They tested users by flashing web pages for 500 millseconds and 50 milliseconds onto the screen, and had participants rate the pages on various scales. The results at both time intervals were consistent between participants, although the longer display produced more consistent results. Yet, in as little as 50 milliseconds, participants formed judgments about images they glimpsed. The "halo effect" of that emotional first impression carries over to cognitive judgments of a web sites other characteristics including usability and credibility. The opportunity cost to switch websites is one tiny little click of the mouse or tap of the finger. What I learned from judging the Rails Rumble most of all is that your websites front page needs to be kind of awesome. It is never the complete story, of course, but do not squander your first opportunity to make an impression on a visitor. It may be the only one you get. Im not sure I was learning much about these apps while I judged, and for that I am truly sorry. But along the way I accidentally learned a heck of a lot about what makes a great front page for a web application. So Id like to share that with you, and all future Rails Rumble entrants: Load reasonably fast. Ive talked about performance as a feature before; the sooner the front page of your site loads, the sooner I can decide whether or not I am interested. If you are slow, I will resent you for being slow, and the slower you are the more I will resent you for keeping me from not just finding out about you but also keeping me from moving on to the next thing. I need to be an efficient informavore. That means moving quickly. Above all else, load fast. What the %#!@^ is this thing? The first challenge you have is not coding your app. It is explaining what problem your app solves, and why anyone in the world would possibly care about that. You need an elevator pitch on your front page: can you explain to a complete stranger, in 30 seconds, why your application exists? Yes, writing succinctly and clearly is an art, but keep pounding on that copy, keep explaining it over and over and over until you have your explanation polished to the fine sheen of a diamond. When youre confident you could walk up to any random person on the street, strike up a conversation about what youre working on, and not have their eyes gloss over in boredom and/or fear – thats when youre ready. Thats the text you want on your home page. Show me an example. OK, so youre building the ultimate tool for cataloging and sharing Beanie Babies on Facebook. Awesome, let me be an angel investor in your project so I can get me a piece of those sweet, sweet future billions. The idea is sound. But everyone knows that ideas are worthless, whereas execution is everything. I have no clue what the execution of your idea is unless you show it to me. At the very least throw up some screenshots of what it would look like if I used your webapp, with some juicy real world examples. And please, please, please, for the love of God please, do not make me sign up, click through a video, watch a slideshow, or any of that nonsense. Only emperors and princes have that kind of time, man. Show, dont tell. Give me a clear, barrier-free call to action. In the rare cases where the app passes the above three tests with flying colors, Im invested: I am now willing to spend even more of my time checking it out. What do I do next? Where do I go? Your job is to make this easy for me. I call this "the put a big-ass giant obvious fluorescent lime green button on your home page" rule. You can have more than one, but Id draw the line at two. And make the text on the button descriptive, like Start sharing your favorite Beanie Babies ? or Build your dream furry costume ?. If you require login at this point, I strongly urge you to skip that barrier and have a live sample I can view without logging in at all, just to get a taste of how things might work. If youre really, really slick you will make it seamless to go from an unregistered to a registered state without losing anything Ive done. Embrace your audience, even if it means excluding other audiences. Even if you nail all the above, you might not fit into my interest zone through absolutely no fault of your own. If you built the worlds most innovative and utterly disruptive Web 5.0 Pokédex, theres a lot of people who wont care one iota about it, because theyre not really into Pokemon. This is not your fault and it is certainly not their fault. You need to embrace the idea that half of all success is knowing your core audience and not trying to water it down so much that it appeals to "everyone". Dont patronize me by trying to sell me on the idea that everyone should care about babies, or invoicing, or sports, or being a student, or whatever. Only the people who need to care will care, and thats who you are talking to. So have the confidence to act like it. I realize that Rails Rumble apps only have a mere 48 hours to build an entire app from scratch. I am not expecting a super professional amazing home page on every one of the entries, nor did I judge it that way. But I do know that a basic sketch of a homepage design is the first thing you should work on in any webapp, because it serves as the essential starting design document and vision statement. Unless you start with a basic homepage that meets the above 5 rules, your app wont survive most judges, much less the herds of informavores running wild on the Internet. [advertisement] Hiring developers? Post your open positions with Stack Overflow Careers and reach over 20MM awesome devs already on Stack Overflow. Create your satisfaction-guaranteed job listing today!

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The Future of Markdown

Markdown is a simple little humane markup language based on time-tested plain text conventions from the last 40 years of computing. Meaning, if you enter this… …you get this! Lightweight Markup Languages============================According to **Wikipedia**:> A [lightweight markup language]( a markup language with a simple syntax, designed to be easy for a human to enter with a simple text editor, and easy to read in its raw form. Some examples are:* Markdown* Textile* BBCode* WikipediaMarkup should also extend to _code_: 10 PRINT "I ROCK AT BASIC!" 20 GOTO 10 Lightweight Markup Languages According to Wikipedia: A lightweight markup language is a markup language with a simple syntax, designed to be easy for a human to enter with a simple text editor, and easy to read in its raw form. Some examples are: Markdown Textile BBCode Wikipedia Markup should also extend to code: 10 PRINT "I ROCK AT BASIC!"20 GOTO 10 You can think of Markdown as a radically simplified and far more human readable form of HTML. I have grown to love Markdown over the last few years. If youre a programmer of any shape, size, or color, you cant really avoid using Markdown, as its central to both GitHub and Stack Overflow. For that matter, my new project uses Markdown, too. Markdown is a wonderful tool, but it does suffer a bit from lack of project leadership. The so-called "spec" is anything but, and there are dozens of different flavors of Markdown out there, all with differences in the way they behave. While they are broadly compatible, Stack Overflow and GitHub have both tweaked Markdown in ways that can trip you up if youre familiar with one but not the other; compare GitHub Flavor with Stack Overflow Flavor. Thats why I was so excited to get this email from David Greenspan a few days ago: Im the creator of EtherPad (a collaborative WYSIWYG editor), now working at Meteor. At Meteor, were trying to "pave the web" for developers by writing better components. For example, we just released universal login buttons that talk over WebSockets and are wired into the users table of the apps database. Since Markdown is increasingly ubiquitous for writing content, its going to be part of the Meteor toolchain. I wouldnt be surprised if we end up releasing a component like Stack Overflows editor, with the full "Meteor" standard of code quality, so that no one has to roll their own again. Today, we use Markdown in our API docs generation, and were going to be writing more and more content in it -- which is a scary thought. I think you and I share some concern (horror?) about Markdowns lack of spec and tests. The code is ugly to boot. Extending or customizing Markdown is tricky (we already have some hacks and they are terrible), and I worry about "bit rot" of content if the format doesnt have a spec. Im evaluating the possibility of starting over with a new implementation coupled with a real spec and test suite, and Ive been thinking a lot about how to parse a language like Markdown in a principled way. Im pretty fearless about parsers, by the way; I wrote a full ECMAScript parser in a week as a side project. I want this new language – working name "Rockdown" – to be seen as Markdown with a spec, and therefore only deviate from Markdowns behavior in unobtrusive ways. It should basically be a replacement that paves over the problems and ambiguities in Markdown. Im trying to draw a line between what behavior is important to preserve and what behavior isnt. I was excited because, like David, I freaking love Markdown. I love it so much that I want to see it succeed and flourish over the next 20 years. I believe the best way to achive that goal is for the most popular sites using Markdown to band together and take ownership of Markdown as a standard. I propose that Stack Exchange, GitHub, Meteor, Reddit, and any other company with lots of traffic and a strategic investment in Markdown, all work together to come up with an official Markdown specification, and standard test suites to validate Markdown implementations. Weve all been working at cross purposes for too long, accidentally fragmenting Markdown while popularizing it. Like any dutiful and well-meaning suitor, we first need to ask permission for this courtship from the parents. So Im asking you, John Gruber: as the original creator of Markdown, will you bless this endeavor? Also, as a totally unreleated aside, have I mentioned what a huge Yankees fan I am? Derek Jeter is one of the all-time greats. I realize that the devil is in the details, but for the most part what I want to see in a Markdown Standard is this: A standardization of the existing core Markdown conventions, as documented by John Gruber, in a formal language specification. Make the three most common real world usage "gotchas" in Markdown choices with saner defaults: intra-word emphasis (off), auto-hyperlinking (on), automatic return-based linebreaks (on). A formal set of tests anyone can use to validate a Markdown implementation. Some cleanup and tweaks for ambiguous edge cases that exist in Markdown due to the lack of a formal specification. A registry of known flavor variants, with some possible future lobbying to potentially add only the most widely and strongly supported variants (I am thinking of the GitHub style code blocks which are quite nice) to future versions of Markdown. And thats it, really. I dont want to extend Markdown by adding tons of crazy new functionality, or radically change the way it currently works, or anything like that. Id be opposed to such changes. I just want to solidify and standardize the simple, useful version of Markdown that is working so well for everyone right now. I want there to be an unambiguous, basic standard that everyone using Markdown can expect to work in the same way across all web sites in the world when they begin typing. Id really prefer not to fork the language; Id much rather collectively help carry the banner of Markdown forward into the future, with the blessing of John Gruber and in collaboration with other popular sites that use Markdown. So … whos with me? [advertisement] Stack Overflow Careers matches the best developers (you!) with the best employers. You can search our job listings or create a profile and even let employers find you.

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Do You Wanna Touch

Traditional laptops may have reached an evolutionary dead-end (or, more charitably, a plateau), but it is an amazing time for things that … arent quite traditional laptops. The Nexus 7 is excellent, the Nexus 10 looks fantastic, I cant wait to get my hands on the twice-as-fast iPad 4, the new Chromebooks are finally decent and priced right, and then theres the Microsoft Surface RT. In short, it is a fantastic time to be a computer nerd. I love computers, always have, always will. My strategy with new computing devices is simple: I buy em all, then try living with them. The devices that fall away from me over time – the ones that gather dust, or that I forget about – are the ones I eventually get rid of. So long, Kindle Fire! I knew that the Nexus 7 was really working for me when I gave mine to my father as a spontaneous gift while he was visiting, then missed it sorely when waiting for the replacement to arrive. As I use these devices, Ive grown more and more sold on the idea that touch is going to dominate the next era of computing. This reductionism is inevitable and part of the natural evolution of computers. Remove the mouse. Remove the keyboard. Remove the monitor. Reducing a computer to its absolute minumum leads us inexorably, inevitably to the tablet (or, if a bit smaller, the phone). All youre left with is a flat, featureless slate that invites you to touch it. Welcome to the future, heres your … rectangle. Ive stopped thinking of touch as some exotic, add-in technology contained in specialized devices. I belatedly realized that I love to touch computers. And why not? We constantly point and gesture at everything in our lives, including our screens. Its completely natural to want to interact with computers by touching them. Thats why the more unfortunate among us have displays covered in filthy fingerprints. Although I love my touch devices, one thing Ive noticed is that they are a major disincentive to writing actual paragraphs. On screen keyboards get the job done, but if I have to scrawl more than a Twitter length reply to someone on a tablet or phone, its so much effort that I just avoid doing it altogether, postponing indefinitely until I can be in front of a keyboard. By the time that happens Ive probably forgotten what I wanted to say in the first place, or that I even needed to reply at all. Multiply that by millions or billions, and you have a whole generation technologically locked into a backwater of minimal communication. Yelp, for example, does not allow posting reviews from their mobile app because when they did, all they got was LOL OMG raspberry poop Emoji. Its not good. In fact, its a little scary. I realize that there are plenty of ways of creating content that dont involve writing, but writing is pretty damn fundamental to communication and civilization as we know it. Anything that adds a significant barrier to the act of placing words on a page is kind of dangerous – and a major regression from the world where every computer had a keyboard in front of it, inviting people to write and communicate with each other. So the idea that billions of people in the future will be staring at touchscreen computers, Instagramming and fingerpainting their thoughts to each other, leaves me with deeply mixed feelings. As Joey Hess said: If it doesnt have a keyboard, I feel that my thoughts are being forced out through a straw. When I pre-ordered the Microsoft Surface RT, I wasnt expecting much. This is a version one device from a company that has never built a computer before, running a brand new and controversial operating system. On paper, it doesnt seem like a significant change from all the other tablets on the market, and its primary differentiating feature – the touch keyboard – can be viewed as merely flipping a regular laptop over, so the "fat" side is on the display rather than the keyboard. Surface is just like the first iPad in that it has all the flaws and rough edges youd expect in a version one device. But it is also like the first iPad in that there is undeniably the core of something revelatory and transformative here – a vision of the future of computing that doesnt sacrifice either keyboard or touch. Reviewers think Surface is intended to be a tablet killer, but it isnt. Its a laptop killer. After living with the Surface RT for a few days now, Im convinced that this form factor is the replacement and way forward for the stagnant laptop. I cant even remember the last time I was this excited about a computer. The more I use it, the more I think that touch plus keyboard is the future of all laptops. How wonderful it is to flip open the Surface and quickly type a 4 paragraph email response when I need to. How wonderful it is to browse the web and touch whatever I want to. And switching between the two modes of interaction – sometimes typing, sometimes touching – is completely natural. Remember when I talked about two-fisted computing, referring to the mouse and keyboard working in harmony? With Surface, I found that also applies to touch. In spades. This isnt a review, per se, but let me get into a few specifics: Yes, it is ridiculous that the keyboard cover is not included in the base Surface, as the near-perfect integration of keyboard with touch is the whole story here. Dont even consider buying a Surface without the touch keyboard cover. Within an hour or so I was hitting 80% of my regular typing speed on it, and its firm enough to be used on a lap without too much loss of accuracy. Astonishingly, the tiny fabric touchpad is quite good, better than the ones Ive used on many laptops. Which probably says more about the sad state of the PC ecosystem than it does about Surface, but still. Yeah, yeah, it doesnt run x86 apps. So your beloved copy of Windows Landscape Designer 1998 wont run on Surface RT. Youll need to wait a few months for Surface Pro to do that, but youll pay the Intel Premium™ in price, battery life, and size. Rumor has it that Intel will get their act together with Haswell, and finally be competitive with ARM in price, performance, and power consumption, but Ill believe that when I see it. The hardware design is beyond reproach; Id even argue its better than Apple quality hardware design. Unless youre required by God to hate all things touched by Microsoft, Theres no way you could handle a Surface and not think that this is a genuinely well made thing. The default Surface mail application is an embarrassment and everyone associated with it should be fired. Android and iOS both have decent default mail apps, as well they should, because email is bedrock. Not having this right really hurts. If Microsoft doesnt get their A Team "hey dummies, all you have to do is just copy Sparrow already" team on that soon, theyll be sorry. Many of the native applications currently available run poorly on Surface RT due to lack of optimization and testing for the ARM platform versus x86. Probably not terribly different from the iPad 1 on launch day, but it remains to be seen how quickly that will get resolved. The web browser is stellar and a model of how the Internet should work on a tablet. You are almost always in fullscreen mode, swiping around with nothing but content on your screen, the way it should be. However, back button performance is bizarrely slow, and the way IE10 handles web hovers is poor, much worse than Mobile Safari and Chrome. Try upvoting a comment on Stack Overflow to see what I mean. Notice how the 2010 iPad 1 is already obsolete? Expect the same thing with the Surface RT. Its a fascinating glimpse into the future, but itll be totally utterly obsolete in 2 years. Do not buy this device expecting longevity. Buy it because you want to see tomorrow today. The received wisdom about touchscreen interaction with computers was that it didnt work. That youd get "gorilla arm". Thats why we had to have special tablet devices. But Surface proves thats not true; typing and touching are spectacularly compatible, at least for laptops. And Im beginning to wonder about my desktop a little, because lately Im starting to I think I wanna touch that, too. [advertisement] How are you showing off your awesome? Create a Stack Overflow Careers profile and show off all of your hard work from Stack Overflow, Github, and virtually every other coding site. Who knows, you might even get recruited for a great new position!

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A SSD in Your Pocket

I woke up a few days ago and realized I was still carrying the same 32 GB USB flash drive on my keychain that I purchased in 2010. I thought to myself, this is an unacceptable state of affairs. Totally. Unacceptable. Its been few years since I seriously looked at USB drive performance. Premium USB flash drives typically eke out about 10-20 MB per second, strongly favoring reads, but Ive recently purchased a number of inexpensive 4 GB USB drives that barely got to 4 MB per second. Thats OK, since they were only intended as cheap floppy drive CD and DVD replacements. Based on that experience, I wasnt expecting much improvement in the status quo. USB 3.0 is finally becoming somewhat prevalent on PCs and Macs, so I figured Id: Switch to a current-generation USB 3.0 flash drive. Bump up to 64 GB storage this generation, one step over the 32 GB model I currently carry. Optimistically hope against hope that theyve gotten fast enough by now to get anywhere near USB 2.0 throughput limits. I checked around and the Patriot Supersonic Magnum got good reviews. The price seemed about right at $75 for a 64 GB device. So I bought one. I plugged it in to one of the USB 3.0 ports on my PC and … Holy. Crap. 237 MB/s reads and 143 MB/s writes? Yes please! Needless to say, this thing handily saturates a USB 2.0 connection at around 27 - 30 MB/sec but plug it into one of those blue USB 3.0 ports on newer Macs or PCs and prepare to feel like the "blown away" guy in the Maxell ad. I havent run a full set of benchmarks on this guy, but the only downside Ive noticed so far is that it is a bit chunkier in width than my previous USB flash drive. It might be a bit more to carry, and might not fit some USB ports depending on whats adjacent. Now I feel like a total dork for continuing to carry around a 2010 era flash drive that I thought had decent performance at 20 MB/sec. Forget that noise. Now we can darn near carry pocket solid state hard drives on our keychains! Nobody told me, man! So now Im telling you. Enjoy. [advertisement] Whats your next career move? Stack Overflow Careers has the best job listings from great companies, whether youre looking for opportunities at a startup or Fortune 500. You can search our job listings or create a profile and let employers find you.

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Add Advanced Meta Tags To Blogger For Better "SEO"

Meta tag plays important role in order to index your website in search engines. Blogspot webpage is a static page and its not good for SEO. A professional blogger will never be successful what if he/she is penalized by search engines or the search engines do not show his/her website possible upper position. Read more »

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Add Flying Twitter Bird in Blogger or Wordpress!

We sometimes visit blogs and see animated flying cute twitter bird. That looks very amazing indeed. One of my visitors requested me how to add an animated flying twitter bird in blogger. Well, you can easily add flying twitter bird in both blogger and WordPress. But the procedure is different in two section. Read more »

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Increase Traffic - Optimize Blog Post Titles Using H2 Tag - Replace H3 Tag

Headline tags start from H1 and go up to H6 in decreasing order of size. They play immense importance in your blog template optimization. Just as I earlier explained that a search engine robot reads your content just the way a human reads it. Headlines, bolded and highlighted texts draw attention. By default all blogger templates are designed such that the H1 tag is given to Homepage Main Title, H2 is given to Blog Description or Header dates, sidebar headers and H3 is assigned for post titles. Read more »

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How To Get More Traffic from Google Image Search?

Search engines have a great impact on creating huge traffic on your personal or professional blog site. You will never be able successful if Search engines like Google Bing Yahoo do not show your website at their platform. So we follow a variety of techniques to display our websites in search engines. Read more »

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How To Drive Traffic To Your Blogs From Facebook?

This is a Guest Post by Rafay baloch. Follow him on Facebook @Hacking and Cracking As we know that facebook has became the most widely used social networking site these days,its Alexa rank is 2,which means the second most popular website on web after Google,Hence bloggers are using it to drive a lot of traffic,but some of bloggers even after Read more »

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How To Make Money On Facebook? Here Facebook Opens The Door, Gambling

NEWS: SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Facebook Inc (C.E.O) will allow users in Britain to wager real money on its service, opening its doors to gambling for the first time as revenue growth slows at the worlds No. 1 social network. On Tuesday, Gamesys, an independent gaming company, launched a version of online Bingo for Facebook users in Britain who are at least 18, and which the company said will pay winners real money. Read more »

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The Future of Search on Google!

There's a very interesting post on the official Google Blog today talking about the future of search and how Google is approaching it. It starts with Larry Page's definition of the perfect search engine: "one that understands exactly what you mean and gives you exactly what you want." It pretty much sums it up huh? Here's a quote from the article: Read more »

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How To Make Welcome Massage On PC Startup!

Today, I'm going to show you cool windows tweak that will make you PC to say welcome message at startup. You can make it speak your name, or anything you want . Read more »

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Windows Run Command Shortcut Keys.!

The Run command in Windows is one of the most unused, yet powerful features (in terms of productivity) in the operating system. Read more »

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Windows Vista OS Shortcut Keys..!

Windows Vista is the latest version of Microsoft Windows, an operating system for both home and business. As with its previous counterparts (Windows XP, Windows ME, Windows 98, Windows 95), developers of Vista have made available many Shortcut keys to make our lives easier. Well take a look at some of these shortcut keys below. Read more »

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SEO 2012 Tricks and Tips for Google SERPS

Before starting this I would like to mention the aim of Google in providing search results to people – the aim is " SEARCH SHOULD END " . The meaning of this phrase is that when a person searches for some information and if he is still not satisfied even after visiting first 20 pages or searching with many different combination of searches, then that will result in the failure of Google. So for this google introduced an algorithmic change in its search which is called " GOOGLE PANDA" . Read more »

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How to Show or Hide Widgets in Blogger

Some questions that are most asked are : How to Show blogger widget on homepage only? How can I show widgets only on sub pages? How can I hide widgets on Static pages? How to show widgets on selected pages in blogger? To answer all these questions todays tutorial will be a delicious one. Its really important to control widget Display in Blogger. some widgets are meant for homepage only while some makes sense when you show it at your Contact Pages, About Me pages or static pages. Read more »

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How to upload javascript (.js) files on Google server via Google Code: Tutorial

<img alt="How to upload javascript (.js) files on Google server via Google Code: Tutorial" src="" style="float: left; margin-bottom: 10px; margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 0px; max-width: 800px; padding-bottom: 10px; padding-left: 10px; padding-right: 10px; padding-top: 10px;" title="How to upload javascript (.js) files on Google server via Google Code: Tutorial" /> Hello Guys as I have already wrote a post on best alternative to google pages as they are not accepting any further applications. Which actually comes out to be Google code as it is still open to let you upload your files each of maximum 100mb including javascript, xml, rar, zip, icon files and many more. They are providing 2gb of total space for uploading your files. So you can Read more &raquo;

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Honoring the spirit of Veterans Day year-round


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What’s The Best Antivirus for Gamers in IOS?

Though Apple claims that it's iOS can be protected from viruses and doesn't require any anti-virus, but it is true that many users complain viruses on iPhone. However there are few known viruses which have the capability even to travel from your smartphone to your personal or work computer. There are many free antiviruses for iOS you can [...] The post What's The Best Antivirus for Gamers in IOS? appeared first on

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Google Nexus 7 Launched in India for Rs.19,990

Google Nexus 7 is the Most Awaited tablet in India. It has been launched Recently In US and Indians were waiting for it official Launch, But now it Seems the Wait is over. nexus 7 is manufactured by Asus with a very High End Configuration in low cost. The Tablets is Available in United States i n 200$ Approx Rs.10,000, But [...] The post Google Nexus 7 Launched in India for Rs.19,990 appeared first on

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New Idea 3G Trick working in Delhi and UP

Here is a New Idea 3G Trick for this Diwali, Confirmed Working in Northern states, Recently we shared Vodafone Proxy Tricks but that was deducting balance and user's also didn't know Free IP. But this Idea 3G Trick won't give you any hassle in connecting. It is not a Proxy trick nor a VPN Trick. It is [...] The post New Idea 3G Trick working in Delhi and UP appeared first on

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Vodafone Launched M-pesa Mobile Money Service

In Short M-pesa Mobile Money Service is much similar to Airtel Money. Almost everyone must be aware of Airtel money mobile eCommerce Service. Similarly Vodafone India Today Launched M-pesa Mobile Money Service in Partnership with ICICI Bank. This Revolutionary Mobile payment Service by Vodafone and ICICI bank Will allow you to Deposit and Withdrawal of Money from Selected Vodafone Outlets, with the strategic alliance with India's Largest Private Sector [...] The post Vodafone Launched M-pesa Mobile Money Service appeared first on

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[Winners Announced] – FREE PD Proxy Vouchers

The Giveaway Was Ended on 9th October 2012. check below for the Winners. Here is the Free Giveaway by We have been widely Popular Now. was Initiated on from August 2012. And it has almost 3 Months Completed, We are really Glad to Introduce our First Giveaway, In Which we will be Providing 2 Months Unlimited PD [...] The post [Winners Announced] – FREE PD Proxy Vouchers appeared first on

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Strategies for making money by playing online game

Many people think playing online games can be a waste of time. But, on contrary, many consider it to be a good way to make money and earn a decent income for a living. Although playing online games cannot make you a millionaire but you can earn extra money that would meet your daily expenses. Among the varied [...] The post Strategies for making money by playing online games appeared first on

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Earn more chitika revenue then adsense | best adse

Adsense change its policies, give lower paying ads to all low niche blogs.Chitika pay me more then adsense. Its give me 4$ average a day. Blogging niche as mentioned by many experienced bloggers...

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Portable Wise Folder Hider 1.28 full version downl

Wise Folder Hider 1.28 Full Version is an application that allows you to hide folders and files on Computer / Laptop. All you have to do is specify a password and then select a folder or file where...

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Team Viewer latest Version 8 download

The Popular Remote Accessing software Teamviewer has released New version of the software for free download . Those who already using TeamViewer are hereby informed about the TeamViewer 8 which has...

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Airtel free gprs trick september 2012 with opera h

We found lots of airtel gprs tricks in this month you can see all gprs tricks from our airtel gprs trick section. In this trick we are giving you a new frontquery which is work with opera, ucweb or...

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Java Web Service using Eclipse


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Java Email


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QuickTime Player

QuickTime Player from Apple allows the playback of quicktime movies (.mov) and many other formats.

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BitTorrent 7.7.2 Build 28499

BitTorrent is a torrent client for sharing data via the BitTorrent protocol. The software enables users to share, search, download and upload application, music, video, document, picture and other files. BitTorrent supports download of multiple files...

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Orbit Downloader

Orbit Downloader, is a download manager specifically designed for the new generation Web (Web 2.0). You can use Orbit to download video/music/files from Myspace, YouTube, Imeem, Pandora, and Rapidshare, or on any site to make general downloading easi...

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Site2sms Desktop client tool 4.2


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Monitor your Broadband Usage with Cucusoft Net Gua


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Google Translate Desktop Client


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Ultoo Desktop sms tool 4.2 (Send sms & earn money)


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How to write universe-conquering proposals

AKA: 'Because I said so' doesn't work This is a really long post. But before you TL;DR it, give it a quick skim. The first half is hand-waving stuff about answering 'Why?' The second half is specific tips on doing proposals that build imputed value. Writing a great proposal is hard. The question you're trying [...]

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The social candidacy: The elections Facebook influ

Or, if you're a Republican: "What the hell just happened?!" The election was supposed to be close. Regardless of your party affiliation, you heard that for months: Maybe an electoral tie. Certainly with one candidate winning the electoral college and the other the popular vote. We wouldn't know for days after November 6th… Oops. The [...]

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7 Cringe-Worthy SEO Phrases You Never Want to Hear

We've all been there. You're in the marketing meeting and someone brings up SEO. I don't know how they're bringing it up, but they've done it one way or another. Maybe they used some of the phrases below. If they did, you need to know why you wish you hadn't heard what they've just said. [...]

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[FIX] Account Picture Error Code 0x80070520 in Windows 11

If you are getting “Account picture error, this picture couldn’t be saved” message with an error code 0x80070520 while trying to change your...