::::Apple is 10 years behind Microsoft on security, expert says::::

<img src=&quot;http://www-bgr-com.vimg.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/apple-logo-sign-virus-mac.jpg&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; alt=&quot;apple-logo-sign-virus-mac&quot; width=&quot;200&quot; height=&quot;105&quot; align=&quot;left&quot; /><p>Apple may be the most valuable company in the world, but when it comes to security, the Cupertino-based company doesn&rsquo;t hold a candle to Microsoft.</p><p>Kaspersky Lab co-founder and chief executive&nbsp;Eugene Kaspersky on Wednesday told CBR that Apple is a decade behind Microsoft in terms of computer security.&nbsp;&rdquo;I think they are ten years behind Microsoft in terms of security,&rdquo; Kaspersky said. &ldquo;For many years I&rsquo;ve been saying that from a security point of view there is no big difference between Mac and Windows. It&rsquo;s always been possible to develop Mac malware, but [Flashback] was a bit different. For example it was asking questions about being installed on the system and, using vulnerabilities, it was able to get to the user mode without any alarms.&rdquo; </p><p>More than 600,000 Macs were infected by the Flashback trojan virus before it was discovered earlier this month and the exploit it used to infect OS X PCs was patched. &ldquo;Apple&nbsp;will understand very soon that they have the same problems Microsoft had ten or 12 years ago,&rdquo; Kaspersky said.&nbsp;&rdquo;They will have to make changes in terms of the cycle of updates and so on and will be forced to invest more into their security audits for the software.&rdquo;</p>

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