::::Pre-launch Windows 8 usage doubles that of OS X Mountain Lion::::

<img src=&quot;http://www-bgr-com.vimg.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Windows_chart.jpg&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; alt=&quot;Windows_chart&quot; width=&quot;420&quot; height=&quot;267&quot; align=&quot;left&quot; /><p>Since Microsoft released its Windows 8 Consumer Preview in February, millions of users have downloaded the software giant&rsquo;s latest operating system, which looks to carefully blend its existing mobile and desktop experiences into one. According to research from ad network Chitika, the Windows 8 CP adoption rate in the U.S. and Canada has doubled that of OS X Mountain Lion, Apple&rsquo;s upcoming operating system. </p><p>Of course Microsoft&rsquo;s Windows 8 preview is publicly available for free while Apple&rsquo;s Mountain Lion preview is available only to those with paid developer accounts. Chitika&rsquo;s research was conducted from April 13th to April 19th and it analyzed hundreds of millions of impressions across the Chitika ad network.</p><p> The Consumer Preview makes up .1% of all Windows traffic and exhibits traffic levels more than three times the peak level that the Windows 8 Developer Preview produced. The increased level of activity is a good sign for Microsoft, which will reportedly complete work on Windows 8 this summer. According to rumors, the first wave of PCs and tablets powered by the new platform are slated to launch in October.</p>

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