::::Google launches Google Drive; upgrades Gmail to 10 GB for all users::::

<div class=&quot;custm_img_blk&quot;><img src=&quot;http://www.techgig.com/files/photo_1335407326_temp.png&quot; border=&quot;0&quot; align=&quot;left&quot; /></div><p><span style=&quot;text-align: justify&quot;>Google has launched&nbsp;</span><span style=&quot;outline-width: initial; outline-color: initial; text-align: justify&quot;>Google Drive</span><span style=&quot;text-align: justify&quot;>, a cloud storage service where users can upload and access all of their files, including videos, photos, Google Docs, PDFs and beyond. The service is offering new users 5GB of storage for free with upgrades starting at 25GB for $2.49/month, 100GB for $4.99/month or even 1TB for $49.99/month. Google also increased the free storage in Gmail from the existing 7.5 GB to 10 GB to all users.</span></p><p><span style=&quot;text-align: justify&quot;>&ldquo;Drive is built to work seamlessly with your overall Google experience. You can attach photos from Drive to posts in Google+, and soon you&rsquo;ll be able to attach stuff from Drive directly to emails in Gmail. Drive is also an open platform, so we&rsquo;re working with many third-party developers so you can do things like send faxes, edit videos and create website mockups directly from Drive. To install these apps, visit the Chrome Web Store&mdash;and look out for even more useful apps in the future,&rdquo; Sundar Pichai, SVP, Chrome and Apps, Google has said in a&nbsp;</span><span style=&quot;outline-width: initial; outline-color: initial; text-align: justify&quot;>blogpost</span><span style=&quot;text-align: justify&quot;>.</span>&nbsp;</p>

<a href='http://techgig.com/tech-news/editors-pick/Google-launches-Google-Drive-upgrades-Gmail-to-10-GB-for-all-users-11974'>View More</a>

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