How To Hyperlink an Image in Gmail Emails

Although standard links work fine for linking to your business landing page while emailing a potential client. However, if you want to increase your conversions, then hyperlinking an important image would be much more fruitful. People tend to be attracted more by a call-to-action image than a dull link.

If you are interested in hyperlinking an image in your emails, then I got you covered. In today’s post, I’ll show you how you can add a link to an image in Gmail emails.

Hyperlink an image in Gmail

You don’t need a third-party app to achieve this, but it does require some tricky instructions are needed to be followed exactly. Make sure you follow the below instructions as it is because some of the steps have similar options that could mess up the process.

Step #1: First, open up the compose window in Gmail from the “Compose” button at the top-left corner.

Compose email

Step #2: Here move to the email body area and click on the “Insert photo” option at the bottom. Make sure you use Insert photo option to add the image, images uploaded through Attach files option can’t be hyperlinked.

Insert photo option

Step #3: You’ll find multiple options to add a photo, including URL, Google Drive, and upload from the PC. Use any option to select the photo and click on “Insert” to add it in the email body.

Upload photo to email

Step #4: Now you must highlight the image. While the image is still unselected, left-click on it, hold the click, and then drag a little until the whole image turns blue in color. Afterward, click on the “Insert link” button at the bottom or use the Ctrl+K keyboard shortcut.

highlight image and hyperlink it

Step #5: Click on the “Change” button next to the current hyperlink of the image.

Change hyperlink

Step #6: Here replace the image link with whatever link you want and click on “OK”.

Add new hyperlink

That’s it, the link will be added to the image and any recipient can just click on the image to go to the link destination.

Tip: You can also use the above process to hyperlink your email signature image if you are using one. For example, if you have your company logo in your Gmail signature, then you can hyperlink it with your company’s website home page for direct access. While creating an image-based signature, simply use the above instructions to hyperlink the uploaded signature image.

To conclude

If you have precisely followed the instructions as mentioned, then hyperlinking the image shouldn’t have been difficult. I know some users may get confused with attach files and insert photo options, as both can upload and send the photo. Furthermore, there is also a difference between highlighting and selecting an image, make sure you highlight the image for hyperlinking.

How will you be using this little neat trick to make images interactive? Do share with us in the comments below.

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The First Ever Journalist Allowed to Walk Through the Google’s Top-Secret Lab

Google allows a journalist named Mark Wilson from Fast Company, the world’s leading Progressive Business media brand, to call on inside their top-secret design lab where the tech giant manufactures its hardware products ranging from smartphones to smart speakers sought-after in every nook and corner of the world.

According to the original article containing thorough particulars of the premises and environs of the lab, the building is on Google’s Mountain View, California, campus; and is of seventy thousand square-foot, and consists of only 150 fortunate designers who take pride in planning, crafting, testing, and issuing its tens of hundreds of products that it launches every now and then under the leadership of vice president and head of hardware design Ivy Ross. She herself being a jewelry designer has enormous knowledge of creating customized and optimized designs of products as can be observed through her vivid opinions about the building and products.

“Google’s blueprint for how they optimize is great for most people at the company,” she says, adding that designers need different things.

Astoundingly, the lab is impermissible to most of the company’s employees. Mark Wilson is the first-ever journalist to have sneaked into the inside of the building space, which Ross refers to as a huge gift from Google’s executive team during the visit.

The lab was in its establishing phase when it was opened last year in June 2018, facing a lot of difficulties in its best setting for its employees to see any kind of enhancement to promote its products. To overcome such an issue, Ross, being a jewelry designer joined in with the architect behind many other Google’s buildings named Mithun and came up with this homelike building where one can have tactile experiences such as (fabricated-covered gadgets) as understated in the original article on the media group’s website.

To initiate the process of making it better and more friendly, instead of the darkness that is usually required while working in such tech companies, she tells that she indicated at the need of introducing light in the building.

“Essentially the first thing I said was, we need light,” she recollects, reminiscing about her earlier days in the lab when it was undergoing the process of renovation.

As stated by the journalist, the lab is a two-story at the entrance and has a skylight atrium capacitating comfortable seating and café tables to arrange casual meetups. The staircase leads up to the library having six favorite books of each employee, and a note inscribed on them suggesting the reason for these books being important to them.

The second story pavement gives the impression of a shopping mall to employees, making the environment of window-shopping as one can see glass walls on both sides: one for color lab, while the other for material lab; so that designers can come up with new and innovative ideas.

Despite allowing the journalist to have a look at the aesthetics of lab, many things as reported were left covered, suggesting the probability to maintain the security of them, and to keep things unrevealed until they are out in the market.

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Here’s a Neat Trick To Split PDF Files Using Google Chrome

Due to the popularity of PDF format, Chrome natively supports a PDF viewer to let you quickly view PDF files online. Although it’s still a basic viewer, but it’s customizable enough to pull out some neat tricks. For example, you can use it to remove the password from a PDF file, or as you are about to learn; split a PDF file.

There are many online and offline tools that allow you to split a PDF file into multiple files. However, why go for a third-party tool when your go-to browser can handle it for you? If you are a Google Chrome user, then here’s how you can easily split PDF files using Google Chrome.

Note: This trick also works in other Chromium-based browsers, such as Opera.

Split PDF file using Google Chrome

First, you’ll have to open the PDF in Google Chrome. Chrome automatically opens PDF files in its built-in PDF viewer, unless you have stopped it from displaying PDF files or another PDF viewer overrides it. If that’s the case, then right-click on the PDF file and select “Google Chrome” from the “Open with” menu.

Open PDF in Google Chrome

Once the PDF opens up, click on the “Print” option at the top-right corner or use the Ctrl+P keyboard shortcut.

Print PDF

Here in the “Destination” section, select “Save as PDF”.

save as PDF

Now select “Custom” in the “Pages” section and then enter the page numbers that you would like to split. If you want to select a range of pages — say from page 4 to page 17 — then type “4-17”. You can also select individual pages by separating them with a comma, like this “1,4, 7,12, and so on”. The preview on the right will update to show the selected pages.

set number of pages to split

After selecting the pages to split, click on “Save” and save the split PDF anywhere in your PC. That’s it, you have successfully split the PDF file using Google Chrome.

save split PDF

Ending thoughts

It’s very easy to split PDF files using Chrome. Although, I don’t work with PDF files often, but Chrome does a fine job of managing them when I do need to deal with one. I should also mention that during the process the original PDF file will not be changed in any way. A copy of it will be created containing the split pages.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment below.

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4 Android Bluetooth File Transfer Apps To Supercharge Your Phone’s Native Bluetooth

Bluetooth technology might be a little outdated when it comes to transferring files, but still many of us use it today when a WiFi connection isn’t nearby. If you often need to transfer files using the Bluetooth of your Android phone, then I know a bunch of apps that can give extra wings to the basic Bluetooth feature of your phone.

Each of such apps has got a couple of unique features that can help you get more out of your Bluetooth file transfer experience. Let’s get straight to them:

Bluetooth File Transfer by Medieval Software

Besides sharing files and data with other devices, the app allows its users to browse the phone of any other Bluetooth ready device as well by its File Transfer Profile and Object Push Profile. The app is, fortunately, free of cost, and is supported by 21 different languages using its unique Multilingual user-interface. You can also share contacts in VCF form and applications as APK files. Furthermore, you can search, copy, rename, move, and delete your files and folders using the built-in file explorer.

Bluetooth File Transfer by Medieval Software

Bluetooth Files Transfer by Modern Perfomance Develop

This app basically adds a bunch of extra features to the native Bluetooth feature to enhance your overall Bluetooth file transfer experience. It permits you to send files profusely to the other device which is hence a rarity. There is a built-in file explorer and an image viewer to both manage and send files from the same interface. It can also work as applications back up tool or share them as APKs via Bluetooth. In addition to this, it supports other familiar platforms for sharing including Google Drive and Dropbox.

Bluetooth Files Transfer by Modern Perfomance Develop

Bluetooth Sender – Transfer & Share

Sending system applications whatsoever usually isn’t possible, but this Bluetooth app easily allows you to do that, astonishingly. Just like regular apps, it can extra the APK file of any system app without rooting. The app also contains a feature called Sending Bucket that makes one capable of listing all the selected items, and this is something I’d say is very catchy.

Bluetooth Sender - Transfer & Share

Another more fascinating and powerful feature of the app is that it has the option of selecting all sorts of items with different extensions at the same time. Whether it is an audio/video file or any application with APK extension; just select them irrespective of their formats, and share or send over. In addition to all these amazing features, you can also extract your applications to back up all your apps.

Bluetooth App Sender APK Share

Generally sending or sharing apps is considered to be a hard job; especially when you are out of your data, or the internet connection isn’t available in your surroundings. It is one of the main functions of the app that it lets you send in applications without any aimless interference to the other device. And if the internet connection is within your reach, the app has also the option of sharing apps via Facebook, email, or any other sharing method. Through the app, you can also view all installed apps along with their particulars on your device at once, and uninstall unwanted ones with just one tap.

Bluetooth App Sender APK Share

Ending thoughts

These were some Bluetooth file transferring apps I found to be very useful. And I’m sure that all your puzzles regarding the issues that you face during transferring files will have been solved without any apprehension. Just read the description given above, pick up the app that is relevant to you, and install to synchronize. Which one of these apps you’ve liked; don’t forget to share below in the comments section.

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